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2021-2022年三年级英语上册 Unit 6 Period 3-5教案 上海新世纪版教育目标:1. 激发学生对体育运动的兴趣。2. 激励学生树立永不言败的体育精神。知识目标:基础目标:1Words and expressionsFrom WonderlandFrom FarmlandFrom Grand Theatre*skip*fastleft*sing*highright*writefar*stop*readplay footballbend backward*danceplay pingpongbend forward*walk*touch*run*jump2Sentence patternsFrom FarmlandFrom Grand Theatre .cant do. Try again.3. 根据课文内容回答Questions and Answers 中的问题,并根据实际情况回答On your own中的问题。4. Music Box掌握字母k和l在单词中的读音。字母k在单词中一般发/k/音。k 经常与c组成字母组合ck, ck在单词中发/k/音。 字母l在单词中的发音容易和字母r的发音混淆,注意在单词发音时进行比较。5. Disneyland这里是一个与本单元主题相匹配的关于运动的儿歌,可以通过它复习多个动词。教师可以让学生进行创编并表演儿歌。例如:Can you tell me,Can you tell me,What little girls do?What little girls do?They sing and dance,They sing and dance,So I will dance, too.Difficult Points:1.本单元中can表示能力。2.can 还能解释为“可以”,与单词may的意思相同。例如:Can I eat an apple, please? (我可以吃个苹果吗?)3.体会can在不同句子中的不同意思并学会运用。发展目标:1.学会用can, cant表达自己的能力,并能与他人交流。2.能正确运用学过的动词编祈使句,并能用学过的句型有礼貌地邀请同伴一起活动。能力目标:能用简单的英语介绍自己或别人的才能。情感、策略和文化等有关目标:从小懂得帮助别人,宽容合理解别人。教学资源:Students book 3A P38P44 Cassette 3A Unit 6Students workbook 3A P33P38 Word and picture cards 3A Unit 6Teaching Transparencies 3A Unit 6教学时间:5课时(每课3540分钟)课时安排:建议本单元安排5教时。第一课时:Wonderland & Language Lab第二课时:Farmland第三课时:Grand Theatre & Language Lab第四课时:Language Lab & Music Box第五课时:DisneylandLesson Plan ( 3 )ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming upRhymeRevisionReview the words.Say the rhyme in chorus.Read spell and make phrases.请学生用动词组词提高学生运用语言的能力。While task procedures Task 1Know about the sportsTask 2Learn the story1.Introduce some knowledge about sports to the students. For example: The famous sports in USA/Germany. Who is Jordan.2. Encourage the students to say something about what they know about the world sports.3. Learn some new words met in the discussion.1. Listen to the story and do exercise “True or False”.2. Read the questions of Questions and Answers, then listen to the story again.3. Read after the tape.4. Act out the story. Do it paragraph by paragraph.通过教师和学生分别介绍自己知道的体育知识拓展相互的知识面。学生也能体验到轻松的学习氛围,并学着用英语表达自己知道的东西。分层学习故事,通过了解故事情节、理解故事内涵、分角色表演故事几个步骤帮助学生学习课文中的语言材料。Post-task activities Help others solve at least one problem.1. Tell other whats your problem.2. Find out the solutions in class培养学生乐于帮助别人的好习惯。Lesson Plan ( 4 )ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming upRhymeRevisionReview the words.Say the rhyme in chorus.Read spell and make phrases.请学生用动词组词提高学生运用语言的能力。While task procedures Task 1Finish Language Lab Part 1Task 2Experience the phoneme /k/Task 3Experience the phoneme /l/Task 4Experience the phoneme /l/1.Read the rhyme.2. Pay attention to the pronunciation of letters “p” and “q”.1.Show the sentence “Ken kisses a kitten”2. Underline the latter k.3.Learn the phoneme.1.Show the sentence “Little Lucy lies on a log”.*Steps 2 and 3 are same with those of task 1Same with Task 1通过朗读儿歌感受字母的发音。通过绕口令的句子感受k 在单词中/k/的发音。通过绕口令的句子感受l 在单词中/l /的发音。通过绕口令的句子感受l 在单词中/l/的发音。Post-task activities Do Language Lab part 3 and part 4.Write down the answers and check.Lesson Plan ( 5 )ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationRevisionReview the sentences of Music Box.1. Read the sentences of Music Box.2. Experience the phonemes.通过朗读绕口令感受发音/k/, /l/。While task procedures Task 1Learn the rhyme of Disneyland.Task 2Finish the exercise on Students workbook1. Learn the song “Can you tell me what this is.”2. Game: What do the boys do?(1) Invite some boys to do some funny actions.(2) Other students tell the teacher what they do respectively.(3). Lean the sentence “ What the little boys do?”3. Listen to the tape and repeat the sentences.4. Read the rhyme in chorus and individual.Do the exercises of Unit 1 on Students workbook Page 712.通过歌曲和游戏的形式将儿歌内容逐步呈现给学生,让学生在轻松的氛围下学习。通过完成练习巩固所学内容Post-task activities Check the answer.Check the answer on Students book.通过校对了解学生完成的情况。附送:2021-2022年三年级英语上册 Unit 7 Period 1-2教案 上海新世纪版教育目标:1.让学生了解西方人对于宠物的感情。2.引导学生学会关心他人。3. 激发学生热爱自己居住的小区的情感。知识目标:基础目标:1Words and expressionsFrom WonderlandFrom FarmlandFrom Grand Theatrepost officewronghospital*babysupermarketfever*fruit shophave a lookcinemaafraidlibrary*honey*schoolall rightbank2Sentence patternsFrom FarmlandFrom Grand Theatre Is that.? Whats wrong with ?3. 根据课文内容回答Questions and Answers 中的问题,并根据实际情况回答On your own中的问题。4. Music Box 掌握字母m和n在单词中的读音。注意字母m发音时要双唇紧闭。提示学生字母n发音时不能闭嘴。注意让学生观察老师的口型后练习,并出示单词,让学生辨认词形,区别发音。
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