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庆六一诗歌:六一儿童节英语诗歌欣赏 欢庆六一儿童节英语诗歌I would like to live in a world that will never grow upIt is naive, kind-hearted, do not hurt each othereven quarrel, but also quick and goodeven cry, it will soon stopbedroom playground Jiang riverstacking toy with our commonblue sky, white earthgo small windmillsmall horse, small flowersshow the smiling faces of his shynessdepression is now the worlds peopleoffensive. Also can not be changedespecially when the time to send our young peopleinto middle age into old ageour hard lifeonly one night a yeartemporarily used to spendingonly one night a yearthink of things far awaymoving and pale我想活在一个永远也长不大的世界大家天真,善良,不相互伤害即使吵架,也很快和好即使哭泣,也很快停止卧室里,操场上,江河边堆积着我们共同的玩具天空蔚蓝,大地雪白走到哪里全部是小风车小木马,小花朵展露出羞怯的笑脸现在的世界叫人忧郁厌恶。又无法改变尤其是当初间把我们送入青年送入中年,送入老年我们艰辛生活,苦中作乐每十二个月只有一个晚上用来短暂地浪费每十二个月只有一个晚上想起遥远的事物兀自动容,又黯然失色
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