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五年级下册看图学英语plum李子;梅子a plum tree李树glasses眼镜, 双筒镜单词风暴官方软件单词风暴破解单词风暴官方下载单词风暴怎么用单词风暴2011精英版shadow影子Lunar eclipse occurs when the earths shadow falls on the moon.地球的影子落在月球上时,就发生月蚀。cherry樱桃The girls are picking cherries.姑娘们在摘樱桃。awake醒着的;清醒的He lay awake in his bed.单词风暴2011单词风暴 破解视频英语单词科学的英语单词云词 安卓他醒着躺在床上。string细绳;线;带子a piece/length of string一根一段细绳musical音乐的;有音乐的the musical director of the show这场演出的音乐指导wheel轮子,车轮云怎么组词背单词软件下载android 背单词高考必背单词高考英语必背单词careful小心的, 仔细的asleep睡着hammer锤子;榔头The decision is a hammer blow for the steel industry.这一决定对于钢铁业是一个沉重的打击。screwdriver螺丝刀;改锥instrument乐器, 工具, 仪器, 器械Arranged in laminae; laminate.以薄片排列的;分割成薄片的lady夫人, 女士The Development of Mould Resistant MDF防霉中密度纤维板的研制empty空的an empty box/glass空盒杯gmat词汇精选gmat词汇书gre词汇书gre词汇红宝书toefl词汇词根+联想记忆法panda熊猫mine开采(矿物);在.中开采矿物They will mine copper there in the valley.他们将在那边的山谷开采铜矿。parcel小包,包裹This parcel came in the mail today.这个包裹是今天邮来的。cushion垫子;软垫;坐垫;靠垫matching curtains and cushions颜色协调的窗帘与靠垫fluffy毛绒绒的, 蓬松的, 空洞的food食物,食品Many sweet foods are on sale in the store.这家商店在廉价出售多种甜食。toeic词汇2012高考英语单词公共英语三级单词英语六级词汇量英语六级高频词汇表smoke吸烟;抽烟cigarette smoke香烟产生的烟castle车;城堡same同一的;相同的We have lived in the same house for twenty years.我们在同一座房子里住了二十年了。goose鹅;雌鹅We saw a flock of geese swimming in the lake.我们看见一群鹅在湖里游水。beanstalk豆茎sell出售;售卖Most supermarkets sell a range of organic products.多数超级市场都经销一系列有机产品。四级作文常用词汇同等学力英语词汇表新托福词汇职称英语考试词典外贸英语单词poor贫穷;贫寒;清贫They were too poor to buy shoes for the kids.他们穷得没钱给孩子买鞋穿。giant巨人, 巨物different不同的lost丢失的, 迷路的He was a natural motivator.他生来就会让人积极进取。along沿着;顺着They walked slowly along the road.他们沿公路慢慢走。step脚步She took a few steps towards the window.她向窗口走了几步。up向上的;上行的They hung the map up.他们把地图挂起来。breakfast吃早饭;用早餐a big/hearty/light breakfast量大的丰盛的量少的早餐both两者的Ill plump for noodles rather than buns.我要吃面条而不要吃馒头。ask问;询问Where are you going? she asked.“你去哪里?”她问道。computer计算机, 电脑dinosaur恐龙puppet木偶a wooden/hand puppet木偶;手套式木偶visit参观;访问This afternoon were going to visit a friend in hospital.今天下午我们将去探望一位住院的朋友。key钥匙to insert/turn the key in the lock把钥匙插入锁孔;转动锁孔中的钥匙sofa沙发,长椅Please sit on the sofa.请在沙发上坐。constable治安官, 警官, 巡官shelf(固定在墙上的或橱柜、书架等的)架子,搁板I helped him put up some shelves in his bedroom.我帮他在卧室里装了几个搁架。rug小地毯;垫子a hearth rug(= in front of a fireplace)壁炉前的小地毯roll翻滚;打滚The kittens were enjoying a roll in the sunshine.那些小猫在阳光下嬉戏打滚。lamp灯a table/desk/bicycle lamp台灯;自行车灯grandpa爷爷, 外公tadpole蝌蚪open开着的, 开放的, 公开的A trademark used for propoxyphene hydrochloride.达尔丰用来表示丙氧基氢化物的商标people人At least ten people were killed in the crash.至少有十人在撞车事故中丧生。score(游戏或比赛中的)得分,比分a high/low score高低分goal目标, 球门, 得分shower阵雨;阵雪wintry/scattered snow showers寒冬的零落的阵雪noisy吵闹的;聒噪的;嘈杂的noisy children/traffic/crowds吵闹的孩子;喧闹的交通;嘈杂的人群china中国AIM: To discuss the fouling mechanism in 0.2 m Al_2O_3 commie membrane microfiltation of Tangkeqmg Compound water extract.目的:探讨孔径为0.2m的Al2O3陶瓷膜澄清糖渴清复方水提液过程中的膜污染机理。build建筑;造The house is built of wood.这房子是用木头建造的。degree学位, 程度, 度数temperature温度;气温high/low temperatures高低温everything每件事;所有事物;一切Everything had gone.一切都过去了。rat老鼠;耗子rat poison老鼠药plant栽种;播种We planted a lot of flowers in our garden.我们在庭院里种了很多花。
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