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精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan教师学科教案2020学年度第_学期任教学科: _任教年级: _任教老师: _xx 市实验学校育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching plan高中英语外研版必修五第五模块A Life in Sport阅读课教案盐湖二中杨娟TopicA Life in SportTeacherYang JuanNo.2 Middle School,YanhuDistrict,YunchengPeriodone period (45 minutes)GoalsLanguage:a.Students can understand and use the followingnew words:brand, sportswear, logo, gymnast, slogan, retire, performb.Students can understand the following key sentences:1.Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed.2.But it was this sense of failure that made him determined tosucceed in his new life.3.If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chancesare you willsee students in Li Ning tracksuits with thefamiliar logo.c.Students can reconstruct the text with the help of the key wordsSkills:a.Students ca n understand the text as a whole through instructionsand get specific information through discussion.b.Students can gradually get the ideas into shape and summarizethe structure of the text with the help of teacher.c.Students can learn how to introduce sports personalities and howthey succeed.Emotions:a.Students are able tohave a goodunderstanding ofsportspersonalities and their spirit.b.Students will learn from Li Ning, never givingup and always育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planKey pointsDifficult points:ApproachesTeaching ideasAidsTeaching ProceduresProceduresmaking changes in order to realize his dreams.c. Students will strengthen the awareness of teamwork. Learning strategies:a. Students will improve the ability of skimming, scanning and generalization.b. Students will develop the ability of independent thinking and group cooperation.Talk about sports personalities.a. To grasp the main idea of the text and try to write a compositionb. To accomplish a series of related tasks using the English languagetask-based approach, interactive approachStudent-centered teachingCAI coursewareTeachers activitiesSsactivitiesDesigning ideasShow picturesof aEnjoy the pictures and利用图片,唤起学生的共有sunny boy and Lining at discuss.体验,为引出话题做好准Before the classtheOlympicGames备,引出我最喜欢的运动明Opening Ceremony.星。Have a free talk withtheHave a free talk withthe 在轻松愉快的 Free Talk 中studentsaboutMyteacher.导入话题,引出目标语言,favouritesports star and激发学生已有知识和学习Step 1 Leading in兴趣,为语言学习作好准thus introduce thetopictoday.备。育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent teaching planTell the students to read1. Read the text and make在这一环节中训练学生的Fast-reading:the text fastand try totheir choices.快读技巧,通过快读选文章Step 2 Read for maindecide what it talks about.2. Check the answers.主题,有利于学生快速抓住idea.Offer them five different文章主要内容和框架结构,aspects to choose from.达到对文本的整体感知。1.Tell students toread1.Readparagraphone1通过细读提炼第一段的paragraphone,pickcarefully and fill in the细节内容,指导学生把主题out the information toblanks.Sortout the和例子分开,进行写作技巧completetheexamplesfromthe的指导。sentencesandsorttopic and learn how to2在对文本有透彻理解的out examples from theorganiseasimilar基础上,学生以小组活动的topic.article.形式, 让学生成为学习的2.Tell students toread2.Read paragraphs 2 4,主体。学生通过合作学习来Careful reading:andunderstandmakeupsome培养自己处理信息的能力,Step 3 Read for details.paragraphs24,questions ingroups to达到资源共享。在设置问题makeupsomeask other classmates.时提示学生关注 wh- 关键信questions in groups to3.Read paragraph5 by息,把握文章主要内容。ask other classmates.themselves.Pickout3 DIY 这一环节的设计充3. Tell students to readthe pointstheyhave分体现学生在课堂上的主paragraph5bygot from this part.体地位;通过检测引领学生themselves.Then梳理本段大意。checkthestudentsunderstandingofthispart.1.Allowstudents1.Complete the structure.结构设置复现了本课篇章enoughtimeto2.Check the answers.结构部分的语言知识,进一Step 5Consolidationconsolidate what they步巩固学生所学。havelearnedandsummarizethe育人犹如春风化雨,授业不惜蜡炬成灰精品教学教案设计| Excellent te
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