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阅读难句随身卡(基础篇)北京环球雅思祁连山一、前言阅读分为四个层次:词、句、段、章。同学们一般习惯于以词为单位阅读,所以遇到存在“生词”的句子就无从下手了。 其实阅读的真正障碍并不在于 “生词”,而在于“难句”,因为难句即使每个单词都认识,只要“结构”复杂,可能也读不懂。反之,一旦能够把握“结构”,就可以忽略生词,掌握大意, 从而实现“无词阅读”的境界。为此,本人特意为广大同学制作了这一套“难句随身卡” (包括基础篇和提高篇) 。二、难句的构成英语的难句 =主句 +从句 +短语,不同于汉语的句子全是简单句,没有复杂句。如果把英语的难句比喻成大树,那么主句相当于树干,从句相当于树枝,而短语相当于叶子。只要把握主句,就可理解大意。相比之下,汉语的句子就好比是竹子,一节一节的。因此,我们在理解英语难句的时候要学会“拆”.把复杂句拆成简单句来理解。也就是说,要学会抓住“树干” ,拆掉“枝叶” 。三、如何“拆”任何句子都必须有谓语动词,所以找到一个谓语动词就可以拆下来一个句子。因此,理解难句的基本步骤是: 1)识别出有哪几个谓语动词; 2)找出主句的谓语动词,先理解主句; 3)再去理解从句和短语。四、符号说明1谓语动词用黑体的斜体字表示, 例如:Everyone should know 。2从句的引导词用方框表示,例如:where thenearest fire alarm box is located。3从句用横线表示,例如:where the nearestfire alarm box is located ,表示 where 引导的从句。4插入语成分用括号表示,例如: Keeping yourhead, (insteadof crowding and pushingto get toan exit), may make the difference between.第三章分隔结构本章难句列表(分析从第6 页开始):1. Evening had now come, the last of Adolf Hitler s life.2. We live in a time when, more than ever beforein history, people are moving about.3. Several neighbors hope to find safety in theonlybomb shelterontheirstreetwhenanannouncementcomes overtheradiothatenemymissiles are approaching.4. The willingnessto recognizethe value ofthesenewer “ unscientific” ways ofdoingsciencemaybe anotherinstanceof thehumanabilitytoadaptand survive, of which we spoke earlier.5. Itis an activityyou turn tofor pleasure,notsomethingthatyou havetodo, like helpingwiththe dishes.6. The tour races of France and Italy, held each year, cover more than 2,000 miles.7. While I was waitingto enteruniversity,I sawadvertised in a local newspaper a teaching postat a schoolin a suburb of London about ten milesfrom where I lived.8. The second aspect is the application by all members of society from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methodsof thought and actionthatscientistsuse intheirwork.9. I launched into a variationof thespeechIhadmade foryears,abouthow excessivetaxratescantake away theincentivetoproduce,andhowcutting taxes can generate growth.10. Even his critics say the Ames test hissimple,inexpensive laboratoryprocedurethat.helps determine whether a substance might cause cancer is a remarkable achievement.11. The cessation (停止) of the employment of extraordinary means to prolong the life of thebody when there is irrefutable evidence thatbiologicaldeath is imminent(即将来临的) isthedecision of the patient and/or her immediatefamily.12. Although her characters were portrayed(描绘) in many settings and situations, they allreflected, by the often tragic outcome of theirlives,herprofoundconvictionthat nohumancouldbe happy if thathappinesswas rootedinthewretchedness (悲伤,痛苦)of another.13. I plan to see her soon in England, though not, she reminded me, again at 10 Downing Street.本期难句分析:1. Evening had now come, (the last of Adolf Hitler s life).结构:只有 1 个谓语动词: had come,分隔了主语 evening 和它的同位语 (the last of Adolf Hitler slife)。(the last of Adolf Hitlers life)由于较长,所以放在了后面。本句的原型是:Evening,(thelast of Adolf Hitler s life),had now come.翻译:阿道夫 . 希特勒生命中的最后一个夜晚已经来临了。.2. Weliveina time when,(more than ever beforein history), peopleare moving about .结构:共有 2 个谓语动词,主句的是live 。(more thanever before in history)分隔了定语从句的引导词when 和 people are moving about 。拆分为:1)We live in a time.2)In a time peopleare moving about (more thanever before in history).翻译:在我们生活的时代中,人们四处奔波的程度远远超过历史上的任何时期。.3. Several neighborshope to find safety in theonly bomb shelterontheirstreetwhenanannouncement comes overtheradiothat enemymissilesare approaching .结构:共有3 个谓语动词,主句的是。 that引hope导的是 an announcement 的同位语从句,原型是anannouncement thatenemy missilesare approachingcomesover the radio。但是,由于谓语动词太短,造成头重脚轻,所以同位语从句被放到了后面。拆分为:1)Several neighborshope to find on theirstreet.2)When an announcement comesover the radio.3)That enemy missilesare approaching .翻译:当电台里面宣布敌人的导弹袭来的时候,有几.个邻居希望能在街上唯一的避弹所里找到藏身之处。4. The willingness to recognize the value of these newer “ unscientific ” ways of doing science may be another instance of the human ability to adaptand survive, of which wespoke earlier.结构:共有2 个谓语动词,主句的是maybe。主干是The willingness may be another instance。 ofwhich引 导非限 定性定语 从句 , 修饰 the humanability
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