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动物类:、根据汉语意思,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。)1. lef_ (离开)A. tB. aC. u)2. wonderf(奇妙的)A. elB. ulC. al)3. r_d_ (骑)A. i, aB. i, eC. a, e)4. del_cio_s:美味的)A. i, uB. a, eC. e, a)5. bch 海滩)A. ceB. aeC. ea、用动词的过去式补全短语,并与相应的图片配对。Unit5单元测试卷(photosice-creamB.A.flowersC.cold drinkD.、将下列单词按要求分类。A. bearB. sunnyC. horseD. firstE. monkeyF. windyG. ChineseH. thirdI. secondJ. coolK. rabbitI. coldM. FrenchN. ninthO. Russian(1)天气类:序数词:语言类:四、选词填空。from in to by for(1) 1 swamthe sea with my father.(2) They took bananasmy bag.(3) We bought some toysyou.(4) I went to Xiamentrain.(5) Last summer, I wentthe beach.五、选择正确答案,将序号填在括号里。()1.1 hadfun there.A. a lot ofB. many()2. did you do there?I climbed a hill.A. WhereB. What()3. Whereyou go on your vacation?We went to the United States.A. wasB. did()4. In the morning, weand saw a film.A. swimsB. swim()5. We visitedold friend in Beijing last week.A. anB. /六、情景交际,将正确答案的序号填在括号里。()1.要表达 去年寒假,我和朋友去了哈尔滨”,应说:C. a lotsC. What aboutC. areC. swamC. aA. Last winter vacation, I went to Harbin with my friends.B. Last summer vacation, I went to Harbin with my family.()2.要表达 假期你去哪儿了 ”,应说:A. What did you do on your vacation?B. Where did you go on your vacation?()3.要表达你在那里玩得开心吗”,应说:A. Did you have fun there?B. We had a lot of fun there.()4.要表达 我结交了一些新朋友”,应说:A. I made some new friends.B. We are good friends.(5(莎相符七、判断下列句子或对话与所给图片是()1. What did you do?We stayed in a hotel.()2. We rode horses there.()3. We saw some turtles there.()4. We bought some gifts for our friends.八、为下列句子排序,组成一段通顺的对话。()How did you go there?()We went there by plane.()Where did you go on your last vacation?()I went to Guangzhou with my cousin.()Sure. We were very happy.()Did you have a good time there?九、选出下列句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正()1. It were a beautiful place.ABC()2. It was rainy and wind in the morning. A B C()3. He taked some photos for us yesterday. ABC()4. She bought me a gift,tp.A B C()5. Did you saw birds there?ABC十、书面表达。根据提示写篇小作文,要求:语句通顺,条理清晰。提示:1.去年暑假你去哪儿旅行了?2. 怎样到达那儿的?3. 在那儿的所见所闻。My vacation参考答案、1-5 ABBAC took D (2) ate C (3) saw B (4) drank A(1) BFJI (2) ACEK (3) DHIN (4) GMO四、(1) in (2) from (3) for (4) by (5) to五、1-5 ABBCA六、1-4 ABAA七、1-4 xVxV八、3 4 126 5九、see1. A was 2. C windy 3. A took 4. C too 5. C十、
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