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好用的高一春节英语作文汇编篇在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。信任写作文是一个让很多人都头痛的问题,下面是我为大家收集的高一春节英语作文8篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有须要的挚友。高一春节英语作文 篇1 AsTe Spring Festialiscomi, I deciet tellyou somhing bou Srin Fetival . SingFesival ,kwn as the Cins New Yea,ichcunts from t fr day in he luarcedar,and shest imrt oliday nChina.Fm l Januarto e Feuary,Chines eol a uprpaing or thNw Year.Teyceantheir house ,ave tirhaiut,ad buy ne othes iaoi ordupini most pouaroewholi ar aayfro thihme,ths ivalis alsoaframil euion osion. And they often gbckh to celertth festial with hi mily.Athe time,the children wi ply the fireworsandfieracker。frtrore,nchechidren gret to olds, forrtun,t ol il give the cildrn luk moey.and lst he firs d of tnew yr is the tmewhn pee visittheir friendawisheach othergood uck n theewyear,rememrob hpy!高一春节英语作文篇 priestivl s n ofte mostraditioa stvlsi China, but it is te mostimpoant on.The most imorta hig inhSig Fesival isty w Year goos. Onhsd,my paentsndIweo supemket in Cha, and n thwy, my mother akedm,whatare th goods o the er? Fcrackers,sprin coults, neclthes, snacks,y oods, e, wne, melon seds, pitacios, pnut! iliat! My moer ut pen to pape an ote it down. No buy pcureand draw ircl niits finihed. n setethe pece of pper ad ae t tme,and ave me a pencil.Iaked t te suemarket,and the sperarkt wa not thesme as fore, wth lanters ad refire Befre, he uperae wasot s d anht asti. Ten my mth push anher shoppingcart,n th I too h paper ad ten and we int the suermare with mm and dad. Sermakets lso hngs redlens, I t fnit fromthe firs hin, fircraces, Iseea larof hve n, g he eod loor, I saaro o abinet s a re, aook inhepas, it is angd intheiderw, asocooseand buy, yi? oll upte re ig is wh, I usd to a a lk,thatsirerckers, I esdeepapr fcrakers drew a sml cre, took the econd things is arol of irerackrs, Sprn Festvalcoupts! Th springoupets and ficrackrs wrttoether,ad I drew asmall cicle nex tthe sping oet.The nex on,new clohs, I looked ait and sad, mom, you jus ughe ne clthes? ell, no. I drewa small cossnthe nw clohes on te paerAndtheonef hem, finall, all heems on he pape wr bght, an then wet to te fis foor, whh was 4. I wa an intresn day!高一春节英语作文篇3Sprig Festivl is emo imotnt fivl in China . I he eveninbeo th Spri Fetva ,amiliesg togther an hv a bieal In mny cs people ike to et off firecckers .Duplins re te ost traditol f .Chlr kthe festvl ery mu ,because tey can hadelicios ood and wea ew cohes.hy n lso et some money fm thei prts.This mny isvent hldrenfr good ck .Peope ut New earsroll hwal fogo ortue.高一春节英语作文 篇4 Aftertheather h bensrificetote fther,we re ang thepat to our mothers cestos, long wihhe oun iecraker, the souns of qutonng nd heagher of the ears.ince thras ofmy ohesncsors wee moe thana don ils awy,an allof themwer ontyrs,we werein hurryto th up arlier.Becaus st sowed, h roadis no veryesy, e deidedt go igull, bt fromtellsde o fndthe pah wthth ry point,ddnl, I saw a loeygrave, d frm birth,and no visit. Ithouht, if peol realy hv he sirit o heen, dontey fe lonely,heir children? I tod dad te dea. The atesaid: to orthedeeasd ancstos, formerlyafda suestionativit, bunow, has mlfied, isonl kndof etiquete, is own ancstorsof reset. Afterthemeal, my father sai,this year or cuntry as sufferd a snowstorm, so any peopl cantrush hoeto clebrtethe New Year, but thy hav ee talkin o hepon to gret thir failieIpeo knew it fit, thy wld understandi. There ae stil man peope,theyae bs n thr respectivjobs, ts year our country iost te lypcme, the country i peedigudeveloment, veryon s working hard! I hugt,es, if e anestors knew it, hey wulundersand ad be happy. opl aebuildina gdlif. efrlong, w aivedatmoths acestralgrave, he sme feli, he sme wrshi, Ilsosoeml me tre bo. Wakibak, I ona nw cment oadto the muntinvilag, ea
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