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Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.编号No:3E-WH-FN-DM-01版本 Edition:A页次Page:2 / 7页数Page:7标题:固定资产管理制度Title:Fixed Asets Mnagement system更改日期 Revising Date:2011 - 05 - 25辅助生产经营设施类:各车间、部门的供水、供电、供气系统以及不能归属于某一使用单位的公共设施;模具类:各种生产用模具;Auxiliary production management establishment types: each workshop, the department of water andpower supply, gas supply system and cannot be relegated to a use of units of the public facilities;Die categories: various production with mould;检测实验设备、工具类:用于各种检测、实验用设备、工具;Testing experiment equipment, tools: used for various testing, experiment with equipment, tools;办公设备类:办公室使用的电脑、打印机、电话、传真机等;Office equipment class: office use of computers, printers, telephone, fax, etc。;建筑类:厂房、办公室等生产经营用建筑物;Building types: workshops, office and other production management with buildings;交通、运输工具类:各种交通、运输车辆;Traffic and transport categories: all kinds of traffic and transportation vehicles;其它:不属于以上分类的生产经营性固定资产.Other: do not belong to the classification and production business fixed assets.二、非生产经营性固定资产:Second, Non-productive profit-making fixed assets:房屋、建筑物:食堂、宿舍等;Houses, buildings: canteen, dormitory, etc。;其它设备:用于食堂、宿舍的固定资产.Other equipment: used for canteen, dormitory of the fixed asset。4.0固定资产管理员职责4。 0 Fixed assets administrator duties。每个固定资产使用部门需指定一名固定资产管理员,其职责为:Each fixed assets used to designate a department of fixed assets, whose responsibili ty f or:administrator(1) 负责固定资产的申购、保管、维护、盘点等工作,接受财务部门的培训指导,按照财务部的要求填写基础数据和表格,接受上级相关职能部门的检查监督;(1 ) is responsible for the purchase of fixed assets, custody, maintenance, inventory, acceptfinancial department in accordance with the training guidance, asked to fill out of the financedepartment based data and forms, accept superior related functional departments inspection andsupervision;(2) 对管辖的固定资产及时进行有效的编号、标识、登记;(2) the fixed assets over jurisdiction in a timely manner effective Numbers, marking andregistration;(3) 负责各项技术资料的保管.(3) is responsible for the technical data for safekeeping.Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.编号No:3E-WH-FN-DM-01版本 Edition:A页次Page:3 / 7页数Page:7标题:固定资产管理制度Title- Fixed Asets Mnagement system更改日期 Revising Date:2011 - 05 - 255.0流程5.0 process流程图Flow chat说明Explain申购SubscribeAcceptance入帐Enteraccount5。1 固定资产的申购及审批 5。1 fixed assets purchase and approval5.1。1固定资产使用部门根据实际生产、工作的需要,提出配置申请:由资产管理员填写新增固定资产申购表(见表一),按相关部门进行审批;5.1。1 fixed assets used according to actual production, work departments,and puts forward the need of asset allocation application: the administratorFill in new table of fixed assets purchase (see table 1), accordingto related departments for examination and approval;ation5。2.固定资产的接收、安装、调试、验收5。2。 Fixed assets receiving, installdebugging and acceptance固定资产到厂后,由固定资产管理员及供应商组织拆箱、初步验收,并填写设备到货签收表(表二)如该固定资产需要安装,由厂务部门负责组织安装或协助供应商安装、调试;5.2 1 fixed assets to the f actory, the fixed assets administrator and suppliers cunpackingand preliminaryicceptanceand filin tablef theequipment delivery-eceip(tables ) if the need to install fixedassetsby facilitdepartmentis responsiblfororganizing the installation or assist supplier installation, commissioning5。2.2固定资产正常投入使用后,经使用部门对该固定资产的各项指标进行检验,检验合格后,办公设备类填写固定资产交验单见表三),机器设备类填写机器设备验收单见表四)g depar5.22 fixed assets investment after the normal use of the fixed assets usinindex for inspection, the inspection, quaffifiedequipment supporting fill in assets of singltee table)3 machinery and equipment class YanShouChan fillmachine equipment (see tab)le 4the fix(in th5.3 固定资产账务处理;5.3 fixed assets accounting treatment5。3.1使用部门资产管理员登记固定资产台账(见表五),财务部根据验收单入固定资产明细账,并与使用部门固定资产台账定期核对保持一致;5。3。1 use department assets administrator registration fixed assets (see chart5 ) then, finance MingXiZhang according to YanShouChan fixed assets and fixedassets using department regularly check then remain consistent;5。3。2财务部应根据需要对固定资产进行定期盘点,处理差异5。 3。 2 finance should according to need to periodically inventory and fixedassets with discrepancy;Semiconductor Co.,Ltd.编号No:3E-WH-FN-DM-01版本 Edition:A页次Page:4 / 7页数Page:7标题:固定资产管理制度Title- Fixed Asets Mnagement system更改日期 Revising Date:2011 - 05 - 25投保Insurant修理Fix报废Scrap5。4 固定资产的投保、报案及理赔 5.4 fixed assets insured, report and adjustments固定资产未到厂前一两天,由财务部门负责办理投保手续及申请支付保费,期间如有资产增加、减少,应及时办理保险变更手续;5。 4。 1 fixed assets or not to plant by financial department before handle castmaintain procedures and request for payment, if assets during the premiumincreases , reduce , should seasonable conduction insurance alterationformalities;5.4。2固定资产在遭受灾害时,目击者应第一时间通知固定资产管理员及财务部拨打报案电话:95518,并保护好现场,及时拍下照片或者视频,协助保险公司人员做好现场堪察工作;5。 4.2 fixed assets, witnesses from disaster should be the first time informfixed assets administrator and finance dial telephone: report 95518, andprotect the good scene, photos or video photographed in time, assist theinsurance company personnel well site Campbell; ezer5。5 固定资产的使用、修理 5.5 the use of fi
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