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教育与心理科学学院 专业英语文献翻译题 目 大学的身份和声誉 战略工作分析模型 班 级 教管1103班 学 生 学 号 20111601080 二一 四年 四 月 十 日- 4 -大学的身份和信誉战略工作分析模型An analytical model for university identity and reputation strategy workAbstract Universities face increasing global competition, pressuring them to restructure and find new identities. A multidimensional model: identity, image and reputation of strategic university identity and reputation work is developed. The model includes: organizational identity; employee and student attitudes; symbolic identity; influence from buildings, artefacts and reputation; and external stakeholders valuations. Image perceptions among employees, students and external stakeholders are proposed to have a transition-mediating function with respect to university identity. The model serves as an analytical tool for both academic scholars and university administrators in the strategic work with university identity, image and reputation, and aim to clarify the complex relations between these concepts.摘要: 高校面临的全球竞争日益激烈,迫使他们调整寻找新的身份。一个多维模型:身份,形象和声誉工作是开发战略大学身份和声誉。该模型包括:组织认同;员工和学生的态度;象征身份的影响建筑,文物和声誉,以及外部利益相关者的估值。员工关于图像所提出的观感,对于大学学生和外部利益相关者的身份起到一个过渡的中介功能。该模型是一个为学者和大学管理人员用战略分析工具分析大学的身份工作,形象和声誉的工具,旨在阐明这些复杂概念之间的关系。Keywords University identity Symbolic identity Reputation Strategy Image transition关键词:大学身份、象征身份、声誉、策略、图像过渡Introduction简介Globalization, along with increased mobility of students and employees, has raised the pressure on universities to improve the quality of education, research and their societal engagements, in order to be more attractive from an international standpoint. 全球化,随着流动性增加的学生和雇员,也给高校提高教育质量带来了压力。因此,这些社会研究,从国际化的角度来看更有吸引力。欧洲委员会,2所大学都没有实现他们的潜能和需要使其现代化更有效,提高教育的质量,研究创新,并加强其在社会中的作用。这样的改革也意味着问责的社会是非常重要的大学,如果他们想合法化他们的工作(2003 Ramsden;kreysing 2002)。对市场导向的高校面临的进步,挑战传统理念的普遍倡导学术诚信,尤其是新建立的老年大学( Gioia and Thomas 1996)。European Commission,2 universities are not realizing their full potential and need to modernize to become more effective, by raising the quality of education, research and innovation, and to reinforce their role in society. Such a reform also means that accountability to society is important for universities if they want to legitimize their work (Ramsden 2003; Kreysing 2002). The progress towards market orientation faced by uni-versities, challenges the traditional ideals of academic integrity commonly advocated,especially by older more established universities (Gioia and Thomas 1996). Changing strategies in university management due to new decentralized ways used by government to control university activities, and the widened influence on higher education work from various third parties, e.g. in the form of evaluations, force universities to reorganize. For newer universities in particular, it has become all the more important to build distinct identity profiles and reputations that not only attract students, but that are also attractive to faculty actors in order to meet universities urgent need to employ top competence. In an aim to become a world-class university, Aula and Tienari ( 2011) show how a Finnish university merger is used to distinguish it from its domestic counterparts and to construct it as an attractive and innovative global player (p. 8), which requires reputation-building activities. This is a global trend that subjects universities to increas-ingly higher levels of external scrutiny (Yang 2004).在高校管理中,由于采用新的分散的方式改变策略,政府控制着大学的活动,并从各种第三方的工作上扩大对高等教育的影响,例如在评价形式上,迫使学校重组。特别是新大学,构建独特的身份和名誉已经变得越来越重要,不仅能够吸引学生,也能够吸引顶级教师来满足高校迫切需要。为了成为世界一流的大学,Aula and Tienari(2011)显示如何使芬兰大学合并以区别于国内同行并将其构建为一个有吸引力的和创新的全球玩家”(page8),它需要信誉建设活动。这是一个大学学科水平受到越来越高层次的外部审查的全球趋势(yang 2004)。Knowledge on how newer universities cope, both in theory and practice, with identity transition is limited and above all concentrated to single aspects and less about multidi-mensional changes. Recent research on academic identity has concentrated on internal changes in policies, staff autonomy and strategies (Henkel 2005), changing ideals and practices of university research (Ylijoki 2003), emulation in academia, and how to balance structure and identity (Labianca et al. 2001). Defining the essence of university branding and identity (Waeraas and Solbakk 2009) and the need for openness to government in relation to market efficiency requirements (Yang 2004) are other examples.在理论和实践中,如何应对高校更新知识,其身份过渡是有限的。首先,集中在单一方面而不是多维变化。最近的学术研究已集中在内部的学术身份政策的变化,员工的自主性和策略(汉高2005),改变理想大学科研的做法(ylijoki 2003),仿真在学术界,以及如何平衡结构和身份(安卡等 2001)并界定了大学品牌的精髓与身份(waeraas and Solbakk 2009),也在其它例子中对于开放的政府与市场效率方面提出了要求(yang 2004)。Multidimensional models used to investigate employees, students and external third-party attitudes of strategic university change are few, however, and mainly focused on how to consider the principles of reputation. Several studies have looked at organiza
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