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五年级英语上册单词拼写全面班级:_ 姓名:_1. 补全图片单词。hber sdwhsad ht2. 按下列要求填写。good (反义词)_ is (复数形式)_teacher(对应词)_ you(形容词性物主代词)_taxi (复数形式)_3. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Watermelon is(I) favorite fruit.2. I dont like(orange). Theyre sour(酸).3. Usually we have some(eggplant) and bread forlunch on Tuesdays.4. The hamburger _(be) nice. Its my favorite.4. 按正确的格式抄写下列单词和句子。1long 2jacket3beef 4borrow5English6What does she look like?5. 看图完成句子。(1)My little sister likes to _ _.(2)Jenny likes to _. (3)My cousin likes to _ _.(4)My mother likes to _ _.(5)My father likes to _ _ _ _.(6)Do you like _ _ _? (7)My family _ _ _ _ every morning.6. 将字母重新排列,组成合适的单词填空。1. Is there a_( r,p,k,a) in the forest?2. There are some_(o,l,e,f,w,r,s)in the park.3. Are there any_(a,l,e,k,s) in the city?4. Are there any_(a,n,p,d,a,s)in the mountains?5. There is a_(l,l,v,i,e,a,g)in the nature park.7. 请根据上下文的意思补充单词,注意单词的正确形式。(答案不唯一)1. She collects p_.2.What do we need in the party?I can bring s_and p_.3.What are these?Theyre s_.4. I sometimes dream about my f_.5. I get up at a qu_to seven.6. My father is a f_. My mother is an e_.7. There are s_b_and rings on my table.8. 根据句意和单词首字母提示,完成单词。(1)Today I won(赢了)a chess game. Now I feel h_.(2)Yesterday I lost(丢了)my pen. I am s_.(3)I want to eat something. I feel h_.(4)I helped my mother tidy(打扫)the room. I am t_.9. 补全单词。Yang Mei is a good p_.Chen Hai is an English t_.Sam studied very h_in our class.What did they s_yesterday morning?10. 根据图片和首字母将单词补充完整。1a_ 2s_3s_ 4w_11. 根据首字母提示填空。Some students talk a_their hobbies. Mike likes p_basketball and football. He l_drawing too. He usually d_pictures w_his brother Tim. Liu Tao is g_at football. He a_likes p_table tennis. Yang Ling likes r_books. She h_many books. W_about the twins? They b_likes s_.12. 看图补全单词。1.-WhosyourEnglishteacher?-MissWhite.-Isshek_?-Yes,sheis.2.-Whosyourmusicteacher?-Mr.Young.-Isheo_?3.-WhosyourEnglishteacher?-Mr.Li.-Ishes_?-Yes,heis.13. 根据图片写单词。(1)_ing (2)_ing(3)_ing (4)_ing(5)_ing mountains14. 根据上下文和首字母提示补全句子中的单词。1.When its winter in Beijing, its s_in Sydney. 2.The post office is in f_of the bank. 3.We are going to the s_to buy some food and school things. 4.There is a short c_from the cinema to my home. 5.Next week, we are going to have an o_day. 6.Do you plan to have a birthday p_?15. 补全单词。(1) fris _第一 (2) seco _ ed第二(3) thri_第三 (4) ans _ er 回答,答案(5) sca _f围巾 (6) soc _短袜(7) every_ ne 每人,人人 (8) hamburge_汉堡包(9) cra_ on 彩色蜡笔 (10) _pen 打开页码 / 总页数
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