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赖斯的演讲 keynote speech formerU.S.Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the World Economic Forum 主旨演讲在世界经济论坛年会提示:人名:Klaus,President of the World Economic ForumPresident Couchepin 瑞士总统Pascal CouchepinBismarck 俾斯麦(政治家,学过历史的都知道吧)Hank Paulson 美国财长,曾经的高盛公司一把手Thank you very much. Thank you, Klaus, for that terrific introduction. Im tempted to ask if you are the conductor and to say that it is a very good thing if no one misses any notes, the piano or the orchestra. I want to applaud you for everything that youve done to put this World Economic Forum together and to make it a place where people come to share ideas, and ideas that can indeed lead to a better world. It is a wonderful gathering of civil society, of business, of great leaders from around the world. And also, I note that youve also gone out of your way to include young people, and I thank you very much for your effort. Let me thank also President Couchepin for the work that the government and people of Switzerland have done in generously welcoming us to this beautiful country.President Karzai, Dr. Pachauri: Thank you very much for your wonderful work and Im really just delighted to share the dais with you tonight.Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: It is an honor to join you here, and as Klaus has said, I have tried to get here several times before. I was determined to make it as Secretary of State and I guess I can say better late than never, Klaus. I spoke at the Forum by video in 2006, and I had the pleasure last year of receiving a group of Young Global Leaders at a first-ever U.S. Policy Summit. And so I understand that some of them are here today. Its a wonderful legacy that youre leaving, Klaus, in bringing these young people in. I was thinking about what I was going to say tonight, and Ive been watching the news and Ive been looking at the images on television and Ive reflected on the events of the day. And of course, what comes front and center for all of us is the turbulence political and economic in our world:The violence in Kenya. The tragic assassination of Mrs. Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. The ongoing and at times halting efforts of Iraqis and Afghans to build peaceful, functioning governments. The looming danger of climate change. The forecasts of market woes and economic troubles. Even a growing concern about globalization itself a sense that increasingly it is something that is happening to us, not controlled by us.As I took a look at all of this, I decided to do something risky: I want to talk about the importance of ideals and I want to talk about the need for optimism in their power.Now, I know that whenever Americans start talking about idealism and optimism, international audiences groan. Perhaps there is a little concern that youre going to hear a long, moralizing lecture. Well, I promise not to do that.And another common concern when Americans talk of idealism and optimism is, “Well, there they go again,” the innocents abroad. Indeed, there is a long international tradition of viewing America as kind of young and nave.Well, in our defense, I would just say were not that young.And if you are tempted to think that we are nave, then you should hope that Bismarck was right when he said, “God has a special providence for fools, drunks, and the United States of America.”Seriously though, I recognize that there is a climate of anxiety in our world today. And it is tempting for many people to turn inward, to secure what they have, and to shut others out. Some want to go it alone. And there is certainly cynicism about the salience of our ideals when it seems that its just hard enough to protect our interests.I know that many are worried by the recent fluctuations in U.S. financial markets, and by concerns about the U.S. economy. President Bush has announced an outline of a meaningful fiscal growth package that will boost consumer spending and support business investment this year. My colleague, Hank Paulson, who had hoped to be with you, is leading our Administrations efforts and working closely with the leaders of both parties in Congress to agree on a stimulus package that is swift, robust, broad-based, and temporary.The U.S. economy is resilient, its structure is sound, and its long-term economic fundamentals are healthy. The United States continues to welcome foreign investment and free trade. And the economy, our economy, will remain a leading engine of global economic growth. So we should have confidence in the underlying strength of the global economy and act with confidence on the basis of principles that lead to success in this world.And on that note, I would submit to you this evening that there is not one challenge in the world today that will get better if we approach it without confidence in the appeal and effectiveness of our ideals political and economic freedom, open markets and free trade, human dignity and
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