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耳环用英语怎么说耳环又称耳坠,是古时候女子的饰物之一,常戴在耳朵的饰品。在材料上,耳环都是金属为主,也有些可能是石头、木、或其他相似的硬物料。而现今,也有用塑料作为材料的耳环。 虽说现代装扮开放,不管男女都可以佩戴耳环, 但习惯于并喜欢佩戴耳环的现今还是女性比较多。那么你知道耳环用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。耳环英语说法1earring耳环英语说法2earbob耳环的英语例句:钻石项链和与之相配的耳环A diamond necklace and matching earrings有配套耳环的琥珀短项链An amber Choker with matching earrings镶琥珀的银耳环AMBER EARRINGS SET IN SILVER紫色和金色的球形耳环Purple and gold spherical Earrings她的梨形钻石耳环1Her pear-shaped Diamond Earrings她说话的时候拨弄着她的耳环。She fiddled with her earrings as she talked.你的耳环夹上去了吗 ?Did your earrings clip on?现在水手戴耳环,在我们看来很不顺眼。Sailors wearing earrings now look very strange to us.你的 这种 耳环是夹上去的吗 ?Do you clip those ear-rings on/Do those ear-rings clip on?一款应当属于她的耳环,并且她的微笑能让耳环更有价值!Youknowshedeservestheseearringsandhersmilemakes it worth it!耳环到达这些礼品卡上的装饰。These earrings arrive on a decorated gift card.你知道为什么水手过去常戴金耳环吗?You know why sailors used to wear a gold earring?你在找哪一种耳环 ?What kind of earrings are you looking for?她的钻石耳环在灯光下亮闪闪的。Her diamond rings are shining under the light.简给我买了对耳环做生日礼物。Jane bought me a pair of earrings as my birthday gift.2如果选手有宗教上的理由,是容许配戴耳环及护身符之类的饰物。Earrings and amulets are allowed only if they are worn forreligious reasons.沉甸甸的金耳环在她黝黑的面颊的衬托下熠熠发光。Heavy gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks.现在别惦记着卖金换现, 虽然你母亲很可能上周已经准备卖掉几副耳环了。Don 't look now, but your mother was probably selling a few sets of earrings last week.告诉我在哪儿发现耳环的?Would you show me where you found the earring?涂着口红、戴着耳环、一身女人气的瘦骨嶙峋的男人A skinny, effeminate guy in lipstick and Earrings3
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