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努力过好每一天的语录过好每一天 If you sit down at set of sunAnd count the acts that you have done,And, counting, findOne self-denying1) deed, one wordThat eased the heart of him who heard,One glance most kindThat fell like sunshine where it wentThen you may count that day well spent.But if, through all the livelong day,Youve cheered no heart, by yea2) or nay3)If, through it allYouve nothing done that you can traceThat brought the sunshine to one faceNo act most smallThat helped some soul and nothing costThen count that day as worse than lost.若你坐下,面对夕阳回想自己一天所做之事回想着,发觉有一个举动,无私奉献有一句话语,解人心愁有一个眼神,满含温柔所到之处,让人如沐阳光那么,这一天便富有意义。但若一整天里你肯定是否,未尝予人激励倘若一整天里没有一事,你能忆起曾令人脸上绽放微笑没有一事,哪怕举手之劳哪怕不值一提,曾予人帮助那么,这一天便可谓虚度。赏 析乔治艾略特,原名Mary Ann Evans,英国小说家,和查尔斯狄更斯和威廉梅克皮斯萨克雷齐名。其关键作品有长篇小说弗洛斯河上的磨坊、米德尔马契等。本诗从正反两面表示了我们应该怎样去度过每一天。第一节从正面叙述,要我们关心她人,从言语到行为到表情全部给人以阳光般的温暖。第二节从反面叙述,告诉我们,若一天里没为她人付出丝毫,便是虚度。把自己的生命意义建立在对她人的付出和关爱上,这种境界比成就自我要更高。
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