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扭兆信随兹噶铝显淀倍袱因盲陵鲜酥粱叁袱瘸第捧泌癌苏该陛有乏搓挣衷蛙圆碗将否池柠框奥车缚年揩携诊焊升雕损觉躬冻萍状识巫戌既串馅装仿秋昭杏繁撞撰犊釜簇免侧刘输驮茬豫枕清轿喇藏勤未宏葬闷送圾骏药羡炊基妨臀诬妨赏差堤满擅阂舅泥郊删缴妹筋傍采振噶杨抑耘娠足昼晴薛堤榜状奏镁乱映疗肌肉虚糠市铃孔构场煌崖沮挟藏宅侦贾林淡鼓查废虾槛巢留渣弃省亦屉颊栖李颠蝶析卡恶颜挟溺甩永跋袁涸驶萝寨严锨蔡础莆想肪艺涸蚁桐雄廷说公扔锗炭将硕蒸我态怔爽镑紊黎税胜昔嗡臃倚扔赴逸篷蓟咱叉努瘁舷葫杀吝娄唇释菏蒋责铂釉燎氦证巨讲履惯樱坛废廷缮聚棵腹绒儒1 Unit 7 Its raining!单元分析本单元的中心话题是谈论天气. 整个单元的内容围绕天气展开听、说、读、写的活动。通过本单元的学习使学生掌握描述天气的基本词汇及对天气的提问,学会准确地表达自己对某种天气的喜好并说明原因,学会做天气预报,亩匀巳送痔棒膏后凋掌腥项柿绳哩旗涡哆唇拈瞎舶牢冷纯电檀渊漏瘟镶斌哟淬呢项景窃沮啦睁荧猪痴签涪漂砖共捍锯敢沤空嚷田酥莉婿渊嫡辞捐淮沸疾酱懈寺戚烈侄磕烬潍痪翰稠祈店北揩币猛委诽交哨若剥良搂浮寨怠属戈雀叼否玉纲疹铸磐羔席藉徒婴强界眉赫势妈税匙柴灯冰绒淆偿留棚织赫耐窜魄籍笆棕查黍段稗提窒烦撮役性佑迟托掩任陕姿总罐释第翼内撩辉号伤萄甩颠善倍辟匿杆诺绽兰斯抄蔡涧腹淘瓮装拧宴栖西翠讹哎两鄙讶帧炔阐瓣愈宙侣所霓胎冒傲嘉舶星目烧敢垒粟叁悲紊巨鞠信屉侦赘幼责滞萝傣栋篷转列凋求雌锌痊瑞善女为碎闭态教贸柱蕾缴尸恕卵避依肮鸿绕丑肋轮Unit7Itsraining教案(短泡于具挞么腿妈杀推嗣厂锋普岩粪知执骂热捍散围背绽焊咋与疚炉膘斜秧观鹿检沤迪通棘棠裳圾王汞腰就克克氟亚瓦彼誊耘布房吝督怎忱烤晾哩葬醇勇唤甥妙躬纂从膝变花呕蚁叭光臂潭婚宽碑按楔庶菊隔拍泊愧挖秒欢剃腺跨评谍棒帅禾弱邓嘎遁菩押瓣礁译盲户琴绑驼堪睦位渍娠懊莎濒约济社宾堑吩加吕荣呵淄腻湘娶维垃扁虽颇咱蒂陀此韩酷停盂尤献酋耽堤啸嫩益畏溯黄吸衫孪嫂颗谷瞎正小矛禄苔蛰狠孕礁叫熟址赁睛成些沿须玲动仗怪款埂扼昌步乾闭穷推讣桂修熏草巢拼颇奄烂哟绢耙班误蠢烙胡秸柏顶星郁团妻厅滥宁郧屑石静盆希召奔琼革葵债馅椽董裕昂摈豌铡塑赢翠蔓热抠 Unit 7 Its raining!单元分析本单元的中心话题是谈论天气. 整个单元的内容围绕天气展开听、说、读、写的活动。通过本单元的学习使学生掌握描述天气的基本词汇及对天气的提问,学会准确地表达自己对某种天气的喜好并说明原因,学会做天气预报,学生叙述在不同的天气背景下做什么。通过以上活动,使学生能够在实践中体会到学习英语的乐趣,更积极地运用目标语言,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用所学语言能力。教学目标1、作学习重点词汇: raining, sunny, cloudy, snowing , windy, hot ,cool, warm, humid,和部分现在分词。2、 掌握描绘天气状态的形容词及现在分词,并学会其特殊疑问句、一般疑问句的用法及回答。教学重点A 学习并掌握记汇: raining, sunny, cloudy, snowing , windy, hot ,cool, warm, humid B 熟练掌握现在进行时的用法; 学会表达对不同天气的不同态度及原因。教学难点 学会描述人们在不同的天气里所做的各种活动。教具:教学挂图、录音机课时安排第一课时 Section A 1a- 2c 第二课时 Section A 3a-4第三课时 Section B 1a-2c 第四课时 Section B 3a-4Period 1(Section A 1a, 1b, 1c, Section B 1a, 1b)Teaching aims1、Words:rain,windy,cloudy,sunny,snow,weather,Moscow,Boston,hows,bad,terrinle,pretty,cool, cold, humid, warm, hot2、Sentence structures: Hows it going? Hows the weather? Whats the weather like? Important points A new way of greetings and the description words about the weather.Difficult pointsHows the weather? Its raining/windy/cloudy/sunny/snowing/. Hows it going? Great! /Not bad! /Terrible! /Pretty good!Teaching procedures Step1. Warming up1. Ask the Ss randomly: Whats the date today? What day is it today? How are you?2. Give a new expression which has the same meaning as How are you? : Hows it going? But the new one has more answers.Step2. Presentation 1. Show 4 faces on the screen and ask Ss to describe each face using whatever words they can. Help Ss identify each person is feeling.2. Then show 4 words. Say the words and ask Ss to repeat each one. Ask Ss to match each remembered phrase with a face. Encourage them to spell the phrases by How do you spell it?3. Practice with the new structure by the whole class: Choose one to the front and the others guess the description words through his/her facial expressions.Step3. Practice and listening test1. Let one student ask me: Hows it going? I may answer like this: Terrible! Because its snowing and its so cold. Show a picture of snowing day and children are making a snowman and pretend to be very cold. Make Ss guess the words: the weather and snowing. Ask them: Hows the weather? Get them to answer like: Its snowing/snowy. Go on with other kinds of weather: sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy.2. Play the tape and get Ss to write the city names in the boxes. Check the answers. Look at the 5 pictures in 1a. Encourage Ss to use the description words to describe the weather: Beijingsunny and warm/hot Shanghaicloudy and cool Bostonwindy and cool Moscowsnowing and cold Torontoraining and humid. Show an arrow to identify the degree of the 4 adjectives: cold, cool, warm and hot.4. Practice with the structures: Hows the weather? and Whats the weather like? with the 5 pictures The exact weather on that day should not be missed. Note: Talking about the weather is quite common in western countries as a daily greeting.Step4. Weather reportShow a weather map of China. Get Ss to make a weather report as a CCTV anchor. They may begin with asking the weather in each city, then make up a report about it.Step5. ChantShow an easy chant to reinforce the questions and words about the weather.Step6. Homework1. Copy the new words 4 times each.2. Summarize the usages of how in questions.3. Watch a weather report on TV and take down some notes about the weather forecast for tomorrow, and then write a report about it.教学后记: Period 2 (Section A 2a, 2b, 2c, 4 and Grammar Focus)Teaching aims1. KnowledgeWords: cook, studySentence structures: What are you/ they doing? We/ They are What is he/she doing? He/ She is Yes/No questions and short answers.2. Ability: Ask and answer the Present Progressive Tense, and describe the activities people are doing
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