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positi on-relatedconsumption of civil servants has been swept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in thecivil serviceposition-relatedconsumption, abuse, corrupti on and embezzlement, corruption is important. Then,under theconditionsof market economy, how toreform the existing civilduty consumption management, explores asource toprevent and curb the post consumption corruption way, is curre ntly a major issue faced byhonest work.Recently, I conducted researchon this issue, this pr oblem on some humble opinions. First, the existingpublic servants duty consumption t he mainprobl ems seen from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, publi c servants dutyconsumption causedby the abuses and not a personof integrity, isone of the majorproblems in the party inup and economicconstruction. From I County in rece nt years of governance situationsee, positions consumption in the producedof two not phenomenon rendering four a features: a is positionsconsumption system lost has due of binding, right is greater than rules, and right is greater than method of phe nome non more highlight; II is inpositions consumption in the CameraObscura operation, usi ng terms, will positions consumption intohas personal consumption, will corporate points to into personal points to, makespositions consumption insome aspects has into positionsenjoy and self-dealingof means; three is topositions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negative corruption phenomena such ascorrupti on a nd misappropriation; four palaces, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumption became a symbol of showing off their individualcities. Caused bypublic servants duty consumption of many two phenomenon in which people reflect the biggest probl ems are: (a) the official car problems. Mainly i nthree aspects: one is the largerbuse s cost expenditure. Accordi ng to statistics, until November 2003,XX County township Department bus 159cars, which de partment owns the bus 145 vehicl es, and showed an increa sing trend. Financial expense s cost per bus per year to 35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up to 50,000 yuan. Some units alsohiring temporary drivers and expenditure on wages and subsidies. Ne cessary to keep a car,but also dependants, leading to larger expenses. Se cond, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Some pe oplebelieve that nowsome busdrivers use one-third, one-third le ading private one-third used for officialpur poses. Somepublic servants, espe cially leading officials motoring, cars forprivate purpo ses, violating theself-di sci pline regulations, and eve n lead to traffic accidents. According to statistics from relateddepartments, since 2004, the correct investigation in ourCounty servesnearly 30cars for private purposes, only the first half of this year, cars for private2012 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试语文第 I 卷阅读题甲 必考题一、现代文阅读 (9 分,每小题 3 分)阅读下面的文字,完成1-3 题。“黑箱,是控制论中的概念,意为在认识上主体对其内部情况全然不知的对象 . “科技黑箱”的含义与此有所不同,它是一种特殊的存贮知识、运行知识的设施或过程,使用者如同面对黑箱,不必打开,也不必理解和掌握其中的知识,只需按规则操作即可得到预期的结果 .例如电脑、手机、摄像机、芯片,以及药品等,可以说,几乎技术的全部中间和最终成果都是科技黑箱 .在科技黑箱的生产过程中,科学知识是基础,价值观和伦理道德则对科学知识进行选择。除此以外,科技黑箱中还整合了大量人文的、社会的知识,并且或多或少渗透了企业文化和理念。这样,在电脑或手机中就集成了物理学、计算机科学、管理学、经济学、美学,以及对市场的调研和政府的相关政策等知识 .科技黑箱是特殊的传播与共享知识的媒体,具有三大特点。首先,它使得每一个使用者不仅牛顿,都能直接“站在巨人的肩上”继续前进 .试想,如果要全世界的电脑使用者都透彻掌握电脑的工作原理, 掌握芯片上的电子理论, 那需要多少时间 ? 知识正是通过科技黑箱这一途径而达到最大限度的共享。如今,计算机天才、黑客的年龄越来越小,神童不断出现,他们未必理解计算机的制作过程就能编写软件、破译密码。每一代新科技黑箱的出现,就为相对“无知识”的年轻一代的崛起与赶超提供了机会。其次,处在相对低端的科技黑箱往往与语境和主体无关,而处于高端的科技黑箱则需满足特定主体在特定场合乃至心理的需要。人们很少能对一把锤子做什么改进,而使用一个月后的电脑则已经深深地打上了个人的印记,这就锐明,在认识变得简单易行之时, 实践变得复杂和重要。 最后,当科技为我们打开一扇又一扇门的时候,我们能拒绝它的诱惑不进去吗?而一旦进去,我们的行为能不受制于房间和走道的形状吗 ?表面上是使用者在支配科技黑箱,然而科技黑箱却正在使用者“不知情”的情况下,对使用者施加潜移默化的影响,也就是说使用者被生产方对象化了。值得注意的是, 科技黑箱在使科技知识被使用者广泛共享之时, 也往往使这部分知识因共享而贬值甚至被人遗忘 .那么还要不要学习集成于科技黑箱中已经贬值的科技知识 .例如电磁理论、牛顿力学,甚至四则运算 ?这是一个很有意思的问题。技术所构成的平台还有一个历史维度。时至今日,历史上的很多技术已经失传或过时,但是也有相当多的技术流传至今,例如中国的针灸,以及散落在各古老民族中的特殊技法leadersdriving a vehicle a ccident causedby road accidents, 1,1 people killedanddire ct economic losses amounting to more than 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and lowcost of the bus. Surveys show that, theoperating costsof taxis for the 8200/. Isa f undamental priority of the reform, itis a difficultproblem that mustbe solved in the reform proce ss.Clearly, thepost consumption av erages three years before a s a base and fine-tunedon the ba sis of thi s si ngle prac
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