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考研英语一真题及答案完整解析012年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)he ethicl jdgmts o the Supree Cout jtces hav ecom a iortant sse cently. Te court cannt _1_its legitimcy as guardia the ule of law _2_justics bhave lkeoliticis.Yet, insevelinstaes,usicesced iways that 3_the cots reuttin fo bei inepenent nd imparta.Justic AntoniScalia, or example, ppared aplitca events Tat d ofacitymakes it es liythah coutdecisions will e _4_as mpartal udgmnts Par ofthe problm ithathjsicse ot _5_by an thcce.At the ry east,the urt shold makiself_to the code of cndc that _7_to the rst of the federaljiciay.Ti and other milr ae _the qeston ofwehr tere is stla 9_twee the c and itcTe framersofte onstutonnvisioed lw _10_aving authrity art from plti.They gave juices pmaen positios _1_the would be fre t _ thse in poer anda noneed to 13_ poltca upport. Or leal em wa ignd toet w aat frm plitic precisely bausthe ae so coely _14_.Contttiona lawis politica ecaue it result frm hoies rooted in fundametl ocal 1_ likeliberty and proey. Whenthe cut del oa lc ecio, the law i _16_ is escpably politiclwich swhy decsionsplitongieolgical lins ae el _17_ as just.The justies ms 18_ douts abuthe couts lgitimac b making themseves _19 tecode of condct That wold marlinsmore likly to een as seprate from politics nd, _20, convincing as aw.1.Amphasi BmantnCmoiyD reognze2. Awhe Blet CbereD unless Arestod Bweakened Cesablished D eliinat challege BcmprmsedCuected accepted5. Aavancd Bcaugt Cbon fondd6 AresitanBsubjectimue rone7. Aesortsstick Cload Dpies8.ad Brise Ceny Dsettl9. Aie Bbarrier Cimilrit Dolit10.Aby Bs Chough Dtowrds11. As BsieCprovideDtg2. serve Bsatsfy upet Dreae1. Aconfim epresclvate Dffer1.adefollowed CstuddDied15. Aconcpt Btheories diviionsDoncption1. AexcluesBqueonsCshaps Dcntols1 Adisise Breleed Canked Ddistored18.Asuppssexplit ddressDignre9. asibleaiable arebl Dacounble2. Aby a mnsBatal sts in a ord as rutom on Evrybods ding it That hisperd essage, hlfinvitatin and haf focing, i what most f s inkof when whar h words peer essu It usually eds t no goddrikng, drugs and casa exBut in herew book Join theClb, Tn osenbrgcontendt eer presure a alsoesite orce thrg wat she cas thcial cur, n which rnizionan ofiias s te poer f oup dnamic t e niuls improve teir livs ad posblthe or.oseber, te recipientf Pliz rize, ofes a host of xaple o the scal cre in acin: InSoCaroi, a state-sponoed antsmkin program clld RaeAgainstthe azse outome cigaetesuncool. InSouh frca, anHVprveion nitiatknownLovLif reits yo pople to rmot af se amon hirps.Thidea empromising,and Roenber i a preptive obseer. rciqu fhe leness of many bicheathcapigns is so-n:heyfailto mobiliz pr rsure o althy hits,andte demosrate a serosy fawd udersanding syolgy.” Dare to b dferet, pea dnt smo!”pleas o billoard cai aimed a rducn smkngamog teaer-tengers, wh dsire nohn mo t fittingin.Rsenbr arusconininl tht blic-eah dcats ou to aea efrmdvertsers,so ille atapplingpr presure.But othe genaeffecivness o th
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