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requirements; three is ban sex terms and JI method not points, both and discipline disposition Ordinance repeat, and and criminal, legal provides repeat; four is clean theme not highlight, cannot for current exists of highlight problem, and applies object narrow, only for County at level above members leaders. Original Ordinance in 1997, the Communist Party disciplinary regulations (trial) revised on the basis of, was issued in December 2003, on strengthening party building has played an extremely important role. 2 the development of the situation, many of them have been unable to fully meet the needs of comprehensive practice of strictly administering the party. First, Jamie law, regardless, over half of their terms and State law such as criminal law . Makes it stick to the guidelines of self-discipline, adhere to the positive advocacy, for all members, highlight the critical few, emphasizes self-discipline, focus on virtue, and for the vast number of party members to establish an ideological and moral standards. Revised regulations adhere to the discipline of law separately, JI, JI before the law stricter than the law, as a negative list, emphasizing his law, State regulation. This one high and one low, one against, and achievements for the whole party, the whole practice of strictly administering the party to comply with the ethics and disciplinary requirements for the vast number of party members and cadres to provide a benchmark and ruler. Third, insist on problem-oriented. Focusing on the current outstanding problems of party discipline, party members and party cadres in probity and discipline problems to make specific provisions, particularly since the partys 18 strict political discipline and political rules, discipline and the implementation of the Central eight rules and opposing the four winds and other requirements into disciplinary provisions. Not for one step, focusing on practical, pragmatic work. Three, and guidelines and Ordinance modified Hou of main changes and the need grasp of several focus problem (a) guidelines of main changes amendment Hou of guidelines insisted according to rules rule party and to de rule party phase combined, for at this stage members leaders and members in clean self-discipline aspects exists of problems, proposed principles requirements and specification, show Communists noble moral pursuit, reflected at all times and moral specification from high not from low 5 of common requirements. A clasp is clean, removing provisions not directly related. Second, in the positive advocacy, 8 prohibiting 52 no relevant negative list contents synchronized into the amendments to the Ordinance. Third, for all the party members, expanded from party cadres will be applied to all the party members, fully reflect the full strictness requirement. Four is highlighting the critical few, hold the focus of party cadres, than ordinary party members put forward higher requirements. Five is shanfanjiujian, simple, hard to understand, and easy to remember. Revised guidelines, since the party first adhere to the positive advocacy, membership-oriented self-discipline norm, is issued to all members of the partys moral declarations and solemn promise to the people. Former Ministry of all 4 of the code of points, 18 more than, more than 3,600 words. Revised guidelines for article 8, a total of 281 words, including lead, honesty and self-discipline of party members specifications and specification for party members and leading cadres honesty and self-discipline, part 3, the main第三篇 路基、路面及排水设计说明书1、初步设计批复和施工图审查专家组意见执行情况,以及施工图设计执行的标准、规范和规程及工程建设强制性条款执行情况1.1初步设计批复及专家组审查意见执行情况 本施工图路基路面及排水设计根据浙江省发展和改革委员会关于泰顺县58省道(西山岗)至筱村公路工程初步设计批复的函(浙发改设计2011 139号)和泰顺县58省道(西山岗)至筱村公路工程初步设计审查专家组意见关于路基路面的要求进行设计。具体执行情况如下: 1、赞同初步设计提出的路基横断面布置形式和组成尺寸。 本条继续执行。 2、赞同采用沥青砼路面,面层采用4厘米厚AC-13C型沥青砼+6厘米厚AC-20C型沥青砼,基层、底基层采用20厘米+20厘米厚水泥稳定碎石,挖方路段增设15厘米厚级配碎石垫层。 本条继续执行。 3、建议复核路面设计弯沉值。 本次设计对路面设计弯沉重新取值计算,以趋更合理。 4、建议取消水泥砼土路肩,改为土路肩或沥青砼路肩。 本次设计仅在过村路段采用3cm沥青表处+15cm级配碎石对土路肩进行硬化。 5、请设计单值结合沿线的地形、地质和弃(取)土情况,调整路堤、路堑边坡坡度。同时建议设计单位根据沿线的地形、地质、填料的实际情况,进一步优化全线的边坡防护设计,做到既安全美观,又经济合理。 本次设计局部路线平纵进行优化,同时根据地质对路堑边坡坡率进行调整,使填挖更趋平衡,弃土方量较初步设计大为减少,弃土场大大减少。 6、下阶段结合地质详勘,优化边坡防护和挡墙基础防冲刷设计,岩质较好的挖方路段应采用光面爆破施工工艺,以减少防护工程数量。 奉次设计根据地质详勘,优化挖方边坡设计,列岩质好的路段采用光面爆破十自然裸坡,辅以爬藤绿化,减少了防护数量。对可能冲刷的挡墙,采用片石混凝土基础,并加深基础埋置深度。 7、建议进一步提出填挖交界、低填浅挖路段的设计要求。 本次设计进一步完善了填挖交界、低填浅挖的设计。 8、结合山区公路水毁情况,进一步完善沿线排水设施设计。 本次设计根据地形条件,当地气候特点,进一步完善了排水设计。1.2施工图审查专家组意见执行情况 2011年11月18日,泰顺县交通局在杭州组织召开了泰顺县58省道(西山岗)至筱村公路工程施工图审查会议,根据专家组关于本合同段路基、路面及排水的意见,具体执行情况如下: 1、对填方高挡土墙的稳定性作进一步验算。对横坡较大处的陡坡路堤,应加强稳定性验算,并根据需要增设挡墙护脚等支撑结构,以提高稳定性并收缩坡脚。 本次设计对高挡墙的稳定性进一步验算,并根据需要增设路堤式挡墙或护脚墙,以收缩坡脚。 2、根据地质地形条件,优化挖方边坡的分级高度、坡率及防护设计;完善高挖方爆破施工的控制要求。 本次设计进一步优化挖方边坡坡率设计,补充了光面爆破施工控制要求。3、取消填方边坡喷播植草,改为撒播草籽等简易绿化方案;尽量取消挖方坡面的高次团粒防护,可采用裸坡+爬藤植物进行边坡绿化。 本次设计对于填方边坡高度小于8m的全部改为撤播草籽简易绿化,挖方边坡地质较好路堤取消高次团粒防护,采用裸坡+爬藤植物绿化。
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