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2022年考博英语-湖南大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 翻译题The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode of working of the human mind: it is simply the mode by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanations. The difference between the operations and methods of a baker weighing out his goods in common scales, and the operations of a chemist by means of his balance is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working: but that the latter is a much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the former.Probably there is not one here who has not in the course of the day had occasion to set in motion of a complex train of reasoning, of the very same kind, though differing in degree, as that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena.【答案】科学研究的方法不过是人类思维活动的必要表达方式,也就是对一切现象进行思索 并给以精确而严谨解释的表达方式。用普通天平称物品的面包师与用精密天平的化学家 在操作与方法上存在差别,但这种差别并不是两者的天平在构造和工作原理上存在不 同,而是说与前者相比,后者是一种更精密得多的装置,因而在计量上必然更准确得多。在座的诸位中,大概不会有人一整天都没有机会进行一连串复杂的思考活动,这些 思考活动与科学家在探索自然现象原因时所经历的思考活动,尽管复杂程度不同,但在 类型上是完全一样的。2. 单选题In winter drivers have trouble stopping their cars from( ) on icy roads.问题1选项A.skatingB.skiddingC.slidingD.slipping【答案】B【解析】动词辨析。句意: 司机冬天在结冰的路面上停车不 是件困难的事情。Skating滑冰(娱乐活动或体育竞技项目); skidding侧滑,打滑; sliding滑动, 多以人为主语,形容某物顺利无阻碍地滑行; slip滑倒。此处指车辆打滑,故选B。3. 单选题Agreement made by the President with other countries( ) the approval of the senate.问题1选项A.is subjected toB.is subject toC.draws outD.substitute for【答案】A【解析】短语辨析。句意: 总统和别的国家所签订的协议要受到议会的批准。be subjected to受到.;经受.。be subject to受支配,从属于;常遭受有.倾向的。draw out取出;拟订。 substitute for代替,取代。4. 单选题The police have offered a large( ) for information leading to the robbers arrest.问题1选项A.awardB.compensationC.prizeD.reward【答案】D【解析】名词辨析。句意: 为抓捕逃犯提供信息,警方将 高额赏金。award 奖金,奖学金,通常与一 段时间的成绩和表现相关;compensation 补偿,赔偿,一般与损失相关; prize 奖赏,奖金,一般与竞赛或比赛相关;reward 报酬,奖赏,一般与 劳动、服务、支持和帮助相关。5. 单选题As the manager was away on a business trip, I was asked to( ) the weekly staff meeting.问题1选项A.presideB.introduceC.chairD.dominate【答案】C【解析】动词辨析。句意:因为经理在外出差,我被要求 一周一次的员工会议。preside 主持,担任会议主席, 后面一般接介词over; introduce 介绍;chair 担任会议的主持; dominate 控制;支配, 故选C。6. 单选题The American Civil War is believed to have stemmed from differences over slavery.问题1选项A.arisen fromB.contributed toC.patched upD.participated in【答案】A【解析】动词词组辨析。句意: 美国内战是 ( )人们对奴隶制是否废除持不同的态度。arise from 产生于,起因于。contribute to 有助于,捐献。patch up 修补,平息。participate in 参加,分担。stem from:起源于,来自于。故选A。7. 单选题Opponents of affirmative action say the battle over the use of race in college admissions is hardly over, despite the Supreme Courts ruling Monday upholding the goal of a diverse student body. Higher education leaders overwhelmingly hailed the decision, saying it reaffirmed policies used by most selective colleges and universities. But some critics raised the possibility of more lawsuits, and promised to continue pressuring the Department of Educations Office of Civil Rights to investigate questionable policies. “Were talking about admissions programs, scholarships, any program, only for minorities or in which the standards used to judge admissions are substantially different.” says Linda Chavez, founder and president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a conservative non-profit group.Others say theyll take their case to voters. “We have to seriously contest all this at the ballot box.” Says University of California regent Ward Cannerly, who helped win voter approval of Californias Proposition 209, which prohibits considering race or gender in public education, hiring and contracting. Because of that law, Mondays ruling had no practical impact in the state. “It may be time for us to .let the (Michigan) voters decide if they want to use race as a factor in admissions.” Connerly said Monday.Meanwhile, U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige, consistent with President Bushs stance opposing affirmative action, said the Department of Education will “continue examining and highlighting effective race-neutral approaches to ensure broad access to and diversity within our public institutions.” Even Supreme Court Justice Sandra DayO Connor, in one of the opinions, recommended that states look for sessions in race-neutral programs being tried in California and elsewhere. While the ruling said admissions officials may consider race in the selection process, colleges and universities are not obligated to do so. “Ultimately in the debate, diversity is a choice, not a legal mandate, says Arthur Coleman, a former Department of Education official who now helps colleges and universities ensure constitutional policies.The public, too, re
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