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2022年考博英语-清华大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Sea rise as a consequence of global warming would immediately threaten that large fraction of the globe living at the sea level. Nearly one-third of all human beings live within 36 miles of a coastline. Most of the worlds great seaport cities would be (1 ): New Orleans, Amsterdam, Shanghai, and Cairo. Some countries Maldives Islands in the Indian Ocean, islands in the Pacific would be inundated. Heavily populated coastal areas such as in Bangladesh and Egypt,(2)large populations occupy low-lying areas, would suffer extreme (3) .Warmer oceans would spawn stronger hurricanes and typhoons, (4)in coastal flooding, possibly swamping valuable agricultural lands around the world. (5) water quality may result as(6) flooding which forces salt water into coastal irrigation and drinking water supplies, and irreplaceable, natural (7)could be flooded with ocean water, destroying forever many of the (8) plant and animal species living there.Food supplies and forests would be (9)affected. Changes in rainfall patterns would disrupt agriculture. Warmer temperatures would (10) grain-growing regions pole-wards. The warming would also increase and change the pest plants, such as weeds and the insects (11) the crops.Human health would also be affected. Warming could (12 ) tropical climate bringing with it yellow fever, malaria, and other diseases. Heat stress and heat mortality could rise. The harmful (13 )of localized urban air pollution would very likely be more serious in warmer(14). There will be some (15)from warming. New sea-lanes will open in the Arctic, longer growing seasons further north will (16 )new agricultural lands, and warmer temperature will make some of todays colder regions more (17). But these benefits will be in individual areas. The natural systems 一 both plant and animal will be less able than man to cope and (18 ). Any change of temperature, rainfall, and sea level of the magnitude now (19 )will be destructive to natural systems and living things and hence to man as well.The list of possible consequences of global warming suggests very clearly that we must do everything we can now to understand its causes and effects and to take all measures possible to prevent and adapt to potential and inevitable disruptions(20) by global warming.问题1选项A.ascendedB.assaultedC.erasedD.endangered问题2选项A.whichB.whereC.whenD.what问题3选项A.dislocationB.discontentC.distributionD.distinction问题4选项A.rebukingB.ramblingC.resultingD.rallying问题5选项A.IncreasedB.ReducedC.ExpandedD.Saddened问题6选项A.inlandB.coastalC.urbanD.suburban问题7选项A.dry-landB.mountainC.wetlandsD.forest问题8选项A.uniqueB.preciousC.interestingD.exciting问题9选项A.geologicallyB.adverselyC.secretivelyD.serially问题10选项A.shiftB.generateC.greaseD.fuse问题11选项A.hikingB.huggingC.attackingD.activating问题12选项A.endangerB.accommodateC.adhereD.enlarge问题13选项A.profitsB.valuesC.effectsD.interests问题14选项A.conditionsB.accommodationC.surroundingsD.evolution问题15选项A.adjustmentsB.benefitsC.adoptionsD.profits问题16选项A.alternateB.abuseC.advocateD.create问题17选项A.accidentalB.habitableC.anniversaryD.ambient问题18选项A.adaptB.alleviateC.agitateD.assert问题19选项A.ascertainedB.conformedC.consoledD.anticipated问题20选项A.tutoredB.relayedC.triggeredD.reflected【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B第6题:B第7题:C第8题:A第9题:B第10题:A第11题:C第12题:D第13题:C第14题:A第15题:B第16题:D第17题:B第18题:A第19题:D第20题:C【解析】(1)动词辨析和上下文语义。句意: 海平面上升 沿海城市。ascended 攀登,上升;assaulted 攻击,袭击;erased 抹去,擦掉;endangered 危及。选项D符合句意和上下文逻辑。(2)状语从句。地名Bangladesh and Egypt后用地点引导词where。(3)名词辨析和上下文语义。原句为,Heavily populated coastal areas would suffer extreme(人口稠密的沿海地区将遭受 )。dislocation 混乱,断层;discontent 不满;distribution 分配;distinction 区别,差别。选项A符合句意。(4)固定搭配。故答案为C。rebuke “指责,谴责”;ramble “漫步,漫游”;rally “重整旗鼓,使恢复健康”。result in后面接coastal flooding,意为“引起,导致海岸洪灾”。(5)上下文语义。Increased 增加的,上升的; reduced 减少的,简化的;expanded 膨胀的,扩大的;saddened 悲哀的,忧愁的。根据上下文可知水质量是下降的。(6)上下文语义。全文都围绕海平面上升和沿海洪水展开论述,coastal 沿海的, 海岸的。(7)名词辨析。dry-land 旱地;mountain 山脉;wetlands 湿地;forest 森林。根据原文,在沿海地区的自然地带,有可能被洪水,选项C符合逻辑。(8)形容词辨析和上下文语义。unique 独特的;precious 值得珍视的;interesting 有趣的;exciting 令人兴奋的。句意:摧毁那儿 的动植物物种。unique 强调数量稀有而独特,precious强调价值宝贵。选项A更符合。(9)副词辨析。geologically 地质学地,地质地;adversely 不利地;secretively 隐秘地,隐匿地;serially 连续地。句意应为:粮食供应和森林受到不利的影响。(10)动词辨析和上下文语义。shift 移动,移位;generate 产生,发生;grease 涂脂,贿赂;fuse熔化。句意:温度升高会使谷物生长区向两极 。选项A符合句意。(11)动词辨析。hiking 远足,步行;hugging 拥抱;attacking 侵袭。activating 刺激,使活动。选项C符合句意。weeds and the insects attacking the crops表示杂草和昆虫攻击庄稼。(12)动
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