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1单元v 1.更重要的是,我们要学会独立生活。v Whats more, we should learn to live independently.v 更重要的是,我们缺乏必要的经验。v Whats more, we lack necessary experience.v 2.人类有可能最终登陆火星。v Chances are that man will eventually land on Mars.v Grace来参加会议的可能性很小。v Chances are that Grace will not come to the meeting.v 3.由于这个原因,他过去的许多朋友都反对他。v For this reason, many of his former friends turned against him.v 基于这个理由,我已决定把教书作为未来的职业。v For this reason, I have decide to take teaching as my future career.v 4.这不仅是学习新知识的大好时光,还是个人全面发展的大好时光。v This is a great time not only to learn new knowledge but also to develop ourselves in all aspects.v 这不仅是放松自己的大好时光,也是体验新事物的大好时机。v This is a great time not only to relax oneself but also to experience new things.v 5. 早晨朗读英文会给你带来许多好处。v Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good.v 考试作弊毁坏一个人的品格。v Cheating in an exam ruins ones personality.2单元v 1.v 虽然他年纪轻,但工作经验丰富。v Though he is young, he has rich work experience.v 尽管她是个学生,却穿得像个电影明星。v She wears like a movie star though she is just a student.v 2. 教室太大了,我们都听不见老师说什么。v The classroom is so big that we cannot hear the teacher.v 她的工作经验是如此丰富,没有人能比得上她。v Her work experience is so rich that nobody can match her.v 3. 因此,长城被誉为中国的象征。v So the Great Wall is known as the symbol of China.v 所以,我们学校以工程师的摇篮而闻名遐迩。v So our college is known as the Cradle of Engineers.v 4. 为了不迟到,你得早点起床。v Youd better get up early so that you wont be late.v 他给我的第一印象很好,所以我现在还记得她。v She left me a very good first impression so that I can still remember her.v 5. 我们都很用功,因为我们知道不能浪费时间。v We all study hard, for we know that we cannot afford to waste time.v 我们不能浪费粮食,因为粮食很宝贵。v We cannot waste food, for food is so precious.v 6.他花了毕生精力来寻找这个问题的答案。v He spent all his life searching for an answer/solution to the problem.v 他每天都用了一个小时学习英语。v He spends an hour studying English everyday.3单元v 1.护士不但想增加工资,而且想减少工作时间。v Not only do the nurses want a pay raise, they also want reduced hours.v 中国不仅要发展物质文明,也要发展精神文明。v Not only should China develop material civilization, she also should develop spiritual civilization.v 2. 你愿意成为一名软件工程师还是软件开发者?v Would you rather be a software engineer or a software developer?v 你宁愿做饭还是洗碗?v Would you rather cook or wash the dished?v 3.此外,你还可以获得一大笔钱。v Besides, you can receive a large sum of money.v 此外,你还可以在实习期积累工作经验。v Besides, you can gather work experience during internship.v 4.基于金庸的一部小说,他写了这个精彩的剧本。v Based on one of Jin Yongs navels, he wrote the excellent play.v 根据你目前的身体状况,你最好放弃这个任务。v Based on your present physical condition, youd better give up this task.v 5. 工作结束后,他就准备回学院。v with his work done, he prepared to return to his institute.v 作文收齐之后,老师就让学生回家了。v With all the compositions collected, the teacher sent the students home.v 6.一旦你读完了这本小说,就该动手写读书报告了。v Once you have finished reading this novel, its time to go all out to put your action plan into practice.v 一旦确定了目标,就该全力实施行动计划了。v Once you have set the goal, its time to go all out put your action plan into practice4单元1. 下面是关于提高公司产品质量的建议。Here are my suggestions about improving the quality of the products of our company. 这些是我对你所提问题的回答。 Here are the answers to the questions you asked.2. 他想当一名软件工程师而不是一名软件开发员,He wants to be a software engineer other than a software developer. 老人想见的是孙子而不是儿子。The old man wanted to see his grandson other than his son.3. 我懂四种语言,如日语、英语。I know four languages, such as Japanese and English. 他们种了许多水果,如橘子、苹果。they grow a lot of fruits such as oranges apples.v 4. 我们学习电脑,以便跟上时代,We learn to use the computer so that we might keep up with the times.v 为了取得更大进步,他每天用了更多的时间工作。He spends more time working every day so that he can make greater progress.v 5. 没有证据不要乱讲。Never say anything without proof.v 不要做没有把握的事。Never do anything without certainty.6单元v 人们参加葬礼时习惯上穿黑色衣服。v It is customary to dress in black when people go to a funeral.v 中国人以前见面时习惯问:“你吃了吗?”v -It was customary for the Chinese to ask “Have you eaten?” when they used to meet each other.v 2. 他永远不会通过测试,除非他用功学习。v He will never pass the examination unless he studies hard.v 这个婴儿很少哭,除非他饿了。v - this baby seldom cries unless he is hungry.v 3. 此外,你应该准备好回答我的问题。v In addition, you should get ready to answer my questions.v 此外,你应该准备好实习中的各个细节。v - In addition, you should get ready for every detail in your internship.v 4.在宴会上拒绝女士让座通常被认为是没有礼貌的行为。v It is usually considered offending not to offer seats to women at a banquet.v 通常在校友会见到同学是令人愉快的事情。v -It is usually considered pleasant to see schoolfellows at the alumni association.v 5. 在这种场合,最好保持沉默。v On such an occasion, it is best to offer your help.v 在许多场合,最好主动提出帮助。v -On many occasions, it is best to offer your help.v 6. 无论何时何地你有困难,我都会毫不犹豫地帮助你。v Without hesitation, I will help you out whenever and wherever you are in need.v 无论何时何地你方便,我都很乐意去拜访你。v - I would like to see you whenever and wherever it is conveni
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