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周末培优I. 阅读理解AA vending machine(自动售货机) is usually where a person buys snacks and drinks. However, in Washington, D.C., some vending machines are providing a new snack free children s books.The Book Vending Machine program started by JetBlue Airlines is the first of its kind in the U.S. Dozens of books that attract children are within reach, at the push of a button.stories about elephants, robots and lots of other things. The vending machines are placed in a church and a supermarket. Each machine is fully stocked (储备) with books and children are allowed to take as many as they want. Icema Gibbs is director of JetBlue Airlines. He thinks that making sure that kids develop a life-long love for reading is really important.Studies have shown that having books at home has a positive effect on childrens test scores in school. It makes kids more likely to read for pleasure. Icema Gibbs explains, Our program is based on trying to get books in the hands of children who dont have age-appropriate(适当年龄的) books at home. They can touch and pick a book that was important to them even if nobody, no adult was telling them what book they had to take. This year, JetBlue Airlines carried out a study. It found that in many families, there was only one age-appropriate book available (可用的) for every 830 kids. One book vending machine inside a church is one of three in a poor neighborhood in the city. In the neighborhood, many parents cannot afford to buy books for their children.Books tell you many things. The program is wonderful, one boy said excitedly. It helps me read better, another boy added. Many kids agree.This is a pilot program (试点工程) and it s not clear whether it will be continued after the summer. The program hopes to make book vending machines common in other communities, so they can help increase literacy and a love for reading.1. The Book Vending Machine program is aimed at _.A.developing kids love for readingB.increasing sales of childrens booksC.changing the attitudes towards vending machinesD.helping poor children to return to school2. According to the study carried out by JetBlue Airlines, _.A.most of the families have childrens booksB.most childrens books are too expensive to buyC.most parents cannot afford childrens booksD.most kids can t read proper books at home3. We can infer that the Book Vending Machine program _.A.has been opposed(反对) by many bookshopsB.has received no support from the schoolC.is becoming very popular with childrenD.has attracted little attention to kids parents4. What do we learn about the programs future?A.Promising(有希望的).B.Uncertain.C.Positive.D.Bright.II. 七选五What is the largest animal that lives on land? You most likely say, The elephant. You are correct. (In the animal kingdom, only the whale is larger.) There are two kinds of elephants. First is the African elephant. The second is the Asian or Indian elephant. They are related. But they look different. The African elephant is bigger. Its ears are about four feet wide. Its tusks(长牙) are about six to eight feet long. 1 An African male elephant is about 11.5 feet at the shoulder. It weighs from 12,000 to 14,000 pounds. The largest ever measured stood 13 feet 2 inches tall.The elephant has thick skin. Its about one inch thick. Its heavy. 2 Yet it is tender. The bite of a horsefly will draw blood. Elephants like to cover themselves with mud clay(泥土). This protects their skin from bites by flies.3 It weighs about 300 pounds. The elephant uses the trunk in many ways. It smells, drinks, and feeds itself with its trunk(象鼻).4 Only two thirds of each tusk sticks out. The rest is in the skull(头骨). Tusks are used to dig for food. They are also used to fight. When trained, elephants can lift as much as a ton with their tusks. The molars are about a foot long. Elephants have four molars. Each weighs eight to nine pounds.The mother elephant gives birth after 20 to 22 months. 5 It is already about three feet tall. It drinks its mothers milk until it is three or four years old.A. The skin alone weighs about a ton.B. There are many land animals in Africa.C. Our interest is with the African elephant.D. The elephants trunk is about six feet long.E. The tusks (about six feet long ) are really teeth.F. Many baby elephants miss their elephant families.G. At birth, the baby elephant weighs about two hundred pounds.III. 短文改错May 24, 2016 was my 18th birthday. It was so an important day for me because it meant I became fully grown person. May father has promised he would give me a big present then. I was so excited that he took my mother and myself to Thailand. The trip to abroad was the first time for my family. When we arrived in Thailand, I couldnt help hang around. I could see much kinds of statues everywhere. Riding elephants was one of the most famous travel project. I
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