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初次见面问候语How do you do?你好!Nice to meet you,见到你很高兴。How do you do, Your Excelle ncy? 阁下,您好!It is a great honour to meet you, 见至U您很荣幸。What have you been doi ng si nee I saw you last? 上次见面后,你一直在做什么?Hi, Susan ,how nice to see you!喂,苏珊,见到你很高兴!Hello, Xiao Zhou. How are you ? 喂,小周,你好吗? Haven see n you for ages (for a long time ). 很久不见了。How is everyth ing with you ? 一切都顺利吧?I am so glad to see you .见至M尔非常高兴。How are you doing ? 近况如何?I am especially glad to meet you .见至M尔特另U高兴。How are thi ngs with you ? 事事如意吧?Oh , it you , Little Tiger . How are you getting along these days ?哦,是你,小老虎,近来如何?Hello , there , arenyou Mr Zhao? How are you getting on?喂,你不是赵先生吗?过得怎么样?It has bee n three years since we last saw each other .自上次见面已有三年了。How is the world treat ing you ? 你过得怎么样?Oh , Martin ! Very nice to meet you here . How are you getting on with your job ?哦,马丁,你好!在这碰到你真高兴,近来工作怎么样?Hi ,it you, boy . Fancy running into you here ! It is great to see you again . What have you been doing since I saw you last ?喂,老兄是你。真想不到会在这里碰上,上次见面后,你一直在 干什么?May I in troduce myself ? 允许我自我介绍一下。Allow me to in troduce my wife to you .允许我介绍我妻子。Might I ask your name ? 请问尊姓大名?Could you tell me who he is ? 劳驾,请问他是谁?Theres such a crowd here tonight, so somehow or other we haven been introduced.今晚这儿客 人这么多,可能我们之间没有人给引见。I don think I know you. 我好像没见过你。Im glad to know you .认识你我很高兴。Very glad to meet you .很高兴见到你。Do you mind if I join you ?我想和你聊聊,介意吗?By the way , haven I seen your picture in the paper recently ?最近好像在报上见过你的照片。I know you very well . 久闻大名。Ive heard so much about you . 久仰久仰。It my pleasure to know you . 认识你非常荣幸。What your name please ?请问贵姓?Would you please tell me your name ?恕我冒昧,请问阁下尊姓大名?My n ame is Ann , Christi ne is my surn ame . 我姓克里斯汀,名安。How do you spell your name ? 你的名字怎么写?I don believe we ve met .我肯定我们没见过面。What a good memory youve got !你的记忆力真不错。May I join you ? 能和你们呆一会儿吗?Nice bump ing into you . 幸会,幸会。Itsa small world .世界真小,何处不相逢。Can I in vite Mr . Simpson over for a chat ? 我能不能邀幸普森先生聊一会儿?Everything I see here is so striking and fresh .这儿的一切都那么新奇。I really thi nk I have see n you somewhere . 我肯定在哪儿见过你。Youve got an amaz in gly detailed kno wledge of my country .你对我们国家了如指掌。What Syour impressio n of the city ? 你对这个城市的印象如何?Ive got complete con fide nee in the future of your country .我对贵国的前途充满信心。Is this your first trip overseas ? 这是你第一次出国?Ive n ever bee n outside this part of the world yet . 我还从没出过远门呢!Glad to have the opport unity to meet you here . 真高兴有机会在这儿认识你。How do you find thi ngs over here ? 你对这儿印象如何?What is your first impressio n of this city ?你对这座城市第一印象如何?You know so much about the city . You must have bee n there . 你对该市这么了解,一定是去过 那儿。You sou nd like an America expert .你说得头头是道,好像个美国通。Are you on your vacati on or just on bus in ess ? 你是休假还是公干?No introductions are needed here . How nice to see you again . 无须介绍了,再次重逢真令人愉 快。Hello , Mr . Wang, delighted to see you again . 喂,张先生,在这见到你真高兴。Same here .彼此,彼此。I have see n you somewhere before .我在什么地方见过你。No , I don Sthink I have had the pleasure .不,好像没见过。Delighted to know you ,Mr .Zhu .朱先生,认识你很高兴。Am I happy to see you ? 见到你非常高兴。Im honoured to have met you . 认识你,我很荣幸。This is my card , please .这是我的名片,请接纳。It Sa great pleasure to have the honour of making your acqua intance. 能认识您不胜荣幸。 。I cannot tha nk you eno ugh . 十分感谢您。Thanks, anyway (anyhow).不管怎么说,还是要说谢谢你。Thanks again .再次表示感谢。It is very good (kind) of you to help me . 你帮助我,真是太好。Thank you for all the thi ngs you did for me . 谢谢你为我做的一切。I am most grateful to you for your help . 非常感谢您的帮忙。Thank for your kindness .谢谢您的盛情好意。Thank you for your concern .谢谢您对我的关照。I will never be able to tha nk you all en ough . 我实在不知怎么感谢您为好。I will n ever forget your kindn ess . 我不会忘记您的好意。It Sa (my) pleasure .乐意效劳。No trouble at all . 一点也不麻烦。Im very glad to help you.我很高兴帮助你。It was no trouble .不算什么麻烦事。It about time I was going . Thank you for your time .是我该走的时候了,谢谢你花时间陪我。Oh, I be going now . I enjoy our chats very much . 噢,我得现在就走,我很喜欢和你聊天。I really appreciate your tak ing the time to talk to me , and now I must go .很感谢你费时和我畅谈,我该告辞了。I am very glad to have seen you and have had an enjoyable evening .彳艮高兴见至M尔,今天晚上过 得真愉快。Thanks for a nice day . See you .今天过得真愉快,谢谢你,再见。I didn realize time is passed so quickly .没想到时间过得这么快。In any case , wekeep in touch . 保持连系。F面是古文鉴赏,不需要的朋友可以下载后编辑删除!谢谢!九歌湘君屈原朗诵:路英君不行兮夷犹,蹇谁留兮中洲。 美要眇兮宜修,沛吾乘兮桂舟。 令沅湘兮无波,使江水兮安流。 望夫君兮未来,吹参差兮谁思。 驾飞龙兮北征,邅吾道兮洞庭。 薜荔柏兮蕙绸,荪桡兮兰旌。望涔阳兮极浦,横大江兮扬灵。扬灵兮未极,女婵媛兮为余太息。 横流涕兮潺湲,隐思君兮陫侧。桂棹兮兰枻,斫冰兮积雪。采薜荔兮水中,搴芙蓉兮木末。 心不同兮媒劳,恩不甚兮轻绝。石濑兮浅浅,飞龙兮翩翩。交不忠兮怨长,期不信兮告余以不闲。朝骋骛兮江皋,夕弭节兮北渚。她含着笑,切着冰屑悉索的萝卜,她含着笑,用手掏着猪吃的麦糟,她含着笑,扇着炖肉的炉子的火, 她含着笑,背了团箕到广场上去 晒好那些大豆和小麦,J 大堰河,为了生活,在她流尽了她的乳液之后, 她就用抱过我的两臂,劳动了。大堰河,深爱着她的乳儿;在年节里,为了他,忙着切那冬米的糖,为了他,常悄悄地走到村边的她的家里去,为了他,走到她的身边叫一声妈,大堰河,把他画的大红大绿的关云长贴在灶边的墙上,大堰河,会对她的邻居夸口赞美她的乳儿;大堰河曾做了一个不能对
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