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1NOTESThere documents are shipbuilding quality standard implemented by our yard presently. They consist of two parts like QUALITY CONTROL THROUGH PRODUCTION and CONSTRUCTION ACCURACY Taken as a main basis for the shipbuilding in our yard, this construction accuracy is made according to the shipbuilding quality standard in advanced shipbuilding nations, international conventions as well as rules and regulations of some well-known classification societies. For this purpose, we require:1. detailed workmanship and drawings, if no other specific restriction, comply with the respective requirements stated in this STANDARD. In case of difference, this STANDARD shall govern all.2. should there be some items in the newbuilding contract or technical specification of higher requirement than this STANDARD, these items should be regarded as an exception and performed according to specific requirement otherwise announced.CONTENTS PART 1 QUALITY CONTROL THROUGH PRODUCTION1 STEEL MATERIAL AND PROCESSING61.1 Steel material .61.2 Steel processing .62 FIXING AND ASSEMBLING72.1 Fixing and assembling of parts and members.72.2 Block assembling73 WELDING.83.1 Preparation before welding.83.2 Welding process.83.3 Welding inspection.83.4 Key points of quality control.94 TIGHTNESS TEST.95 FABRICATION,FIXING,TIGHTNESS TESTING AND FLUSHING OF PIPES105.1 Fabrication of pipes.105.2 Fixing of pipes and fittings .115.3 Tightness testing of piping system.125.4 Flushing of pipes126 PAINTING.136.1 Pre-treatment of steel surface136.2 Shop primertouch-up.136.3 Secondary derusting and surface cleaning.136.4 Painting work.137 HULL OUTFITTING137.1 Pre-outfitting of ship equipment137.2 Approval of ship equipment.137.3 Installation of ship equipment147.4 Key points of quality control.148 MACHINERY INSTALLATION.158.1 Shafting and propeller.158.2 Main engine and accessories178.3 Auxiliary machinery.188.4 Boiler199 ELECTRIC INSTALLATION.199.1 Electric fittings.199.2 Cable laying.209.3 Installation and earthing of electric equipment209.4 Connection and earthing of metal covering of cables.2110 AUTOMATIC CONTROL AND REMOTE CONTROL,TELEMETRY EQUIPMENT AND THEIR TESTING.2110.1 Sensors.2110.2 Automatic control and remote control.2210.3 Monitoring and alarming.2210.4 Test of unattended engine room.2311 MOORING TEST AND SEA TRIAL.2311.1 Mooring test and sea trial for hull part.2311.2 Mooring test and sea trial for machinery part.2411.3 Mooring test and sea trial for electric part.2512 COMPLETION AND DELIVERY.2512.1 Delivery of cabin equipment, spares and supplies2512.2 Inspection of marking and operation instructions.2512.3 As-built drawings and ship delivery documents2612.4 Certificates to be handed over26PART 2 PLANS FOR APPROVAL AND INSPECITIONS AND TESTS FOR ACCEPTANCE1 PLANS FOR APPROVAL.271.1 General .271.2 Plans and documents to be submitted for review and approval272 INSPECTIONS AND TESTS FOR ACCEPTANCE.322.1 General.322.2 Items of inspection and tests.33PART 3 CONSTRUCTION ACCURACY1 HULL CONSTRUCTION341.1 Steel materials.341.2 Marking .361.3 Cutting.371.4 Forming.391.5 Fixing and assembling421.6 Welding.491.7 Fairness and finishing.511.8 Principal dimensions and deformation561.9 Draught and freeboard marks.572HULL OUTFITTIN
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