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浅谈It 强调句型的判定及与其它易混句型的比较 It引导的强调句型是一个非常重要的句型,在实际应用中我们可以通过该句型对句子的主语(含主语从句),宾语(含宾语从句)和状语(含状语从句)加以强调,从而提高语言的表现力。It强调句型主要有三种:(1)陈述句:It is/was +被强调部分+that/who/whom+句子其他成分(其他成分用陈述语序);(2)一般疑问句:Is/Was+it+被强调部分+句子其他成分?(3)特殊疑问句:疑问词+is/was+it+that+句子其他成分?随着学习的深入,学生在经过一定的训练和积累之后,往往会对it强调句型和一些相似句型混为一谈。本文拟就强调句型的一般判定及与一些相关句型的比较进行较为深入的整理,以期对学生的进一步学习起抛砖引玉的作用。 一 It强调句型的一般判定方法 如何判定一个句子是否是强调句型非常重要,下文所整理的强调句与易混句型的比较,无一不涉及到强调句型的判定方法。我们只要掌握了强调句型的判定方法,就可非常容易地辨别强调句型与非强调句型。 判定方法(一):看It is/was.后的引导词。一般而言,若It is/was.之后是that/who/whom,则为强调句;若为其他的引导词如when,where,why,which,before,since等,则为非强调句。请看下列例句:(1)It was in the room that we met for the first time. (2) It is his little son that/who/whom the father worries about most. (3) It was already midnight when I finished my composition. (4) It was the museum which we visited last Sunday. (5) It is the school where I used to work. (5) It is the reason why I wasnt able to come here last night.根据判定方法,(1),(2)为强调句,(3),(4),(5)为非强调句,请留意划线词。 判定方法(二):看句子中能否去掉It is 和that/who/whom。若去掉后句意完整无语法错误则为强调句,若句意不完整或很荒谬则为非强调句。注意:在去掉It is/was和that/who/whom后,原来is/was 后的成分有时需要调整到句子中的其他位置如谓语动词或句末后再来判断,判断方法同上述。请看下列例句:(1)It was Wei Fang that/who met me in the park yesterday.我们去掉It was 和that/who 后得到句子:Wei Fang met me in the park yesterday.此句句意完整无语法错误,故原句为强调句。(2)It is English that Mr Smith speaks every day.我们去掉It is 和that并将English调至speaks后得到句子:Mr Smith speaks English every day.此句是一个典型的主谓宾句型,故原句为强调句。(3)It is in the reading room that we often have a discussion.去掉It is和that之后,将in the reading room调至句末(也可不调)得到句子:We often have a discussion in the reading room.该句语意完整无成分残缺,故原句为强调句。(4)It is a pity that we missed the wonderful film.去掉It is和that之后,无论将a pity 放在句首或句末,新句子均不合理。请看:A pity we missed the wonderful film./We missed the wonderful film a pity.(5)It is necessary that we should spend more time on English.此句是非强调句,分析同例(4)。 判定方法(三):看It is/was之后部分的词类或是否是从句。一般而言,若为形容词,则为非强调句,此句子通常为it作形式主语的句型,形容词作表语,that 之后为主语从句;eg. It is important that people should develop a healthy eating habit. 若为名词性的成分(包括名词,名词短语或名词性从句),则为强调句;eg.(1)It is the pen that we lost last week.(2) It was Mr Zhang that/who taught us English last school year.(3)It is what you are doing not where you come from or whether you are rich or poor that matters.(划线处为并列的主语从句)(4)It was what we had been doing these days that we were talking about last night.(划线处为宾语从句)此方法也有例外情况,eg. It is my mothers worry that my sister is often late for school.此句为it作形式主语的句型,我们要注意具体问题具体分析,请参见判定方法(二)例(4)。(3) 若为副词性成分(包括时间副词,地点副词和副词性从句即状语从句)或介词(短语),则为强调句。eg. (1)It was here that we found the missing necklace(地点.副词)(2)It is now that we must get down to the work.(时间副词)(3)It is not until we have finished three years of study that we will have to leave the school.(时间状语从句)(4)It was because I stayed up too late last night that I was late again this morning.(原因状语从句)(5)Was it in this mountain village that Chairman Mao was born?(介词短语)若为从句则多数为强调句型,这儿所说的从句指名词性从句和各类状语从句,这一点在前面已有描述,这里再看几个强调状语从句和名词性从句的句子。eg. (1)It is where I used to work that I am taking a photo.(地点状语从句)(2)It was because she was injured in the accident that she didnt come to the party yesterday.(原因状语从句) (3)It was after she got what she had desired long that she realized it wasnt so important.(时间状语从句,got后又有宾语从句)(4)It was so that she could amuse her little brother that Ann did all kinds of funny things that afternoon.(目的状语从句)(5)It is how you do it not what you do that is more important.(主语从句)(6)It is where Tom spent the night last night that I want to know most now.(宾语从句) 二 强调句型与相关句型的比较 纵观强调句型的判定,当被强调部分后引导词是that时最容易和相似句型混淆,故在此我们多着墨于It is/was +被强调部分+句子其他成分与相关句型的比较,比较中有关观点均已在前文中描述,故在此比较时,笔者行文从简,点到则止,相关观点可以参见上文强调句型的三种判定方法的详细描述。 (一)强调句型与定语从句的比较 请看下列例句: (1)It was in the park that the couple made a date for the first time. (2)It was the park where the couple made a date for the first time. (3)It was over there /here that Tom was painting. (4)It was the night when the car accident happened. (5)It was in the night that the car accident happened. 句(1),(3),(5)是强调句,强调的分别是地点状语in the park,over there/here和时间状语in the night,原句可还原为:(6) The couple made a date for the first time in the park. (7)Tom was painting over there/here. (8)The car accident happened in the night.句(2),(4)分别为含有where和when引导的定语从句的复合句,注意句(2),(4)中park,night前的the不能去掉。 从以上例句可以看出,It is/was +地点状语或时间状语(含状语从句)+that +其它为强调句;It is/was+the +地点或时间名词后接由where/when/that/which等引导的定语从句。,全句为复合句。再如:(9)It is the city that/which/_I will pay a visit to next month.(10)It is the holiday when/during which we often have fun relaxing on the beach.注意:句(9)中引导词是that时,我们可看成强调句即(11)It is the city that I will pay a visit to next month.(强调介词宾语the city,我们下月要参观的就是这个城市)) (二)强调句型与主语从句,表语从句的比较 请看下列例句:(1)It is the Great Wall that they are going to visit. (2)It is Mr Wang that/who has been to USA several times in our office. (3)It is true that they are going to the Great
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