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2022年考博英语-中国艺术研究院考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The Government has therefore agreed to pay authorities extra sums to( )for their financial losses.问题1选项A.make upB.turn upC.fill inD.lean on【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项make up“组成,编造,弥补”;B选项turn up“出现,发生”;C选项fill in“填写”;D选项lean on“依赖,靠在上”。句意:政府因此同意向当局支付额外的金额,以弥补他们的经济损失。make up for意为“补偿,弥补”,选项A正确。2. 单选题When PH.D. candidates( )their impending professorships, they consider housing benefits offered by the prospective university.问题1选项A.anticipateB.assumeC.applyD.demand【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项anticipate“预期,预计(并做准备)”;B选项assume“设想,假定”;C选项apply“申请,应用”;D选项demand“强烈要求”。句意:当博士申请者在为即将到来的教授职位做准备时,他们会考虑未来大学提供的住房福利。选项A符合语境。3. 单选题The right to pursue happiness is promised to Americans by the US Constitution, but no one seems quite sure which way happiness ran. It may be we are issued a hunting license but offered no game. Jonathan Swift conceived of happiness as “the state of being well-deceived,” or of being “a fool among idiots,” for Swift saw society as a land of false goals.It is, of course, un-American to think in terms of false goals. We do, however, seem to be dedicated to the idea of buying our way to happiness. We shall all have made it to Heaven when we possess enough.And at the same time the forces of American business are hugely dedicated to making us deliberately unhappy. Advertising is one of our major industries, and advertising exists not to satisfy desires but to create them and to create them faster than anyones budget can satisfy them. For that matter, our whole economy is based on addicting us to greed. We are even told it is our patriotic duty to support the national economy by buying things.Look at any of the magazines that cater to women. There advertising begins as art and slogans in the front pages and ends as pills and therapy in the back pages. The art at the front illustrates the dream of perfect beauty. This is the baby skin that must be hers. This, the perfumed breath she must breathe out. This, the sixteen-year-old figure she must display at forty, at fifty, at sixty, and forever. This is the harness into which Mother must strap herself in order to display that perfect figure. This is the cream that restores skin, these are the tablets that melt away fat around the thighs, and these are the pills of perpetual youth.Obviously no reasonable person can be completely persuaded either by such art or by such pills and devices. Yet someone is obviously trying to buy this dream and spending billions every year in the attempt. Clearly the happiness-market is not running out of customers, but what is it they are trying to buy?Defining the meaning of “happiness” is a perplexing proposition: the best one can do is to try to set some extremes to the idea and then work towards the middle. To think of happiness as achieving superiority over others, living in a mansion made of marble, having a wardrobe with hundreds of outfits, will do to set the greedy extreme.From the first two paragraphs of the passage we may infer that( ). In “advertising exists not to satisfy desires but to create them” (Line 2, Para.3), “them” refers to( ). In the authors view, buying things is regarded as( ).It is implied by the author that the magazines are( ).The best title for the passage maybe( ).问题1选项A.the US Constitution gives people the right to pursue happinessB.American people are at a loss as how to gain happinessC.Jonathan Swift did not believe in happiness itselfD.American people tend to buy their happiness问题2选项A.peoples desiresB.advertisementsC.various senses of happinessD.the forces of American business问题3选项A.a patriotic dutyB.supporting the national economyC.something addicting us to greedD.being taken in by advertising问题4选项A.sheer art and slogansB.full of lure and deceptionC.very useful for professional womenD.useless, like cream, tablets and pills问题5选项A.The pursuit of happinessB.The right to pursue happinessC.The false goals of American peopleD.The misguiding force of advertising【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.判断推理题。根据原文前两段的内容可知,美国宪法赋予美国人民追求幸福的权利,但似乎谁也说不清幸福跑到哪里去了。Jonathan Swift提出了虚假目标的说法,但这种说法不是美国式思维。然而,我们(美国人)似乎执迷于花钱买幸福的理念。由此可知,选项D符合原文。2.语义推断题。根据题干关键信息定位到第三段句意“广告的存在不是为了满足欲望,而是为了创造欲望。”由此可知,这里的“them”指代的是前半部分提到的“desire”。所以选项A正确。3.细节事实题。根据第三段最后一句“For that matter, our whole economy is based on addicting us to greed. We are even told it is our patriotic duty to support the national economy by buying things. 这样一来,我们的整个经济就是建立在使我们沉迷于贪婪的基础上的。甚至有人告诉我们,通过购买东西来支持国家经济是我们的爱国义务。”由此可知,作者认为购物是使我们沉迷于贪婪的东西,所以选项C正确。4.判断推理题。根据第四段的内容可知,作者提及,现在的杂志为了迎合女性的口味,开头的几页广告都是艺术和口号,到了结尾的几页就都变成了药丸和疗法。由此可知,作者认为杂志充满了诱惑和欺骗,选项B符合原文。5.主旨大意题。结合原文内容可知,前两段作者提及美国人追寻不到幸福的方向,而且倾向于花钱买幸福;接着作者讲到了人们是如何花钱来购买幸福的案例;最后作者指出幸福很难定义,关键在于个人如何看待。由此可知,本文主要是围绕着追寻幸福这一话题展开,所以选项A正确。4. 单选
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