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PLAYWAY一级家庭辅导手册亲爱的家长朋友们,为了方便您了解孩子学习的主要内容,我们特把家庭辅导手册发到我们的博客上.如有拼写上的疏忽,还希望看到的家长及时与我们联系.谢谢!Play way to English (儿童用书录音带1Playway to English)With PLAYWAY learning English is fun, with PLAYWAY, PLAYWAY, hip, hip, hoo-ray! Learning to listen is easy, learning to speak is not hard, come on and smile, communicate, learning English is great!UNIT1: WHAT YOUR NAME?内容提要短句:Im max歌曲:Whats your name?多元智能发展 语言技能问候;理解录像中的对话;会询问别人的名字;能够介绍自己的名字;会唱歌曲:Whats your name? 认知,运动和社交能力建立基本的课堂常规;能把画片按正常的顺序排列并粘到书上;学习怎样在班级里进行集体活动;和同伴一起表演对话;按正确的节奏唱歌,拍手。教材内容儿童用书P2-P3短剧 (故事录音带1,Unit1:Im max) Max: Hello. Max: M mm Linda and Benny: Hello. Benny: Max? Linda: Whats your name? Max: Yes. Yes. Im Max. Max: AaaaaaahMmm. Whats your name? Benny: Martin? Benny: Im Benny. Max: Mmm. Linda: Mike? Linda: Im Linda.歌曲(儿童用书录音带2.Unit1:Whats your name?)1. Whats your name? Whats your name? Im Linda. Hello ,hello, hello. hello. hello. hello .to you! Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. to you!Hi!2. Whats your name? Whats your name? Im Benny. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. to you!3. What your name? Whats your name? Im Max. Hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. to you! 未配录音部分活动用书第2页找出图片中隐藏的三中隐藏的三个人物Linda, Benny, Max; 为部分图画补充颜色。UNIT2:SCHOOL内容提要生词: Book; pencil case; scissors; pencil; schoolbag; glue行动故事:1. Take your pencil case. 2. Put your book in your schoolbag.短剧:Bennys flower听力练习:Max?歌曲School is fun 多元智能发展 语言技能学习单词的意义和发音;理解一系列的指令(行动故事);理解录像中的对话;会唱一首歌曲(School is fun). 认知.运动和社交能力听到单词能指出相应的图片卡;把声音和物体联系起来;和伙伴一起做单词游戏;理解随机顺序的指令并完成这些指令;有礼貌和向别人提供帮助 (这是作为人类在群体生活中重要的一点)合着节拍齐声说. 唱. 转圈走并注意曲调;练习精细动作。教材内容儿童用书P4 单词(儿童用书录音带. UNIT2: Book, pencil case)book, Pencil case, scissors, pencil, schoolbag. glue儿童用书P5行动故事(儿童用书录音带5.Unit2: Take your pencil case.)Take your pencil case; Put it in your schoolbag; Take your schoolbag; GO to school.儿童用书P6-P7短剧 (故事录音带2. Unit2: Bennys flower)Benny: Help me. Max. Max: Okay. The scissors. Max: The red pencil, the scissors,Max: Okay. Benny: The glue, please. The glue. Oooooh noooo!Benny: The red pencil, please. Max: Okay. The glue. Linda: Max?Max: Okay. The red pencil. Linda: Benny! Max: Here I cam.Benny: The. Scissors, please. Benny: Coming! Linda: Oh, Max!歌曲 (儿童用书录音带6.Unit2: School fun)School is fun, school is fun, yeah. yeah.School is fun, school is fun, yeah, yeah!活动用书P4行动故事(活动用书录音带1. Unit2: Put your book in your book in your schoolbag.Put your book in your schoolbag;Put your pencil case in your schoolbag;Put your scissors in your schoolbag;Go to school.活动用书P5 听力练习(活动用书录音带2. Unit2: Max?)1. Benny: Max? 2. Linda: Max? 3. Max: Benny?Max: Yes, Benny. Max: Linda. Benny: Yes, Max.Benny: The pencil and the Linda. The Pencil case and Max: The schoolbag Glue, please. the scissors,please. and the book, Please.Max: The pencil and the Max: The pencil case and Benny: The school glue. the scissors. and the book.Benny: Thank you. Linda: Thank you. Max: Thank you. 未配录音部分1. 活动用书第3和14页-把拼图从活动用书41页上半部分剪下来,粘到活动用书第3页的对应图形中。2. 活动用书第5页下半部分孩子在每个方框内画出任选的两样文具,然后请家长说出某一方框内文具的名称,孩子快速指出相应的方框。UNIT3:FRUIT内容提要生词:apple; banana; plum; one; tow; three; four; five行动故事:1. Open your schoolbag.2.Put a pear in your schoolbag.歌谣:Give me a banana.听力练习:1.Max?2Hello.故事: Going shopping多元智能发展 语言技能学习新单词的发音和意义;有节奏的数数;理解一系列英语指令;有节奏的说歌谣;先听懂再复述最后表演小故事。 认知.运动和社会能力和同伴一起作词汇游戏;认识数量;执行英语指令;分组表演歌谣。小对话;分角色表演故事。教材内容儿童用书P8单词(儿童用书录音带8。Unint3:Apple,banana)apple; banana; plum; pear.儿童用书p9行动故事(儿童用书录音带10.Unit3:Open your schoolbag)Open your schoolbag; Take out an apple; Bite into it; Yummy!儿童用书p10歌谣(儿童用书录音带11.Unit3:Give mea banana)Give me a banana. Here you are. Give me an apple. Here you are. Give me a plum. Here you are.Give me a pear. Its over there.儿童用书p11故事(故事录音带3.Unit3:Going shopping)Storyteller: Linda and Benny are going shopping.Linda: Two apples, please.Saleswoman: Here you are.Benny: Three bananas, please.Linda: Four pears, please.Saleswoman: Here you are. Have a plum.Linda and Benny: Yummy!Storyteller: Linda and Benny are at home Oh, heres Max.Max: So, whats in the basket? Two apples? No. Three bananas? No. No. Four pears? No. No. No. No apples, no bananas, no pears. ItsMax!
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