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PETS二级口语考试模拟训练Which seas on do you like the most?I enjoy fall the most because leaves cha nge color.I enjoy summer the most because I like swim ming!I enjoy winter the most because I can toboggan/skate!I enjoy spri ng the most because of the flowers!诘根JS下刿信且回菩问題:nur d需称:新览术展览会地点:国际展5?中心 时间:B月益日一27日上和时一下午4时2借助本卡片上的信息可以回答的问题,女口:How many people are there in your family?What is your father?How old is he? The exhibiti on is called New Tech no logy Exhibitio n. It will be held at the International Exhibition Center. It will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from June 22nd to 27th. Each ticket costs 5 yua n.3. 继续性问答:What does your mother do?第一节:考生个人情况介绍What is your n ame?Where do you come from?Where do you study?What subjects do you study?What subjects do you like best? Why?What subjects are you good at? Why?What subject is the most difficult? Why?What subjects dont you like? Why?Do you like your school?Why do/d ont you like it?第二节题目1.请用英语提间以了牌下列普息:展范会 容称: kt点: 时问:1根据本卡片可以提出一系列可以接受的问题,女口: What is the n ame of the exhibiti on? Where will it be held? When will it be held? How much is the ticket?Do you ofte n go to exhibiti ons? Why?The pers ons who are in charge of the departme nts willWho do you ofte n go to exhibiti ons with?Which exhibiti on do you like best? Why take part in it. will discuss about the new year pla n.题目2 :话用擁顒好虾拥顎:时间::賦:: 埶A员: 遡题::3. 继续性问答Do you think it is n ecessary to hold meeti ngs? Why?Do you like to atte nd meeti ngs? Why?What do you ofte n do whe n atte nding meet in gs?of the office buildi ng.1. 根据本卡片可以提出一系列可以接受的问题,女口:- When will the meeting start?-Where will it be held?Who will take part in it?What will be discussed in the meet ing?師:下朗吐舸T 順:蛇樓墟第二会鯉 勤认R:各馴戏斂液题:新年戕2. 借助本卡片上的信息可以回答的问题,女口:-Themeetingwill start at 9:00 on next Thursda ymorni ng.-It will be held in No. 2 meeting room on the sixth floor请用英语提问以了解下列信息:剧名:开演时间:演出所需时间:票价:题目3 :1. 根据本卡片可以提出一系列可以接受的问题,女口:What is the n ame of the play?When will the play start?How long will the play last?How much is the ticket?- Who can go to see it?请根据下列信息回答问题:剧名:梦开演时间:星期一、二、三晚20:00时演出所需时间:2小时30分钟票价:8元2借助本卡片上的信息可以回答的问题,女口:The play is called the Dream.It will start at 20:00 on Monday,Tuesday andWedn esday ni ghts.It will last for two and a half hours.Each ticket costs 8 yua n.Every one is welcome to see it.3. 继续性问答:1. Do you often watch play? why?2. Who do you ofte n go to watch a play with? Why?3. Have you watched a play recen tly? What is it about?4. What is your favourite play? Why?馆址:规模:藏书量:1. 根据本卡片可以提出一系列可以接受的问题,女口:What is the library called?Where is it located?How large is the library?How many books are collected in the library?请根据下列信息回答问题:图书馆名称:中山图书馆馆址:中山路89号规模:占地1000平方米藏书量:三百万2. 借助本卡片上的信息可以回答考生A提出的问题,如:It is called the Zhon gsha n Library.It is located at 89, Zhon gsha n Road.题目4 :请用英语提问以了解下列信息图书馆名称:The library occupies 1,000 square meters. There are three millio n books collected there.3. 继续性问答1. Do you often go to the library? Why?2. Who do you usually go to the library with? Why?3. Have you read a novel recently? Can you tell me someth ing about it?4. What is your favourite book? Why?题目5:电影电影名:放映地点:放映时间:电影内容:票价:1. 根据本卡片可以提出一系列可以接受的问题,女口:Whats the name of the film?Where is it show n?When is it show n?What is it about?How much is the ticket?仲山路11号)时间:每天19:30 22:30票价:成人:10元儿童:5元2. 借助本卡片上的信息可以回答的问题,女口:It is The Sou nd of Music.It will be show n in Red Star Cin ema at 11 Zhon gsha nRoad.It will be shown everyday at 19:30 and 22:30.The ticket is ten yuan for adults and five yuan for childre n.3. 继续性问答Do you ofte n go to the cin ema? Why?Who do you ofte n go to the cin ema with? Why?Have you see n a film rece ntly? What is it about?电影:音乐之声(THE SOUND OF MUSIC)地点:红星影院题目6:Can you tell me something about your favorite film?新年晚会时间:地点:晚会内容:组织者:出席人员:1根据本卡片可以提出一系列可以接受的问题,女口:When will the New Year Party be held?Where will it be held?What will people do at the party?Who orga ni zes the party?Who can go to the party?新年晚会(免费入场)时间:12月29日19:30分地点:主楼会议室晚会内容:游戏,唱歌,跳舞2借助本卡片上的信息可以回答的问题,女口:It will be held at 7:30 p.m. on 29 December.It will be held in the meeting hall of the Main Building.They will sing, dance and play games.Everybody can go the party.3.继续性问答Do you ofte n go to parties? Why?Who do you usually go to parties with? Why?Have you bee n to a party rece ntly? Can you tell me someth ing about it?Some young people have parties every week. What do you think about that?题目7:(光盘模拟试题一)开业酬宾开业时间:营业时间:本月特价商品:地址:1. 根据本卡片可以提出一系列可以接受的问题,女口:What is the n ame of the n ewly-ope ned store?When will it
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