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第1单元第1课Unit 1: Lesson 1 开场 OPENING ROUTINE 每节课开始讲课前先叫醒 Tommy ,然后大家一起唱Hello! 1.1 ,或者一起做Pollys gym 1.7 ;用下列歌曲让小朋友们活动起来:All together 1.5 Table time 1.6 结束 CLOSING ROUTINE 一起唱 Tidy up! 1.3 和 Tommy说再见并且一起唱 Goodbye! 1.4 词汇 VOCABULARY crayon, book, teacher, floor 音频AUDIO Action song 1: Pick up a crayon 1.17 Pick up a crayon and colour (x3) Colour with your crayon. Clap, clap, clap, and tap the floor (x3) Colour with your crayon! Open a book and look (x3) Look at your book. Clap, clap, clap, and tap the floor (x3) Look at your book! Tommys music 1 1.18 Colour with your crayon. Dance. Look at your book.基本能力BASIC COMPETENCES 向小朋友们介绍课堂常规活动用书ACTIVITY BOOK 一起快乐的做第3页 单元1中的作业纸 1.1 准备活动STARTER ACTIVITIES 把Tommy带到教室里,问小朋友们:Look! Whos this? 向小朋友们展示头垂着睡着了的Tommy 让小朋友们大声的呼唤Tommy,把Tommy叫醒。你可以一点一点的拉Tommy 出来,直到小朋友们猜到Tommy 是一只老虎为止。 Tommy 终于醒来了并和小朋友们打招呼。带着Tommy走一圈,Tommy说:Hello. My names Tommy. Whats your name? 小朋友们一一回应Tommy并且给Tommy一个拥抱。和Tommy一起唱歌或者做歌谣动作唱 Hello! 1.1 在歌曲的间隙挨个叫小朋友们的名字,每次叫到一个小朋友,Tommy就去给他/她一个吻。 做Pollys gym 1.7 小朋友们站成一个圆圈做健身操。课程 A LESSON A 准备 PREPARATION 主人公 Tommy 闪卡 flashcards: teacher, floor, book, crayon in the cloth bag CD 一根黄色蜡笔 A yellow crayon 一本简单的英语故事书或者你能用英语讲的小故事 (可选) A simple story book in English or one you can easily tell in English (optional) 贴纸 Stickers 游戏 ALL TOGETHER TIME 和Tommy一起玩 Playing with Tommy: teacher, floor, crayon, book 创建兴趣 Create interest: 说:Look! Tommy is at school; 把Tommy拿到布袋那,然后说:Look! Whats in here? 介绍新词汇 Introduce new vocabulary: 把你选的故事书和蜡笔放在旁边。 把闪卡一张张从布袋中拿出来,说:Oh, its a picture! A picture of a book! 对于每张闪卡,都叫一个小朋友来触摸闪卡所代表的实物;对于写有 teacher 的闪卡,你藏在书桌后面要小朋友们找到你。 玩闪卡游戏 Play a flashcard game:Move please, Tommy! 把一张闪卡放在地毯上,让Tommy挡住一部分画面;说:Can you move please, Tommy! 慢慢地把 Tommy从闪卡旁移开,问:What is it? Is it a (crayon)? Oh! Its a teacher! 动作歌曲 action song 1: Pick up a crayon 1.17 当小朋友们开始听这首歌曲的时候,让Tommy 用真实的蜡笔和书来表演这首歌曲;把 Tommy 放到某处观看小朋友们表演:再次播放这首歌曲,这次模仿这些词汇,鼓励小朋友们一起做模仿动作。 作业纸 worksheet 1.1: teacher, floor, crayon, book 展示并讨论作业纸 Display and talk about the worksheet: 指着作业纸,说:Look! Heres Tommy! Heres a crayon. Heres a book. Tommy is colouring in his book with his crayon. 练习作业 Practise task: 叫小朋友们出来指出教室中的物品,并且用蜡笔给T恤衫涂上颜色 说:Point to the book. Good. Now get a yellow crayon and colour Tommys T-shirt. Thank you.手工 TABLE TIME 分发贴纸,然后说:Its a book. 帮助小朋友们把贴纸贴到书上的正确位置; 小朋友们用黄色蜡笔给Tommy的T-shirt 涂成黄色;鼓励小朋友们认识作业纸上的book 和 crayon 以及教室里 teacher 和 floor可选活动 一个故事 OPTIONAL ACTIVITY A story 给小朋友们读故事书或者用英语讲另一个故事课程 B LESSON B准备 PREPARATION主人公 Tommy 闪卡:teacher, floor, book, crayon 放在布袋里 flashcards: teacher, floor, book, crayon in the cloth bag CD 为全班复印作业纸 Photocopy the worksheet for all the class 游戏 ALL TOGETHER TIME 和Tommy一起玩 Playing with Tommy: teacher, floor, crayon, book 重述词汇 Recap vocabulary: 展示布袋给小朋友们看,然后问:Whats in the bag? Do you remember?当 Tommy 拿出袋子里的闪卡,你说:Oh! Look! Its a (crayon)! 玩一个闪卡游戏 Play a flashcard game:Tommys guessing game 把闪卡面朝下放在地板上,让Tommy猜猜每张是什么:I think its a (book). 之后一个小朋友帮Tommy把卡片翻过来,说:Good! Yes, its a (book)! or No! its a (floor)! 动作歌曲 Action song 1: Pick up a crayon 1.17 鼓励小朋友们一起一边唱一边做动作;把一些蜡笔和书放到教室里的不同地方,小朋友们一起模仿一列火车,开到放蜡笔的各个地方;在歌曲的前半段边唱边做动作,后半段重复。 Tommys music 1 1.18 : Colour with your crayon. Dance. Look at your book. 和小朋友们一起练习模仿动作; 小朋友们找到一块空地,播放Tommys music ,小朋友们跟随指令做动作可选活动 Tommy的指令 OPTIONAL ACTIVITY Tommys instruction把四张闪卡放到地板上,然后一个个叫小朋友 ;Tommy 说:Give the crayon to the teacher, please. Put the book on the floor,please. 必要时,帮助小朋友们完成Tommy的指令 复印的作业纸 Photocopiable worksheet 1.1: crayon, box of crayons, book, bookshelf, teacher, floor 展示并讨论作业纸 Display and talk about the worksheet: 指着作业纸,说:Look, heres a crayon. And heres a box of crayons. Look, heres a book. And heres a bookshelf. 叫小朋友们出来并且鼓励他们按你说的做: Point to the book and the bookshelf. Point to the crayon and the box of crayons. 练习作业 Practise the task: 用你的手指在蜡笔和蜡笔盒之间连线;叫一个小朋友出来,对他说:Follow the line from the crayon to the box. Now, from the book to the bookshelf.并帮助他们完成:手工 TABLE TIME小朋友们在蜡笔和蜡笔袋、书和书架间连线;用蜡笔给书涂上颜色;鼓励小朋友们认识作业纸上的crayon和 book ,教室里的 teacher 和 floor 第1单元第2课Unit 1: Lesson 2 开场 OPENING ROUTINE 唱 Hello! 1.1 从下面两首歌中选一首: Pick up a crayon 1.17 Pollys gym 1.7 用下面的歌曲让小朋友们活动起来:All together 1.5 Table time 1.6 结束 CLOSING ROUTINE 唱 Tidy up! 1.3 ,和Tina说再见并一起唱 Goodbye! 1.4 词汇 VOCABULARY yellow duck, sun, banana yes, no please, thank you音频AUDIO Colour song 1: Yellow duck 1.8 Yellow, yellow, a yellow duck. (x3) Quack! Quack! Quack! 基本能力BASIC COMPETENCES 小朋友们熟知颜色黄色课程 A LESSON A 准备 PREPARATION 主
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