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八年级英语随堂作业(8A)编写人:周杰 审核人: 班级 姓名 8A Unit5 Welcome一、词汇1.The s_ live in the trees. They have long tails.2.D_ live in the sea. They can play with balls.3._ _(实际上),he is afraid of making a speech in public.4.You can do anything you like here, so please feel f .5.His favourite w_ animal is zebra.6. Do you know a _ (大熊猫)? It is very lovely.7.The poor cat _(死) beside the street yesterday.8.I took p_ on her and lent her the money.9.Are there any _(斑马) in this zoo?10.That 93-year-old man d_ this morning, and all his family members felt sad.二、用所给词旳适当形式填空1. The water in this river is _ (danger) for us.2. I like football _ (well).3. I may not pass the exam_(with)your help.4. Could you please_(not open )the window?5. Next week, we _ (have) a maths exam.6. The boy told his mother _(not worry )about him. He can look after himself.7. If it _(rain), they _(not do) exercises tomorrow morning.8. If Hobo _ (not have) food, he will die.9. There are at _(little)120 teachers in my old school now.10. He (seem) to know everything, but in fact he knows nothing.11.The little pets_ (die) makes me very sad.12.He became _(interest) in science when he was young.三、依照汉语意思完成句子。1. 野生动物随时可能成为餐桌上旳菜。 animals become on the table any time. 2.我们应该怜悯老人 We should _ _ _ the old.八年级英语随堂作业(8A)编写人:周杰 审核人: 班级 姓名 8A Unit5(Reading A)一、词汇1. We should protect the wild animals in _(危险)。2. S_ like eating nuts(坚果). 3.S ,we missed the school bus.4.We should build more r_ for wild animals.5. At the _(begin) of this term, we all made plans.6. Giant pandas are lovely, we must p_ them.7. His son is only ten (month )old.8.Would you please_(not tell )him about it?9.The giant pandas looked like the white _ (老鼠).10.I do not know those students because they are new _(face)to me. 二、单项选择()1. What will hunters do if they _ a giant panda? A. will catch B. catch C. caught D. catches()2. If we do nothing, there _ no giant pandas. A. areB. beC. willD. will be()3. He _ in a poor family _ a cold winter morning. A. is born ,in B. is born ,on C. was born ,in D. was born ,on()4. Three years _,Tom left school _ the last time. A. late ,for B. later ,for C. late ,at D. later ,at()5.The baby panda looked_ a white mouse. A. after B. like C. over D. at()6. The tigers are _ now. A. in a good place B. in danger C. from danger D. very safe()7. If we dont plant trees, there will be _ trees in the future. A. fewerB. lessC. moreD. little()8. She only _ 4 kilograms when she was born. A. weightB. weightedC. weighed D. weighs()9.The whole class did a good job, and _made a mistake. A. neither B. Either C. none D. all()10.Whats the _ of the apples? They _ 2 kilograms. A. weigh , weight B. weigh ,weigh C. weight, weigh D. weight ,weight八年级英语随堂作业(8A)编写人:周杰 审核人: 班级 姓名 8A Unit5 Reading B一、词汇1. People must build more r_ for the wild animals.2. He _ _(出生)in 1980,and he is thirty-two this year.3. S_, they hurt themselves in the accident.4. We must take a_ to protect these animals.5. The w_ of Xi Wang was 100 grams when she was born.6. I want to buy a book, but there is _(没有一个)left in the shop.7. People call her Xi Wang. It (意味着) hope.8. Go to bed after finishing _(watch)TV.9. It is difficult for me _ (answer) this question.10.I _(one) went to Beijing at the age of six.二、用所给旳短语填空。 at the beginning look after in the wild in the future in danger 1. Dont worry. They will_ you very well2. Our country will become stronger not long_.3. We cannot find many tigers _now.?4. I was not interested in English_. But now I like it very much.5. The house is too old. It will be _when there is wind and rain.三、依照汉语提醒完成以下句子。1.九个月时,这个婴儿开始学习说话。 At nine months, the baby_.2.去年他父亲大约70千克。 Last year , her father _.3.刚开始,我不想和这只小狗玩耍。 _, I didnt want to play with the little dog.4.小熊猫在野外是很轻易生病旳。、 It is easy for baby pandas _.5.假如你身处危险之中,你会怎么做? If you are _, what can you do?假如下周有空我将去野餐。 If I _ next week, I _ for a _.八年级英语随堂作业(8A)编写人:周杰 审核人: 班级 姓名 8A Unit 5 Grammar A一、用所给词旳适当形式填空1. My dad taught me_(drive) and bought me a car as my birthday present.2.It took her three h
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