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8B Unit 3词组、句型及语法复习提纲 一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish1我不知道I have no idea. = I dont know.2更换频道change the channel 3查找/搜索信息search for information4文字处理(技能)word processing (skills)5编写电脑程序write computer programs6绘画和设计draw and design7发送和接电子邮件send and receive e-mails8面世、出来、(花)开放come out9空前受欢迎的游戏all-time favourite game10在同时at the same time11打开/开闭(电器)turn on/off调高/调低(音量)turn up/down12主要人物(主角)main character13躺在草地上lie on the grass14入睡(无意识)fall asleep入睡(有意识)go/get to sleep15做了个奇怪的梦have a strange dream16获得足够的分数earn enough points17将带到某地去carry off to sw.18扮演角色play the role of19花费某人时间做某事take sb. some time to do sth.20测试你的英语知识test the knowledge of Englishif if 21在市场on/at the market22卖完/被卖完sell out /be sold out23与某事/某人有关联be related to sth./sb24一套光盘a set of CD-ROMs25存储信息store information26用来做某事use for doing sth. = use to do sth.被用来做某事be used for doing sth. =be used to do sth.27被用来做某事be used to do sth. =be used for doing sth.习惯于做某事be used to doing sth.(过去)曾经做某事used to do sth.28把.保存在硬盘上keep on the hard disk29出现在屏幕上appear on the screen30将A连接到B上connect A to B将A与B连接起来connect A with B31需要很多记忆(存储)空间need a lot of memory32重新始启动电脑restart the computer33总共10个问题a total of ten questions 34对有好处;适合于be good for35向(某人)求助ask (sb.) for help36做一些练习题do some exercises 37在北极in the Arctic38点击图标click on the icon双击自动运行图标double click (on) the “auto-run” icon39感官动词用法听某人做某事listen to sb. do sth.听某人正在做某事listen to sb. doing sth.40在屏幕上on the screen41举行一次作文比赛hold a writing competition 42计算机的不同用途different uses of computers43八小时内环球(旅行)around the world in eight hours44听起来很有趣sound interesting45一张世界地图a map of the world = a world map46以.为开始start with = begin with47在思想里(在脑海里)in the mind48做某事更好。Its better to do sth做某事最好。Its best to do sth.49(游戏等)背景被设定在地球上be set on Earth50反对/介意(某人)做某事mind (ones) doing sth.51在收音机上on the radio52的设计者the designer of.二、重点句子及句型:1.The TV is turned on now. 现在电视开着。2.I usually use it to search for information. (=I usually use it for searching for information.)我通常用它搜索信息。3.A new educational CD-ROM called “Around the World in Eight Hours”has just come out. 一张名为“八小时周游世界”的新的教育光盘刚刚问世。4.It was designed by Nancy Jackson.它是Nancy Jackson设计的。5.He was lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful sky when he fell asleep and had a strange dream. 他躺在草地上并望着美丽的天空,这时他就不知不觉睡着了并做了一个奇怪的梦。6.When you have earned enough points , a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place (you have never visited before.)当你积满足够的分数时,一片云彩就会下来,带你去一个你从未去过的地方。7. Each level will take you about half an hour to finish.每一级要完成大约半个小时。8.This CD-ROM helps you learn English by testing your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary. 这张光盘通过测试你的英语语法和词汇知识来帮助你学习英语。9. The places (you have visited) are marked in bright purple. 用亮紫色被标上记号10.That is for you to find out. 那就留给你去查明吧。11.The course covers many topics, including travel and hotels, food and drink, 购物和货币。shopping and money.这课程涵盖许多话题,包括旅游与宾馆、餐饮、购物和货币。12. You use this set of keys for typing. = You use this set of keys to type.你用这组键来打字。13. The e-dictionary needs a lot of memory, so its better to keep it on the hard disk.电子辞典需占用很多内存,所以最好存放在硬盘上。14. -Do you mind telling me how to use this function? -No, not at all./Certainly not./Of course not. 请你告诉我怎样使用这一功能,好吗?当然可以。15. The game is set in different countries.这个游戏以不同的国家为背景。16. The goal of this game is to travel around the world to learn the history of each place. 这个游戏的目的是通过周游世界去学习各地的历史。三、语法:1.被动语态结构:be + 动词的过去分词。2.重点掌握以下6种情况的被动语态:一般现在时的被动语态(am/is/are +过去分词)一般过去时的被动语态(was/were +过去分词)一般将来时的被动语态(will be +过去分词)/(am/is/are going to be +过去分词)现在进行时的被动语态(am/is/are being +过去分词)现在完成时的被动语态(have/has been +过去分词)含有情态动词的被动语态(情态动词+be+过去分词)3.重点掌握两种特殊情况的被动语态含有使役动词、感官动词和help后接不带to 的动词不定式改为被动语态时要加上to。双宾语的情况改为被动语态时有两种改法。4.特别注意happen(take place)及系动词feel,sound,taste,smell,look等没有被动语态的情况。
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