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Study and Application on the LeanProduction Management Process inMulti-item and Small-batch ManufacturingEnterpriseA Thesis Submitted to Chongqing Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for theDegree of Master of EngineeringByHe XiaomengSupervised by Prof. Yi ShupingMajor: Industry EngineeringCollege of Mechanical EngineeringChongqing University, Chongqing, ChinaApril, 2011重庆大学硕士学位论文摘要中文摘要全球化趋势的加剧,使得制造企业面临着越来越多的不确定性因素。企业生产管理信息的透明化管理,对企业面对不可预测的外部变化和内部扰动,能够及时地、高质量、低成本地满足客户需求,具有十分重要的意义。对企业业务流程进行管理是企业提高竞争力和创新能力的必要条件,这有助于企业快速、灵活地应对不断变化的客户需求和市场发展趋势。精益的流程对企业来讲非常重要,因此企业需要一种优秀的管理手段去高效经营自己的流程,让流程在企业的运转中发挥到最佳。论文在吸收国内外相关研究成果的基础上,在对我国多品种小批量制造企业生产管理和生产管理流程现状进行分析后,引入流程优化(Process optimization)、精益流程(Lean process)和精益生产(Lean production)的思想,提出了研究多品种小批量制造企业生产管理流程精益化的课题。论文首先分析研究了多品种小批量制造企业的生产环境和生产管理模式,并且对现行模式下生产管理流程存在的问题和利弊进行了分析,结合精益流程管理,提出了生产管理流程精益化。其次论文详细分析了流程精益化的特点和要求,在此基础上从流程精益化的思路、方法、构架和实施步骤等方面,详细阐述了生产管理流程精益化方案。论文最终将以上研究方案运用到 X 公司流程管理中,从组织结构优化出发,对企业核心生产管理流程进行了规划和实施,为柔性生产管理模式的建立奠定了基础。论文的研究内容在 X 公司得到了实施应用,取得了较好的应用效果。本文的研究成果为其它多品种小批量制造企业实施精益流程管理提供了参考和借鉴。关键词:多品种,小批量,流程优化,精益流程,精益生产II重庆大学硕士学位论文中文摘要ABSTRACTThere are increasingly uncertainties in manufacturing enterprise due to the trend ofglobal market competition. The transparent management of the manufacturing process,which is good for achieving customers satisfaction high-quality and low-costly, hasbecome an important issue when the enterprises face unforeseeable external changesand internal disturbance. The good management of the companys business process isthe necessary condition for improvement of competitiveness and innovation, whichmakes company to response quickly and flexibly to change of customs requirement andmarket developments trends. Therefore, companies need an excellent method tomanage process, which makes company running in its best condition.Domestic and foreign research achievements are reviewed in this paper. Based onthe analysis of Chinese multi-item and small-batch manufacturing enterprise productionmanagement situation, lean production, referred to as LP, and its ideas were introducedand the issue of lean production management process in multi-item and small-batchmanufacturing enterprise had been proposed. The main research contents are listed asfollowings.In the beginning of this paper, from the direction of lean process management, theadvantage and disadvantage of the current production environment and productionmanagement mode is studied. Then the thesis designs and analyzes the characterizationand requirement of lean process. Basing on this point, lean process is presented in thedirection of idea, method, architecture and procedure. The theory achievement in thisthesis eventually was applied in the process management of Aerospace PrecisionProducts Corporation. It started with the organizational structure, went with coreproduction management process of the company. The research achievement in thispaper has been effectively implemented into the manufacturing workshop of AerospacePrecision Products Corporation.The achievement of this thesis could provide for other multi-item and small-batchmanufacturing enterprises in the field of lean process management as reference.Keywords: multi-item; small-batch; process optimization; lean process; lean productionIII重庆大学硕士学位论文目录目录中文摘要. II英文摘要. III1 绪论. 11.1 选题背景和意义 . 11.2 国内外研究现状 . 21.2.1 流程优化研究现状 . 21.2.2 精益生产研究现状 . 51.3 论文研究目的与课题来源 . 71.4 论文的主要研究内容 . 81.5 本章小结 .
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