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PP- Nr.M - 10M 15M 20世界技能大赛机电一体化工程专业技术标准机械局部Mechanical型材板上的电缆和气管必 须分开绑扎。Cable and tubes must be routed separately on the profile plate.当电缆、光纤电缆和气管 都作用于同一个活动模 块时,允许绑扎在一起。It is allowed to route tubes, electrical and optical cables together when they go to a moving module.扎带切割后剩余长度需 1mm以免伤人。Remaining length of cut cable ties, A: Risk of injuryA = 1 mmM 21New新增Cable ties on the input and output side of a flexible cable duct / drag chain软线缆或拖链的输入 和输出端需要用扎带 固定。M 25M 30M - 40所有沿着型材往下走的线缆和气管例如PP占点处的 线管在安装时需要使用线 夹固定。All cables and tubesgoing downwards on a profile e.g. at the“Pick & Place stationhave to be mounted with cable clips.扎带的间距为 50mm这 一间距要求同样适用于 型材台面下方的线缆。PLC系统之间的I/O布 线不在检查范围内。Distance between cable ties: = 50 mm.This also applies to cables under the profile plate.I/O cabling between PLC and system will NOT be checked.线缆托架的间距为 120mmDistance between cable holders: =120 mmM 45a电缆/电线/气管绑在线 夹子上 。The only acceptable method for binding Cable单根电线用绑扎带固定在线夹子上单根电缆/电线/气管没有紧固在线 夹子上/Tubes is touse conducted cableholders/ Wire / Optical CablesM 50Update第一根扎带离阀岛气 管接头连接处的最短 距离为 60 mm+/- 5 mmDistance from theshortest pneumaticconnection to the firstcable tie:60 mm +/- 5mmM 60所有活动件和工件在运 动时不得发生碰撞。All actors and workpieces have to move without collisions.所有驱动器、线缆、气管和工件需能够 自由运动。注意:如有例外,将在每个任务开始前 的例会中进行通知。Free movement of all actuators, cables, tubing and workpieces.Note: Exceptions will be announcedat the briefing for each task.运行期间,不允许驱动器、线缆、 线管或工件间发生接触。Contact between actuators, cables, tubing or workpieces during operation.M - 80M 70工具不得遗留到站上或工作区域地面上。Tools must not be left on the stations or the floor of workspace.工作站上不得留有未 使用的零部件和工件。Unused components and workpieces must be removed from the stations.M - 90所有系统组件和模块 必须固定好。所有信号 终端也必须固定好。All system componentsand modules must be secure.All signal terminationsmust be secure.M - 100不得丧失或损坏任何零 部件或组件(其中包括 电缆、线路等等)No parts or components should be lost or damaged (including cables, lines and so on).Components lost or damaged during completion of task完成任务期间出现组件丧失或损坏M 110站与站之间的错位需小 于等于5 mm。Station misalignment: =5 mmM 120工作站的连接必须至少使用2个连接件。Adjoining stations must be connected with at least 2 connectors.M 130 工作站之间的最大间距需 5mmMaximumdistance betweenstations: = 5 mmOn the plate opticalcables may be tied toelectrical cables.M 170台面上的光纤电缆可能 会与电缆绑到一起。可以进行短连接。如果可以将线缆切割 到适宜的长度,那么不允 许留线圈。All cables, tubes andwires must be securedwith cable holders.Short connections arepossible.No coiling of the cables,允许直接进行光纤连接any section of cablechannel.所有电缆、 气管和电线 都必须使用线缆托架 进行固定。Coiling of excess cable, fibreoptic, tubes is not permitted.不允许留多余的电缆、光纤、气管的线M 150with washers to secureM 160Updateif proper cut to lengthis possible.Direct optical connections areallowed.固定任何一段线槽时都应使用至少2个带垫圈的Use at least 2 screwsM 180螺钉头不得有损坏,而 且螺钉任何局部都不得 留有工具损坏的痕迹。Screw heads have to be undamaged and no parts broken tooling should be on the screws.M 190 锯切口必须平滑无毛刺Saw-cuts must be burr-free.M 200用于展示时,型材台面应尽 可能处于最低位置。For the presentation the profile plate has to be in the lowest possible position.M 210装置的零部件和组件不得 超出型材台面。如有例外,专家组将另行通 知。Parts of devices and components should not extend beyond the profile plate.Exceptions will be announced by the expert team.PP- Nr.E 10冷压端子处不能看到外露 的裸线。Bare conductors must not be visible at end sleeves.E 20将冷压端子插到终端模块 中。Insertion of end sleevesinto terminalsE - 30所有螺钉终端处接入的线 缆必须使用正确尺寸的绝 缘冷压端子。可用的尺寸为 0.25, 0.5,0.75 mm2夹钳式连接除外(冷压 端子只用于螺钉)Insulated end sleeves of the correct size for the wire must be used on all screw terminalsAvailable sizes are: 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 mm2 Exceptions for clamp connections (only for screws)电气局部Electricaloknot okUninsulated portion of end sleevevisible不允许冷压端子未绝缘局部外露S-iV* 口丁|OB 04 J oi b QBare conductors must not extend beyond terminal.E 35使用夹钳连接时可以不用冷压端子。Clamp type connections may be made without the use of end sleeves.E 40线槽中的电缆必须有至少100mmB留长度。如果是同一个线槽里的短 接线,没必要预留Electrical cables must have a minimum of 100 mm reserve in the cable channel.Unnecessary when it is a bridge in the same cable channel.E 50E 60Outer-insulation must
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