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四年级下学期英语质量调查试题(时间:60分钟)一、Read and choose (将单词的代码填在相应图片的括号里) A. teachers office B. playground C. library D. garden E. canteen go to the ( ) go to the ( ) go to the ( ) go to the ( ) go to the ( )二、Read and match(读一读,连一连)1.Do you have a canteen? A. Its on the first floor.2. Where is the library? B. Forty-five.3. How many students are there in your class? C. Yes, we do.4. Lets go there. D. OK.5. How old are you? E. Im ten.三、Think and choose(认真想一想,选出正确答案)A. English class B. lunch C .breakfast D. P.E. class E. time( )1.What _ is it? ( )2.Its twelve oclock. . Its time for _.( )3.Its seven oclock. . Its time for _.( )4.Its nine oclock. . Its time for _.( )5.Its three oclock. . Its time for _.四、Read and choose(选出与给出的图片同属一类的单词)( )1. A. board B. dinner C. canteen ( )2. A. gym B. football C. chair( )3. A. time B. seven C. school( )4. A. shorts B. red C. yellow( )5. A. colour B. shirt C. white五、Look, read and choose(看图片,读句子,选答语)A: Whats the weather like ?B: ByeC: Whats the matter?D : HiE: What are you doing?John: Hello.Amy: _, John._John: I am doing my homework.Amy: _John: Its rainy. How about Beijing?Amy: Oh, no! My pictures!John:_.Amy: Its windy now .I have to close the window! Bye!John: _ !六、Watch and write(仔细观察,写出正确单词)七、Read and choose(读一读,选择)( )1.Lets go to the _, have some chicken. A.TV room B. canteen C. art room( )2. Mom, can I wear my _ today? Yes, you can. Its very hot. A.T-shirt B. jacket C. sweater( )3.-How much is this pretty dress? -_ A. It is 78 yuan. B. They are 78 yuan. C. Great !( )4.Look at the pants. They are 10 yuan. They are _. A. cheap B. pretty C. expensive( )5.-Can I help you? -_.A. Yes. How much is it? B. Its pretty C. You are welcome!( )6.What are they?A. They are goat. B. They are sheep. C. Its a lamb.( )7.Are they hens? A .Yes , they are . B .No , they are. C .Yes , it is.( )8.How many cows are there?A.I have one hundred. B .They are twenty. C .Twenty .( )9.What do you see in the picture?A.I see five cats. B.I see three dog. C .Thirty .( )10.How many _do you have? A :potato B: potatos C: potatoes八、Put the words in order(连词成句)1. for Its dinner time (.).2. five Its oclock (.)3. time What it is (?04. go home Lets (.) 5. ducks they are (?)九、Read and judge(读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示)Zoom: Its warm today.Zip: Lets go to the farm.Zoom: Great!认真对待哟!Zip: Wow! This farm is so big.Zoom: What are these?Zip: They are cucumbers.Zoom: I like cucumbers. They are fresh.Zip: Are these horses?Zoom: No, they arent. They are donkeys. Zip: I dont like donkeys. I like horses.Zoom: Look! Those are horses.Zip: Lets play with them.Zoom: OK. ( ) 1. Its hot today. ( ) 2. Zoom likes cucumbers. ( ) 3. Zip likes donkeys. ( ) 4.The farm is very big. ( ) 5. Zoom likes to go to the farm.十、Write a report(写天气预报)Good morning !Heres the weather report in China. It is windy in Beijing. 四年级下学期英语质量调查试题一、Read and choose (将单词的代码填在相应图片的括号里,10分,每小题2分)答案:1-5 CADBE二、Read and match(连一连10分,每小题2分)答案:1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.E 三、Think and choose(认真想一想,选出正确答案10分,每小题2分)答案:1.F 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.E D 四、Read and choose(选出与给出的图片同属一类的单词,10分,每小题2分)答案:1.C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 五、Look, read and choose(看图片,读句子,选答语,10分,每小题2分)答案:1-5 D E A C B六、Watch and write(观察,写出正确单词,10分,每小题1分,)答案:sunny rainy cloudy snowy windy pig computer dog dress fan七、Read and choose(读一读,选择,10分,每小题1分)答案:1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C八、Put the words in order(连词成句,10分,每小题2分,)答案:1.Its time for dinner.2.Its five oclock.3.What time is it?4.Lets go home.5.Are they ducks?九、Read and judge(读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示,10分,每小题2分)答案:1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T十、Write a report(写报告10分,) 答案:(略) / 文档可自由编辑打印
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