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-.2021年XX传媒学院笔试A 卷 +B 卷真题语文略、见后题型: 1. 易错字音字形2. 标点 3. 病句辨析4. 句子排序 5. 手法 6. 文言句式等1、以下有关文学常识和课文内容的表述不正确的一项为哪一项A. 泰戈尔是印度诗人、哲学家和印度民族解放运动的领袖,他的?素芭?借助正面描写,侧面衬托和反面衬托等手段塑造了一个美丽聪明的哑女形象。B. 雨果是 19 世纪法国浪漫主义最出色的代表,他主X“美丑对照原那么。在?炮兽?中,就充满种种对照;血肉之躯和钢铁猛兽,灵巧和粗鲁,理性和野性,智慧和野蛮,还有斗勇和智取,以及动与静显示出浪漫主义文学的瑰丽特色。C.D.海明威是美国“迷惘的一代的代表作家。他的?桥边的老人?更多的是在“显示故事而不是“讲述故事没有过多的主观感受与心理描写一切情节的内涵全部蕴含在客观的表达中表达了海明威独特的叙事风格。2、以下各项中,关于小说理论的表述不正确的选项是一项为哪一项A. 小说的叙事角度可以分为“全知视角和“有限视角两种,一般来说,传统小说比拟喜欢使用全知视角来讲述故事,现代小说比拟喜欢使用有限视角来讲故事。B. 小说中场景描写的功能有:给全篇“定调;营造意境与渲染气氛;引导XX红杉教育人物出场;提醒人物性格;作为象征。C.在情节的运行方式中,整体上都遵循着一个根本的模式:发生- 开展 - 高潮 - 结局。课文?在桥边?就是一个典型的情节运行的根本模式。D.小说最终要表达的不是某种事实,而是一种具有审美魅力的真实。而艺术的真实与生活的真实有着密切的关系,两者很难分辨,所以,艺术的真实其实就等于生活的真实。-Word 格式-.数学题型: 1. 偶函数 2.向量 3.解不等式4. 集合等1.方程表示焦点在 y 轴上的椭圆,那么实数m的取值X围是A.(-1 ,2)B.(-2,1)C.(1, 2)D.(-2 ,2 )2.等差数列 an 满足 a2+a4=4, a3+a5=10,那么 a5+a7= A 16B 18C 22D 283.将正方形ABCD沿对角线 BD折起,使得 A 在平面 BCD内的射影是三角形BCD的重心, 此时 AC与平面所角的正弦值为4. 与两个相交平面的交线平行的直线和这两个平面的位置关系是A. 都相交B.在这两个平面内C.平行D.至少和其中一个相交5. | x-2 | | 2x-1 |的取值X围6. 函数 y | x-2 |和 y kx-1有且只有一个交点,求k 的取值X围7. 如右图 , 直线 L1、L2、 L3 的斜率的大小关系为 ( )A. k1k2k3B.k1k3k2C. k1k2k3D.k1k3k28. 以下命题正确的选项是A假设向量a 与向量 b 共线,向量b 与向量 c 共线,那么向量a 与向量 c 共线B向量 a、 b、 c 共面就是它们所在的XX红杉教育直线共面C零向量没有确定的方向D假设向量a向量 b,那么存在唯一的实数使得向量a=向量 b9.g x =f x +x 是偶函数, f 1 =3, f -1 为多少-Word 格式-.英语题型:语法 +理解反义疑问句被动过去分词过去时,现在时等1.The greatuse of the schooleducationis not so much to teach you thingsto teach the artof learning.A.rather thanB.thanC.norD.as2.Travelling from England to Scotland you .A.needn tB.don t need to have a passportC.needn t to have a passportD.don t need take a passport3.Thoughmany ectraplansand trainsareusedtocarrypassengers,traffictoolsarestill_needed during“ May DayholidaysA.badlyB.eagerlyC.slightlyD.equally4.What kind of persons do you prefer to make friends with?-I choose my friend on their characterand how we_A.get inB.get onC.get upD.get off5.I m terribly sorry,but I made a mistake again.-_,practice more you will successA.Certainly notB.Don t mention itB.You re welcomeD.Never mind6.It s sad thatan Asian CultureVillage_insidethe AYGVillagein Nanjingin the coming AsianYouth Games period.A. was builtB. is buildingC.buildsD.will be built7.Everything was placed _where he wanted it for the party, with which he was very satisfied.A. ExactlyB.officiallyC. entirelyD. gradually8.Each year quite a lot of food_around the word,It s really time for us to do something.A.wastedB.was wastedC.will be wastedD.is wasted9. How many English words do you think I should know?As many as you _. Then you will find reading quite easy.A WillBmightC MustD.can10.Agreements were made _Germany,Italy and France.A.amongB.withinC.betweenD.不清楚11.Do you think the _of this suits me? of course!You always look beautiful in red.A. sizeB. designC. priceD. color-Word 格式-.12.In America,people start celebrating the New Year_ 31st December.A.inB.atC.onD.for13.Before the bridge was built_the river,the villagers had to take a boat to the other side.A.inB.besideC.alongD.across13.Fuzhou HongShan EDU original14.Which team do you think_the game? Hard to say.There are still ten minutes before it ends.A.winsB.has wonC.wonD.will win15.It s that the smalltown you often referto? Right , just the one you know I used to work foryears.A. thatB. whatC. whichD.where16.Being honest is the first_if you want to make friends with others.A.handB.jobC.timeD.step17.It is usually warm in my hometown in March,but it_be rather cold sometime.A.shouldB.wouldC.mustD.can18. My new shoes are a bit tight and both my feet_after a long day of work.A.harmB.woundC.injureD.hurt19.Jim is_good basketball player.He plays in our school team.A.theB.aC.anD./20.Hi, guys.How was your party yesterday? Wonderful!We had a big meal and enjoyed _.A.yourselvesB.themselvesC.ourselvesD. myself21.We dont let anyone try a dangerous trick_we know that they are skilled enough to performit safely.A.becauseB.whenC.ifD.unless22.-What do you think of the movie by Zhao Wei?Terrific.I like_veryA.herB.itC.himD.you23.Are you sure you can do well in today s test, Lucy? - _. I ve got everything ready.A. It s hard to sayB. I hope noC. I think soD.I m afraid not-Word 格式-.文综 +文常1. 金星昼夜温差小于地球的主要原因是A. 多火山喷发导致的二氧化碳过浓B.稠密的大气层形成的热惯性C. 距离太阳最近受到太阳辐射最强D.自转速度过快2.高山陡峭处土壤肥力低的原因是A. 风力侵蚀作用显著B.地表火山岩裸露C.地面物质流失快D.垂直地带性差异显著3.以下哪个行星距太阳最远A. 冥王星B.海王星C.火星D.木星4.云贵
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