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yahoo雅虎域名解析详细步骤:第一步:登陆雅虎商业中心:http:/smallbusiness.yahoo.com/第二步:登陆之后,点击右上角的smallbusiness,输入信箱和密码,登录。接着找到DomainContro1 Pannel,就进入域名管理控制面板如下图V smarbrief.coin: DomainsGo To:Domain Control PanelQuick Access TooJs:云务 n.View www.smarbrief.com朗F 0011131115Billina InformationChance Plan 1 Add Extras 1 CancelPlan第三步:点击Domain Sntro1 Pannel就看到下面截图了,不懂英语的朋友不用着急,和域 名解析相关的是:Manage Advanced DNS SettingsDomainDomain Name: mywtotrad&.com 浙胡ViEw Edit oliDcimmin 尺EgistmticHiManage your contact information and registration details.Your information is PUBLIC. Q 口识趺!:c:ijr UenimmSend visitors to another web address automatically.M日门日旧 Ack日门ued DNS SEttingsCreate or modify advancEd domain name records (such as M recordsEdit Dommi门 Lucki门gYour domain is currently locked. La i_c rncE,TiER GUAuth匸门ZZ31i:;门 CG:l2View your authorization code一 日 security feature designed to protect your domainStarter Web Page第四步:点击Manage Advanced DNS Settings进入,看到如下A and CNAME RecordsUse A and CNAME records to manipulate host names. Le日门 itigieAdd RecordType:Source:Destination:Actions:A Recordmywtotrade.comYahoo! (P AddressEdit |!-:A Recordwww.mywtotrade.comYatoo! iP AddressEdit |CNAME Recordmywtotrade comYahoo! HostnameEdit |CNAME R&cordmail mywtotrade.comYahoo! HostnameEditI-.- vr n一般只需用解析前两个就ok方法都是一样的,现在以一个为例:点Edit看到如下图Edit Your A or CNAME RecordTo edit an A Record, enter an IP address in the Destination field. To edit a CNAME enter a hostname as a destination insteadNote: Any 匚hanges you submit will take 30 nlinutes to take EffectSaurce:mywtotrad&.comDestination:Yahoof ServerHintr For an A 住已匚口日enter an IP address like 17-12.22.11- Far a CNAME record, enter another hostname, like inFa.ather-damain.camSubmit Cancel删掉Yahoo! Server在那里填上您的空间IP,然后点击Submit就ok,这样解析就完成了。剩余几 个和这个方法一样,然后在空间绑定下域名。解析不是马上生效的,有一定的时间,最长不会超过1个小时就会生效,一般十几分钟就生效了。解析完 成之后,各位需要耐心等待一下。Cancel2如何增加二级域名,在这里点Add RecordA and CNAME RecordsUse A and CNAFmIE records to manipulate host names. l_Emm itice看到如下图Add an A or CNAME RecordEnter a hostname in the Source field To create an A Record enter an IP address in the Destination fi&ld To create a CNAME enter a hostname as a destination insteadNot&: Any 匚hanges you submit will take 30 minutes to take effect.Source:. mywt ot ra d&.-comHint: Enter inf口 to create the hostname info,myvActrade.匚cEm Tc 匚eate an A 只总匚口日 Far your root 日口main name-i- Ieave the Sour匚曰 field blankDestination:上面填上您想增加的二级域名,下面填上您的空间IP,点击Submit, ok3yahoo域名如何设置URL转向hostnamer like info.ether-domain匚omSubmitHint: For an A Record enter an IP address, like 17.12,22.11, Far a CMAME己匚口dp enter anotherAdd RecordType:Source:Destination:Actions:A Recordmywtotrade.comYahoo! IP AddressEditA Recordwww.mywtotrade.comYahoo! IP AddressEdit际1CNAME Record*.mywtotrade comYahoo: HostnameEdit |CNAME Recordmail mywtotrade.comYaoo! HostnameEdit |0DomainDomain Name: mywtotrade.com “切Vim询 Edit c:liDom日in REgistmtioriP(/lanage your contact information and registration details.Your information is PUBLIC.喙匚Ng匚冷F.g.舱旦旦匪Send visitors to another web address automaticallyhlmiimg巳 AdYmn匚Ed DNS SEttiiigsCreate or modify advanced domain name records (such as MX records).Edit DcimEiiri Lcicki门gYour domain is currently locked _j !_“ mg/iER 丫二1 忻 Au t!lG I迂航 I er CcdEView your authorization code, a security feature designed to protect your domain点击 Forward Yo ur Do main,如下图r9? Forward Your Domain Name You do not current have a domain name forward set up. To point your domain to another web page and send visitors there automatically, click the Create:or Forward button above.itoallyAcK方门CRd DNS SettirigsCreate and edit advanced DNS settings like A, CNAME and MX records.点击红色区域 FcrwmiT Uummin Create ForwardCreate a Domain Name ForwardEnter the destination web address that you would like your visitors to he redirected tcStarting Address:Destination Address:irding?FersaFfic =thatpec iFpId set allgo to vt link ar is into EitiEEillvmywtotrade.com vwjw.mywtotrade comThe web page at:http:Continue Cancel填入要转到的域名然后Continue接下来的步骤按默认来就好相关说明:View/Edit Your Domain Registration 修改 WHOIS 信息。Forward Your Domain 域名转向。Manage Advanced DNS Settings 修改 A 记录,DNS 等。Edit Domain Locking 锁定/解锁域名。View Your Authorization Code获取授权码,办理域名转出用的。
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