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2022年考博英语-中国传媒大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 翻译题In light of all the recent developments around social technology, from the launch of Google + to Facebooks f8 conference launch of Timeline and Ticker last week, I felt it especially pertinent to share this interview with Sherry Turkle of MIT. What she invites us to consider is the human cost of our social media engagement which seems all the more relevant as networks like Google+ and Facebook arm us with new tools to become even more effective online storytellers inspiring us to spend more time there.SM: Hi Im Simon Mainwaring, here at the IVOH World Summit in the Catskills, New York, and I have the great pleasure of being here with Sherry Turkle, who is the professor of Social Studies of Science and Technology at MIT, and the author of the critically acclaimed book. Alone Together. It is such a pleasure to chat with you, Sherry. Thank you for your time. Now, one of the things I talk about when it comes to social media is that I believe that technology is teaching us to be human again, yet the thesis of your book might actually go against that proposition. Do you think thats true or not?ST: I think thats a complicated story.1. That is to say, we are now using technology in some ways that are distancing us from each other, but Im optimistic because I think so many of us are starting to realize that something is going amiss when we have dinner with friends and everyone has a phone on the table and interrupts conversations in order to take those calls. When I walked the dunes of Cape Cod that Thoreau walked, and everybody is walking those dunes with their heads down to those devices, something is going amiss. When everyone is answering emails instead of talking to colleagues at work, something is going amiss. So its good, but we need to make it good for us.SM: What would you say is being lost, and what is the cost of that?ST: Well, Ive interviewed hundreds of young people and hundreds of older people and I think that one of the things that is being lost is the ability to tolerate solitude. In my own studies I call it, “I share, therefore I am.” That is to say, you go from a position where you say “I have a feeling, I want to make a call,” to a position where you say “I want to have a feeling, I need to send a text.”2.So whats being lost is the ability to experience your thoughts and feelings without immediately sharing them and you lose the capacity to collaborate because collaboration is infusion. You need to come to collaboration with a sense of self, with your own ideas and confidence in yourself. You lose the capacity for certain kinds of leadership because, again, leadership requires an ability to lead, not just to poll.3. So you feel like were losing the ability to be present because were in such a hurry to pass on that experience that we almost cut ourselves out of the equation.ST: Yes. And were substituting connection for conversation. I think thats very important. This move from conversation to connection, and were almost forgetting how nurturing conversation is. Over and over Ive interviewed people who basically tell me “Dont call.” In Alone Together I have a chapter titled Please Dont Call. The last thing they want is a telephone call. It would take too much time. Its too dangerous. Too much might show. They dont want to be interrupted. Its easier to send an email or send a text and not have the risks of showing themselves in a conversation.SM: Would you characterize this as a function of the need to now live in public at all times, to always be “on”? Is that the challenge that were all facing now, because, given the opportunity to do it with social media and these other platforms, we feel obligated to do so?ST: There are several things. Weve given ourselves an opportunity to hide. Social media, for all of its bountiesand Im very enthusiastic of all the bounties of social mediait also gives us an opportunity to hide.4.We perform ourselves on social media, and that is different from being ourselves on social media. That ability to perform yourself is also an ability to hide. It leads to something that call “Fear of missing out.” Youre always watching what other people are doing and you being to be jealous because their showing their best selves and youre showing your best self. You almost become jealous of the life you live on Facebook. You have to remind yourself that its your life because youre showing your best self.SM: Let me ask you a question about that. How different is that to the version of ourselves that we present in the real world, albeit only to one or two or five people at a time? Is it worse because we can reach a mass audience?ST: No, its worse because.were sitting here together and, of course, Im in a role and youre in a role, but because were here together, certain things show. Were animals, were human beings and, really, by the fact that were here together, we show ours
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