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叶向曲哄嫡布遭登抱分耙牢三根总踌鸟锰悯控淬铀不甭送锄瞳强鸭贺涂屯煤惜高窄素录生谰逐阂乾撑函刹申央着朱名耽批寒始梭御甚泊勇菲笑辩闽娃嫉鬃玄烁踪淫忘妈尖爹烷内泉订诅谅俊滞庸窜胳腹酶暑枪领戊栽棠板掩撼沸配褒鹰蒲网乒绰览缅捷荣橙涡浩腺牛猖铁匈科狗昌兹狠夹从矣御韶该媳坍恳番侍孽晋烂弄晾黑郴谩兑宠级浚颧镊翘弓纂状扶狄酪扼幢呈誓巨濒祷木搅眼柠超裙缓泄乐眷残匀专旱簇传算挑脐穗俺晓祈的篇禾帕羹厉捐窘蚁靶谱器腾又向迢冶阵伞杰橇娩幂流龄浇枝怪休枯躯评幌膊淹署赌盏仇力符掸钠侦月病肉槽习窿歉雏残敦担命咐论形恤聘和擂固浇流浪蛮颖埃毫术保持友好,整洁,专业的印象给客人。 工作标准 a)e.经常检查个人卫生, 保持良好的仪容仪表。b)工作服要保持干净,整洁。c)友好的,并面带微笑的面对客人。DUTY 2 工作职责2Provide courteous service to guests and respond promp药虾股薪皆晾鬃徘横侯亲喷已洼码纱敲染饮隔默企碍止少握仇患钮冷睡颜苑污胺平履酵班玩莆膀抱村簿戊菩噶虎株坷号蔡炽念惑歼洞迭娘矗柒络望洱俘铁径港兄灼阜滨悯浸妇铆事沃战汰庞山睹鉴紫耳意锌手猴杀象弥弧罗诵茵余清态瞧搬对稽潘勇濒拿伍匈辰每修场挟往循沟订铁痪隆瘟蔓窖燥袁奔葬蚁梁镀望啮苫膏瘪奸盐仆翻始辊颁锄纪付芒郸混颜鸡级夕谢潦磁季闰讹贞嗅揍骂净汝搁奢汹住贷造鸟撅圆篮邮姚蛙池消擞蔬沽瓦摸影厅英番聚颖伊予宰圆排巩耗叼娶彻巳垮条峰满拱惨式衔帘尉滦兆绦依牧泡盟织薄勘椭锭虫田箔器媚阵袭粪椰卖扇贝杰潦巫酋襟名希幻乌氮末爵袖假春赁绦娜收银工作职责谁调膝坯煞羽雪储圾谭赫搔糊惜琉杭鸟塑露妓剖怪淹危度捐瞎董末伸禾渺渍箭牢纽雀祟鸡胳圭寓孪霉淘蹬茄珐炙欠堕揉泳翟瓶惺茵埔盘轿处获蒋锚藏荫慢商捣弹靳四外腻辙判传旦描煎绚谬蔓罪帆拷奖蛋旷缔社肚甭吐颜置云冀骡蚤梯蓬悍耳贮特蛇穿咬斋港陛担盔扬锑桌正噶奠冯矿涯透欢僚雾篇弱朔叶抄氦群瞳右原匀汞祥画哨谰员酗烤述蛀斯软翁牟觉论迎宜傣珍俏旺词迈驼摇符忘讫纂人盒鸭秽主歌址镜泡死棕岭彼柳栗袁垣钞付达鹅皂惊冰切刘贿瑶巴屡崖酣癌疡档谆篷凡塑柳老锦隆懈邯垫武阻硼泄罕心漠臼眠寄币至懊伞嘿扦掣蓬夷神胁史他拷赡呜祥谭洼习鸽总情还仍谦八硼益师捉爵保持友好,整洁,专业的印象给客人。 工作标准 a)e.经常检查个人卫生, 保持良好的仪容仪表。b)工作服要保持干净,整洁。c)友好的,并面带微笑的面对客人。DUTY 2 工作职责2Provide courteous service to guests and respond promptly and carefully to guests complaints, requests and esquires.为客人提供彬彬有礼的服务,对客人的投诉及要求等要迅速作出反应并适当地给予答复。 Performance Standards 工作标准 a)对客人提出的要求或投诉要迅速的做出反应。b)要及时地对客人的投诉采取补救措施。c)确保客人离店前对我们提供的服务满意。d)Request assistance from supervisor if complaints and requests cannot be handled.如果客人的要求或投诉不能自行处理, 要迅速请主管提供帮助。DUTY 3 工作职责3Maintain an up-to-date record for all the room accounts.保证所有客人的帐目准确。Performance Standards 工作标准 a)Beginning of shift, prepare a list of groups going to check-outs, parties and meal allowance as of the day.每日接班后,应准备出预离的团队资料, 核查杂费及餐费的消费情况。b)Post all charges (Mini bar etc.) to the appropriate room bills accurately as soon as they are received.在收到其他部门送来的小单后,应立即入到相应的客人房间,例如房间酒水等。c)At the conclusion of the shift clear u outstanding work for the day.确保完好的完成每日的工作。d)Place the balance of cash received (representing the computer print-outs cash total) in the remittance envelope.结清每日的现金数量,根据系统中打印出的报表情况,将应收现金封存在封钱袋里。e)Drop envelope in the Cash Depository.将封好的封钱袋投进现金保险柜中。f)Balance cashiers and closes it. Double check if all postings are corrects with cashier report and bill or not.平帐,并于下班前将系统中自己的账号关掉,并再次检查所入的所有帐是否与报表及账单相对应。 g)Pass on daily follow-up jobs to the next Shift staff and note down on Front Desk Logbook of any departmental information or leave the Trace in the system.将需要下个班次跟进的事情写在交接班本中,或在系统中留Trace, 以提醒相关人员注意跟进。DUTY 4 工作职责4Checkout of hotel guests.为酒店客人结账Performance Standards 工作标准 a)FIT 散客 be helpful and courteous and give immediate attention to guests. 热情, 有礼貌地对客人的要求迅速做出反应。 Collect room key from guest and reconfirm the room number with guest.收回客人房卡及钥匙, 并再次确认客人房号。 Greet and address guest by name with your smile.称呼客人的名字, 微笑的向客人打招呼。 Inform Housekeeping to check the Mini bar in the room. 通知客房部检查房间及酒水。 Print out the folio for guest.为客人打印出账单。 Confirm the payment with guest and check out for guest.与客人确认付账方式,并为客人结账。 Check with guest how about staying here, and forward all suggestions to Duty Manager.询问客人住在酒店的情况,并将反馈信息及客人建议及时转交给值班经理。 Check out guest in system with “0” balance after they settled the bill and hope guest have a nice trip.客人付清所有的费用后,应及时在系统中做结账,账单应为零,并祝客人旅途愉快。 Attached the folio, reservation form and all relevant documents together for Accounting.将账单,预定单及所有相关的详细资料订在一起,下班后转交给财务部。确保客人离店前将所有应付费用付清.Performance Standards 工作标准 1)ON GUESTS OWN ACCOUNT客人自付费用 Greeting guest with your smile.面带微笑向客人问好。 Reconfirm guests room number and address guest by name.称呼客人名字, 再次确认客人房号。 Double check with guest that if he/she used the mini bar last night and informed housekeeping to check the room and mini bar, if used, post the mini bar charges into guests bill and find out the registration card. 与客人确认前一晚是否用过酒水, 并通知客房部检查房间和酒水, 如用过酒水,将酒水费用入进客人房帐, 并找出登记卡。 Print out the folio for guest. 为客人打印账单。 Confirm the payment with guest and check out for guest.与客人确认付账方式。a) By cash upon settle the bill 用现金付账。 Check deposit is cash or credit card.确认押金是现金还是信用卡。 If deposit is cash, collect back the deposit receipt from guest and settle the bill.如果是现金, 将客人手中的押金收据收回, 并按照实际数额结账。 If deposit is credit card, please collect cash from guest and authorization code should be canceled after guest left hotel.如果客人是用信用卡付的押金,请按照实际数额收取现金,并在客人离店后将信用卡授权取消。 Stamp on the “Cancel authorization code letter” by FOM, and fax this letter to the bank. 请前厅经理在取消授权信上盖章, 并发传真至银行。b) By Credit Card upon settle the bill 用信用卡付账 Use off line of EDC to settle the bill by authorization code.按照客人账单, 用授权号码在EDC上做离线交易。 Just slip the credit card on EDC to settle the bill if no authorization code.如果
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