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毕业设计说明书设计(论文)题目:变速器结合盖机械加工工艺规程及指定工序专用夹具设计(大批量)学生姓名: 学 号: 专业班级: 09级机械3班 学 部: 指导教师: 2013年06月1日摘 要摘 要汽车变速器左侧盖是汽车变速箱的重要组成部分。它与变速箱箱体装配,为变速箱内部的齿轮,轴等工作元件提供一个稳定的安全的工作环境,防止内部零件在暴露环境下工作。本设计要求“以质量求发展,以效益求生存”,在保证零件加工质量的前提下,提高了生产率,降低了生产成本,是国内外现代机械加工工艺的主要发展方面方向之一。制定工艺路线的出发点,应当是使零件的几何形状、尺寸精度等技术要求得到合理的保证。在生产纲领已确定为大批量生产的前提下,可以考虑采用万能性机床配以专用夹具,并尽量使工序集中来提高生产率。除此之外,还应当考虑经济效益,以便使生产成本尽可能的降低,总之,在制订工艺路线时,应遵循:“优质、高产、低消耗”的原则,使制订的工艺路线在现有的条件下最为合理、通过对该变速器左侧盖零件图的分析及结构形式的了解,从而对变速器进行工艺分析、工艺说明及加工过程的技术要求和精度分析。然后再对变速器左侧盖结合面加工进行夹具设计与精度和误差分析,该工艺与夹具设计结果能应用于生产要求。通过对变速箱左侧盖制造活动有一个总体的全貌的了解与把握,能够掌握机械加工的基本知识,能选择加工方法与机床,刀具,卡具及加工参数,具备制定工艺规程的能力及掌握机械加工精度和表面质量的基础初步具备分析及解决现场工艺问题的能力关键词 变速器左侧盖;加工工艺;定位;夹具设计-45-AbstractAbstractAutomobile speed aviator left cover is an important component of the gearbox. Box it and gearbox assembly, the internal gear for the transmission, axle components,and other word. It provides a stable and secure working environment to prevent exposure of internal components in the working environment.This Paper requires that with quality beg development, with benefits seek to live on to store , under the prerequisite of guaranteeing the quality of element processing , have raised productivity and reduced production cost, is one of mainly direction of domestic and international modern machining technology developing. Make the starting point of the process route, is to make the parts shall be geometric shape, size precision technology requirements get reasonable guarantee. In the production program has determined to be under the premise of mass production, can consider to use sex machine tools match with special jig, and try to make process to improve on productivity. In addition, also should consider economic benefit, so as to reduce the production cost as much as possible, in short, in making the process route when, should follow: high quality, high yield, low consumption principle, that make the process route in the current conditions the most reasonable Through knowing and analysis the the left side transmission cover part drawing for transmission, so as to analysis the process, make process explanation and analysis the technical requirement and the precision of the left side transmission cover. Then, carry out the design of clamping apparatus and analysis the precision and error for the processing of the contact plane of left side transmission cover, this technology and the design result of clamping apparatus can apply in production requirement.Through the gearbox manufacturing activity on the left side of the cover have a overall understanding and grasp the full picture, able to master the basic knowledge of the mechanical processing, can choose processing methods and machine tool, cutting tool, fixture and machining parameters, have the ability to process regulations formulated and mastered the basic mechanical machining accuracy and surface quality of the basic capability of analysis and solving process problems.Keywords The left side transmission cover , processing technology , Fixed position ,Tongs design 目 录目 录摘 要IAbstract II第1章 零件的分析 11.1 零件的作用 11.1.1 具有保护作用 11.1.2 具有支撑作用 11.1.3 可以简化箱体设计制造,提高工艺性能11.2 零件的工艺分析 11.2.1 结合面积定位销孔 11.2.2 孔3-13F9的加工要求 21.2.3 导轴孔16E8与13H8要求2第2章 工艺规程设计 32.1 确定毛坯的制造形式 32.1.1 零件的力学性能要求 32.1.2 零件的结构形状和外廓尺寸 32.1.3 生产纲领和批量 32.2 基面的选择 42.2.1 粗基准的选择 42.2.2 精基准的选择 42.3 制造加工工艺路线 42.3.1 工艺路线方案一 52.3.2 工艺路线方案二 52.3.3 工艺路线的分析与比较 62.4 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 62.4.1 车结合面 72.4.2 两定位销孔8F972.4.3 两内侧面 72.4.4 3-13F9孔 72.4.5 换挡轴孔13H8保证 72.4.6 中间导轴孔13H8和16E8要保证同轴度 72.4.7 钻、扩3-10.6孔 82.4.8 钻、铰6.2孔82.4.9 扩、铰孔、攻丝82.4.10 车沟槽 82.5 确定切削用量及基本工时 8第3章 夹具设计 393.1 问题的提出403.2 夹具设计403.2.1 定位基准的选择 403.2.2 切削力及夹紧力的计算 403.2.3 定位误差分析 423.2.4 夹具设计及操作的简明说明 42结 论 43参考文献 44谢 辞 45注 释
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