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口语 一B:先生,我能为您做些什么?C:是的,我公司想开个户,您能给我提供些信息吗?B:我很乐意。您想开哪种账户?C:活期账户。我尤其想了解一下你们能够提供的利率。B:哦,本行提供的利率在全国是最具有竞争力的。至于活 期账户,年利率是1.3%。B:Sir,May I help you?C:Yes,I want to open an account for my company,can you offer me some information about it?B:OK,its my pleasure.Which kind of account do you want ,the current account or term account?C:The current account.Specially,I want to know about the interest rate you offer.B:OK!The interest rate my bank provides is the most competitive in the country.For the demand account ,the interest rate is 1.3% per annum.口语 二B:女士,上午好。我能为您提供些帮助吗?C:上午好。我想开个户。B:您想开哪种账户?C:还没有确定。我是来参加奥运会的,要在这儿呆一个月左右。B:那样的话,我想您需要一个支票账户,以便能用支票付账。C:这是个好主意。支票账户的最低起存额是多少?B:100美元。您想存多少钱?C: 嗯,我想存10,000 美元。B:好的,女士。请填一下这张表并在这儿签字。C:好的,给您。这样行吗?B:行,这样行。请把您的护照给我看看,可以吗?C:当然可以。给您。我现在就能开支票了吗?B:可以。这是支票簿。C:随便问一下,银行什么时候关门?B:下午6:00。C: 谢谢您的帮助。B:不要谢。祝您好运!C:谢谢。再见。B:再见。B:Good morning,Madam.Can I help you?C:Good morning.I want to open an account with your bank.B:What kind of account do you want?C:Im not sure.I come here for The Olympic Games,so I will be here for a month all so.B:In the case,I suggest you can open a checking account.Such you can pay your bills by your checks.C:Thats a good idea.What is the minimum amount for the checking account?B:100 us dolloars.How much money do you want to deposit?C:enI think its 10000 us dolloars.B:OK,Madam.Please fill out the form and sign your name here.C:OK!Here you are.Thats all right?B:All right,thats in order.Would you mind showing me you passport?C:Of course not.Here you are.Can I write a check now?B:Yes,you can.This is a check book.C:By the way,when does the bank close?B:6:00pmC:Thank you for your help.B:Youre welcome.Good luck!C:Thanks,goodbye.B:Bye.口语 三B:下午好,女士。我能为您做些什么吗?C:下午好。我想在我的账户上存些钱。B: 您想存多少?C: 800美元。B: 您的储蓄账户吗,女士?C: 哦,是活期账户。B: 那好,请在存款单上填明您的账号、姓名以及存款金额。C:谢谢给您。这样行吗?B:很好。请把存折给我。C:给您存折和现金。B:谢谢给您存折。请看看是否正确。C:正确。谢谢。B:不用谢。再见。B:Good afternoon,Madam.What can I do for you?C:Good afternoon.I want to pay some money into my account.B:How much would you like to put into your account?C:800 us dolloars.B:Is it your savings account madam?C:Oh,its a demand account.B:OK!Please write down your account number name and credit amount under the deposit slip.C:Thank you.Here you are.Its ok?B:Great.Please give me your passbook.C:Here are my passbook and cash.B:Thanks!Here is your passbook.Please have a look at it to make sure is it right.C:Yes,its correct.Thanks!B:Youre welcome.口语 四B:我能为您提供什么帮助吗,先生?C:是的。几个月前,我在贵行开了个户。我从月结算清单上看出余额已经很少了,所以我来存些钱。B:唔,您的是支票账户,账户是多少?C:账户在这儿。B:您想存多少钱?C:1万美元。B:那好。这是张存款单,请填上。C:好的。这是填好的存款单和1万美元。B:谢谢。C:另外,我的支票簿几乎用完了。您能再给我一本吗?B:当然可以。这是您的账户,还有一本您要的支票簿。C:谢谢。再见。B:再见。 B:What can I do for you,sir?C:Yes,I opened an account with your bank some monthes ago.I read from the monthly settlement that the balance is already very low,So I want to deposit some money into my account.B:enYou have a checking account.What is your account number?C:Here it is.B:How much would you like to put into your account?C:10000 us dolloars.B:OK!Here is the deposit slip.Please fill it.C:OK!Here are the completed slip and 10000 us dolloars.B:Thank you!C:Besides,I have almost run out my check.Can I have another one?B:Of course.This is your account and your checkbook.C:Thanks.Byebye.B:Bye.口语 五B:我能为您做些什么?C:是的。我想把这张支票兑现。B:我看一下非常遗憾,我得告诉您,这张支票不能兑现。您看,这是张划线支票。这种支票是不能转让的,所以不能直接兑现。C:哎呀,那我该怎么办?B:您得先把这支票存入您的账户。 C:是吗?B:这是银行的规定。银行只是想保证只有支票上指定的人能得到这笔钱。C:这是个不错的办法。我得首先把这张支票存入我的账户,那么我该办什么手续?B:哦,非常容易。这是张存款单,请填好,然后在写有“签名”字样的地方签名。当支票兑现时,钱就会转到您的户头上。C:好的,那我得填上我的姓名、地址和电话好吗给您。顺便问一下,如果存现金,手续是否相同?B:是的,是相同的。一切都办好了?C:谢谢。再见。B:What can I do for you?C:Yes,I want to cash the check.B:Let me have a lookIm very sorry to tell you that you cant cash,Look this is a crossed check.The checks cannt be negotiable,so it isnt cashed directly.C:Oh,dearWhat can I do?B:You need deposit the check into your account first.C:Is it all right?B:It is the bank regulations,we just want to make sure that only person to whom the check was written can get the money.C:Oh,that is a good idea.I must deposit the check into my account,then,what is the procedures should I do?B:Oh,vey easy.Here is the deposit slip,please fill in it and sign where it says “signature”.When the check is cleared,the money will be transferred into your account.C:OK!I need to fill out my name,my address and my telephone number all right?Here you are.By the way,if I want to deposit the cash,the procedures are the same?B:Yes,the same. everything is OK!C:Thanks,byebye.口语 六C:劳驾一下,我在等一笔从美国转来的款,到了吗?B:请把您的问题解释一下,好吗?C:有人从大通曼哈顿银行给我转来了1 000美元,不知到了没有。B:请问您叫什么名字?C:杰克.伦敦。前几天,我在贵行开了个户。B:明白了。请稍等一下,我去查一下伦敦先生,款已经到了,1000美元,已进入您的账户。C:谢谢您。B:不用谢。您是想取走呢还是留在账上。C:想取走,因为我急需钱用。我得先填张取款单吗?B:我想是的。C:这是取款单。请给我800美元的百元钞,其余的为小钞
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