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欢迎阅读pale的意思用法总结park这个词汇大家都很熟悉了?那它的用法是怎样的呢?今天WTT给大家带来了park的用法吗 ,希望可以帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。pale的意思adj. 苍白的,无力的,暗淡的,浅色的vi. 变得苍白,失色,变得暗淡vt. 用栅栏围,使失色,使变苍白n. 栅栏,围篱,桩,境界,范围变形:副词:palely; 比拟级:paler; 最高级:palest; 过去式: paled; 如今分词:paling; 过去分词:paled;pale用法pale可以用作形容词pale的根本意思是“苍白的,灰白的”,指人时形容面容缺乏安康或自然的气色,指物时表示色彩暗淡,缺乏光泽。pale还可形容缺少色彩的鲜明和浓度,近似于白色。引申那么指缺乏表达事物特点所必需的属性,有时含有“缺乏活力”的意味。pale在句中可用作定语或表语。pale用作形容词的用法例句She was pale with fear.她吓得脸色发白。His pale face has shown his bad health.他面色苍白,说明他身体不好。The pale eyes seemed to glare past her, the eyebrows frowned, the long jaw hardened.那双灰白的眼睛仿佛看穿了她的身子,眉头皱着,长下巴发僵。pale可以用作动词pale用作动词时意思是“变苍白”,指人的脸色因受到惊吓或听到不好的消息而变苍白。pale也可指失去正常颜色而变得暗淡。pale常与介词before, beside连用,表示“与相比相形见绌”。pale用作动词的用法例句She paled with shock at the news.她听到那消息大惊失色。She paled at the sight of the blood.她一看到血就脸色苍白。The clouds paled and pulled apart.云层变淡,渐渐疏散。pale用法例句1、In the background, dressed in pale green, stood Eunice.尤妮斯穿着浅绿色的衣服站在后面不起眼的地方。2、At the horizon the land mass bees a continuous pale neutral grey.陆地在地平线处变成了一片浅灰。3、Pale colours are much more in vogue than autumnal bronzes and coppers.浅色比黄褐色和红棕色这些秋季色彩更流行。pale词组 | 习惯用语pale yellow adj. 淡黄色,浅黄色turn pale 变得苍白(脸色)pale green 淡绿,浅绿in pale (纹章图案)一个竖置于另一个之上的;(单图案)竖置于中部的pale pink 浅桃红,苍桃红色pale blue 淡蓝色pale brown 浅褐色,淡棕色pale red 浅红,淡红色look pale 面色苍白beyond the pale 在范围之外pale purple 淡紫色,淡白紫;青莲色pale and wan 没有血色,脸色苍白pale英语例句库1.Mother paled with shock at the news.妈妈听到那消息大惊失色。2.Defeat left her tearful, pale and drained.她因遭受失败而眼含泪水、面色苍白、精疲力竭。3.He paled at the sight of the blood.他一看见血就脸色发白。4.He seems to be sick, for he appears pale.看样子他病了, 因为他面色看起来很苍白。5.The old trees were profiled against the pale sky.那些老树的轮廓映衬在苍白的天空上。6.I paled at the thought of what she might say.想到她可能会说什么我顿时脸色发白。7.In benzene, re-crystallization products to buff aciculae, modity to pale yellow.在苯中重结晶的产品为浅黄色针状晶体,商品为浅黄色或土黄色。8.Seeds pale grayish white tomentellous, margin often with longer cobwebby hairs.种子浅灰色白色被短绒毛,边缘通常具长毛。9.He was pale but perfectly posed.他脸色苍白,却非常镇静。10.He went pale at the news.他听到这个消息时脸色变得苍白。11.Symptoms are unusual paleness and tiredness.病症是异常的苍白和疲劳。12.Their version of jazz funk is a pale imitation of the real thing.他们演奏的音乐不过是对真正的乡土爵士乐的拙劣模拟。13.The leaves on the trees shimmered pale green,almost silvery in the spring sunlight.树上的叶子闪烁着淡绿色的光,在春天的阳光下几乎是银白色的。14.Still, despite brotherhoods strong starring cast, the actors cant hide the paleness of plotline.尽管天堂口有着强大的影星阵容,但演员们的出色表演还是掩盖不了故事情节的苍白无力。15.Emmeline turned pale.埃米琳脸色变得苍白。16.Jeans pale, strained face.琼苍白疲惫的脸色。17.Prythee, why so pale?请问,干吗这样苍白?18.His face turned deathly pale.他的脸色变得惨白。19.A paleness overspread her face.她脸色一阵苍白。20.The sky was pale blue.天空呈淡蓝色。pale【全文END】
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