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Unit How can we become good learners教学设计公开课优质课英语 九年级全册 Unit 1 教学目标要求 How can we become good learners? Period 1 Content Section A 1a, 1b, 1c; 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d 1能简单谈论如何学习,如:A: How do you learn English? B: I learn by studying with a group. 2能正确使用“by动名词短语”的形式表达学习方式,如:I study by working with a group. 3能正确使用下列词汇,如:textbook, conversation, pronunciation, sentence, aloud, patient等。 4能正确使用下列常用表达,如:make word cards, read aloud, word by word等。 5能根据听到的关键词或者根据信息来完成听力任务,如:1b, 2a等。 6能模仿录音正确朗读和表演教材上的对话,并能模仿目标语的结构和语调进行初步表达(会话)。如:1c和2c, 2d中的对话。 教学过程 活动 步骤 教与学活动目的及其操作 复习已学目标语和导入谈论喜爱的科目的话题。 T: Whats your favorite thing? S: My bike T: Whats your favorite subject? S: My favorite subject is English. 1 T: How long have you learned it? 复习 时间 3 m S: For 6 years. T: How do you learn the subject? S: I read English stories and listen to English songs. Good. Now lets watch and listen. 仿照上述对话,组织Pairwork复习活动。 OK. Lets do pair work: Talk about your favorite things. 2 学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生。 学生观看动画边观看边跟读(反馈评价和强化)。 Well, lets watch, listen and repeat. 教学资源运用 导入新课话题。 Do you like English? 学生回答: No. 3 接着问How do you study English? 导入 时间 1 m Well, lets learn Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Period 1 引入单元标题。 教师板书或课件显示: 4 Unit 1 How can we become good learners? Period 1 提问,导出目标语。 教师提出问题: What do you usually do when you study English? 利用对话方式导入新语言现象。 T: What do you usually do when you study English, Peter? 5 S: I often read English books. T: (To class) Good. Peter studies by reading English books. Thats a good way. 1a 时间 English. 4 m 动脑,填出更多学习方式共享交流。 Please add other ways you sometimes study English. 必要时教师可晃动事先准备好的作业本、英语故事书、英文DVD影片光盘或外盒,甚至利用汉语进行一些提示。这些方式可能6 包括by doing exercises, by reading English books, by asking others for help, by watching English DVDs等等。 Show your other ways.鼓励学生相互间开展交流,了解他人的学习方式,反思自己。 Then open your books and check the ways that you study 引导学生观察1b所呈现的文字内容,为听力活动铺平道路。 How many people do you think there are in the conversation? What are their names? 7 How many boys and how many girls are there? What do you think they will talk about in the conversation? 1b 时间 5 m 听辨对话,感受目标语。 Now open your books and look at 1b. 8 Listen and write letters from 1a. 核对答案。 Lets read the names. (教师帮助纠正发音) 与学生之间对话的方式进行与学生核对确认答案。 仿照1c活动示范依次确认听力活动各人物的学习方式答案。1c 例如: 时间 6 m B: She studies by making word cards 示范领读。 9 A: How does Meiping study for a test? 组织Pairwork,学生扮演角色模仿编造会话。 Now work in pairs in 1c. 教师巡视指导;或可三人一组开展1c活动:一人对其他两人10 进行简短访谈记录,了解他们应对考试的学习方式,随后教师挑选部分学生进行班级汇报。可以通过小组比赛的形式,看谁准确、流畅的完成任务。 要求学生大声读出问题,确认学生明确词义,为听力活动进2a 时间 2 m 11 行预期准备。 Lets read the questions and know the meanings of them. 教师纠正生词发音(如conversation, pronunciation等) 根据活动2b内容预估1a活动答语。 2b 时间 4 m 12 T: read 2b and talk about the difficulties. Then guess the answers to the questions in 2a. 找出对自己来说生僻的词汇,求教同伴或老师明确词义。 播放录音,完成2a、2b听力任务。 Now play the tape and finish 2a and 2b. 13 Lets check the answers. (见参考书答案) 仿照2c示范开展口语对话活动。 2c 时间 4 m 14 Read the conversations in 2c. Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b. Work in pairs. 教师巡视指导、评价。 并让几组展示。 集体朗读对话,借助问题反馈学生的理解。 First read the conversations and answer the following questions. What are the names of the girl and boy in the conversation? Who has the problem? And whos going to help? Whats the problem? (answers: 15 1Jack and Annie. 2Jack. Annie 2d 时间 7 m 3Jack is nervous because he is a slow reader and he has to finish reading a book and give a repair next Monday. He doesnt understand many of the words. ) Ask Ss to answer the questions. 学生阅读对话对问题作答,细节理解。 OK. Lets conversation and questions carefully, then help them check them. 16 Lets read them together. 教师确认学生全面理解对话后要求他们带有情感地练习朗读对话,可采用先个体结伴再分角色集体朗读的形式。教师注意纠正语音语调的偏差。 学生结对展示,引导学生复习、学习对话中值得学习的语言现象,并收集整理。 Ask several to show their conversations. 1请部分学生展示、表演对话,教师注意对其语音语调及 情感的点评。 17 2语言学习:引导学生复习、学习对话中值得学习的语言 现象,并收集整理。 条件许可或对学有余力的班级或学生群体,教师还可布 置项目任务:结合自己实际改编对话或创编新对话进行 课堂小表演,进行评比等(如设“语言改编奖”、“自然表 演奖”、“语言流畅奖”、“表情及情感奖”等)。 本活动的检查评价;归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标。 1抽查两对学生的会话表演。 2教师在他们会话完成后询问几个学生: 小结 时间 3 m 18 英语学习方法:1a 总结本节课的重点内容,回顾重要目标语言。 What have you learned from this lesson? 鼓励学生先自己总结,教师最后归纳。 Homework(布置作业) 作业 19 1 m
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