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Unit 6 My e- friend一、单元教材分析:本单元围绕的主要话题是“网友”。通过之前的学习,学生已经学过了年龄、学科和兴趣爱好等话题,结合本单元的主题,教师可以鼓励学生综合运用以前学过的知识对自己的朋友或是网友进行全面的介绍。二、学情分析文本中的一般现在时的一般疑问句及其回答是学生表达的难点,如:Do they like.?Yes,they do/No,they dont.Does he/she like.?Yes,he/she does/No,he/she doest。教师可以设置多种情景,让学生学会在实际运用中掌握所学的知识。三、教学目标:1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写国家类单词。2.能正确使用特殊疑问句来询问他人信息,如年龄、爱好、居住地等。3.了解字母w在单词中的读音。4.了解中英信封的不同写法。四、教学重点:1能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话。2能从国籍、年龄、爱好、所学科目等方面来描述他人的信息。五、教学难点:1能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话。2能从国籍、年龄、爱好、所学科目等方面来描述他人的信息。3.语音:字母w在单词中的读音。六、教学准备PPT 录音机 单词卡片七、课时安排:6课时第1课时:Story time(text, think and write)第2课时:Story time (words, Think and say)第3课时:Fun time ,Grammar time第4课时:Cartoon time ,Sound time第5课时:Culture time,Checkout time第6课时:Ticking time(review , exercise)Unit6 My e- friend第1课时一、教学内容Story time(text, Think and write)二、教学目标:1. 理解,掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。2. 正确运用日常交际用语How old is he/she?Do/Does? Yes/No, ? do/dont/does/doesnt.What subjects does he like?He likes.3. 能正确的听、说、读 单词和词组:send to, .years old, Australia, Canada,US, wait a minute.三、教学重点:1. 能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话四、教学难点会说会读单词:send to, .years old, Australia, Canada,US, wait a minute.五、教具准备:单词卡片,人物图片,人物头饰,多媒体课件教学设计(主备)复备教学过程Step1. Warm up & Lead in1. T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Do you like songs? Lets enjoy a song: Subjects.Ss: Listen and enjoy a song通过欢乐的歌曲渲染学习氛围。感受新知,引出话题。Step2. Presentation1. Make a dialogue.T: What subjects do you like?What subjects does your friend like?What do you like doing after school?What does your friend like doing ?S1: .S2:. .(承接上一活动的歌谣,设置一些问题,要求学生小组进行问答活动,引入本单元话题。)2.Show picture 1 on P58.T: Who is the boy?Whats his name?Is he Liu Tao friend?Where does he live?How old is he ?Ss: Read the story in groups.在学生独立阅读课文前,预设一些问题,引起学生阅读的兴趣。3. Answer the questions in groups.4. Show the answer:Who is the boy?He is Wang Bing.Whats his name? He is Peter.Is he Liu Tao friend? No, he is Wang Bings friend. Where does he live? He lives in the UK.How old is he ? He is 11 years old.5. Watch the story.整体呈现语篇,听力理解,把握大意和相关信息Step3. Consolidation1.Read the story one by one after the tape/cartoon .2.Read the story in groups.Ss:Read the text together.Read in groups of four.(together, or role reading, choose the way they prefer)齐读、小组朗读课文。通过跟读、自读,培养学生的语音、语调、语气。3.T:Think and write( P 60), think and write.How old is he ?Where does he live?What does he like doing?What subjects does he like?What does he do after school?根据文本内容,做相关练习,加深对课文的理解。Step6. Homework1.Listen, read and try to retell the text.2.做一张自己好朋友的信息卡。板书设计: Unit6 My e-friendHow old is he ?Where does he live?What does he like doing?What subjects does he like?What does he do after school?教学反思:第二课时一、教学内容Story time (words, Think and say)二、教学目标:1、复习上节课所学的课文。2、能够听懂、会说、会读句型:Do/Does? Yes/No, ? do/dont/does/doesnt. What subjects do you/they like?I/They like. What subjects does he/she like?He/She likes.并理解句型的意思。3、学习单词:live, study, sit, by三、教学重点:1、学习单词:live, study, sit, by2、能简单介绍自己的朋友相关信息。四、教学难点语音语调正确的朗读对话,复述故事。五、教具准备:头饰、录音机 教学设计(主备)复备教学过程Step 1: Revision1. T: Good morning, class. In the last class, we have learned thestory.What is the name of the story? My e-friend.课开始直接入题,复习上节课所学过的课文。2.Lets play a game (True or false)Judge the sentences according to the story1)Peter is 12 years old. (False , 11)2) Peter lives in UK. (True )3) He can speak Chinese. (True)4) He has Chinese lessons at school. (False , after school)5)He likes Maths and PE. (True)6)He likes swimming and playing football. (True)学生自主完成判断从而复习巩固Story time的课文内容。Step 2: Learn the words1.Boys and girls ,Peter lives in UK.Lets look at some pictures. 教师可以呈现两组图片,一组是本课文中的五个国家类单词,一张的这些国家的标准性建筑图片。2.Look and Match the pictures in groups.3.用之前学过的句型来描述不同的国家和建筑。S1:You can see the Statue of Liberty in the US.S:2:Theres a beautiful opera house in Australia.You can see kangaroos in Australia.S3:The Great Wall is in China.S4:Big Ben is in the UK.S5:There are many maples in Canada.4.Learn the new words about countries.Step 3. Think and say1.T:(Show a picture)Look , this is my friend Peter.He lives in.Hes .years old.He .speak Chinese.He.Maths and PE.He .Chinese lessons at school.He studies Chinese.He likes playing.2.Ask some questions about :“My e-friend”.S1:How old is he ?S:2:What does he like doing?S3: What does he do after school?S4: What subjects does he like?.3.Look at “Think and say”.Introduce one of your friend in groups and ask some questions about it.小组合作交流,通过对话的形式将上节课布置的有关朋友的作业拿出来展示交流。并对交流内容,提出问题,将课文中的重点进一步巩固强化。 Step 4. Consolation (补充习题 Page 1)1、Listen and judge 2、Look,listen and circle.Homework: Copy th
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