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大班英语教案:New house 活动目标:经过游戏活动部署新房,复习对日常生活中常见单词,介词及句型 I need I put it 深入掌握经过描述日常生活中幼儿所熟悉的物和事情,激发幼儿学习英语的爱好 活动准备: 房子图片平面示意图组合图(幅)平面示意图老师示范幼儿操作图(大小)小超市所需图片若干 活动过程:一幼儿边唱“Happy home”边进教室,并引导幼儿和老师招呼Today, wehave so many guests in our classroom. Lets say “ hello” to them.All right!Sit down, please! 二(一)引出活动 出示房子图片,引发爱好:Look! Whats this?复习多种房间的名称:This is the bedroom以部署房间的形式引发幼儿爱好 Now, I want to decorate them.First, I want todecorate myliving room. Can you help me? 请名幼儿先商议部署客厅,引导幼儿去超市购置所需要的物 品 Ineedsomething to decorate it. Can you help me? Look ! The supermarket isbeside my new house. You can get there and buy something we need. Who can helpme?a.要求幼儿经过商议,购置部署客厅所需的物品 Think about it. What we need! b.复习句型I needc.请幼儿将所购置的物品部署到客厅内,并复习句型I put 及多种介词的使用方法 Are you ready? Come on!You do it!Tell us, where do you put it? 幼儿分组操作,老师指导 a .引发幼儿部署其它房间的爱好I sobelieve you. Look at my bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. They arealmost emptyLets decorate them, ok? b.引导幼儿部署其它房间 This is bedroom.What we need? 引导幼儿自由组合并讨论怎样部署其它房间,并学习去超市购置所需物品 If you want todecorate thebedroom . You can go there and here. The supermarket isbeside you. You can get there and buy something you need.幼儿分组操作,老师巡回指导 Youdo it! Its up to you! 引导幼儿把图纸讲述给客人老师听 Say something about yourpicture toour guests. 听音乐平静入座 三经过竞赛的形式深入复习巩固介词的使用方法及句型I need I put it任意选组讲述Come on! Lets have a race. Tell us something about your picture.四结束活动 鞭炮起,老师发糖 Welcome to my new house Song: 出教室
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