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2022年考博英语-中国政法大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题_, many operations once performed by hand have come to be performed by machine.问题1选项A.New technology is introduced forB.Introducing new technology andC.With the introduction of new technologyD.The introduction of new technology【答案】C【解析】考查句子结构。后半句句子结构完整,所以前半句应该是做修饰的成分或者并列句。A选项做句子for后面缺少成分;B项and应该连接两个完整的句子,但是前面句子成分不全;C项with的复合结构,做伴随状语,符合题意;D项逗号前后构不成逻辑关系。句意:随着新技术的引进,许多曾经由手工完成的操作现在都由机器来完成。故正确答案为C。2. 单选题The United States Supreme Court has not always resolved legal issues of concern to Native Americans in a manner that has pleased the Indian nations. Many of the Courts decisions have been products of political compromise that looked more to the temper of the times than to enduring principles of law. But accommodation is part of the judicial system in the United States and judicial decisions must be assessed with this fact in mind.Despite the “accommodating” nature of the judicial system, it is worth noting that the power of the Supreme Court has been exercised in a manner that has usually been beneficial to Native Americans, at least on minor issues, and has not been wholly detrimental on the larger, more important issues. Certainly there have been decisions that cast doubt on the validity of this assertion. Some critics point to the patronizing tone of many Court opinions and the apparent rejection of Native American values as important points to consider when reviewing a case. However, the validity of the assertion can be illustrated by reference to two important contributions that have resulted from the exercise of judicial power.First, the Court has created rules of judicial construction that in general, favor the rights of Native American litigants. The Courts attitude has been conditioned by recognition of the distinct disadvantages Native Americans faced when dealing with settlers in the past. Treaties were inevitably written in English for the benefit of their authors, whereas tribal leaders were accustomed to making treaties without any written account, on the strength of mutual promises sealed by religious commitment and individual integrity. The written treaties were often broken, and Native Americans were confronted with fraud and political and military aggression. The Court recognizes that past unfairness to Native Americans cannot be sanctioned by the force of law. Therefore, ambiguities in treaties are to be interpreted in favor of the Native American claimants, treaties are to be interpreted as the Native Americans would have understood them, and, under the reserved rights doctrine, treaties reserve to Native Americans all rights that have not been specifically granted away in other treaties.A second achievement of the judicial system is the protection that has been provided against encroachment by the stales into tribal affairs. Federal judges are not inclined to view favorably efforts to extend states powers and jurisdictions because of the direct threat that such expansion poses to the exercise of federal powers. In the absence of a federal statute directly and clearly allocating a function to the states, federal judges are inclined to reserve for the federal governmentand the tribal governments under its chargeall those powers and rights they can be said to have possessed historically.61. According to the passage, one reason why the United States Supreme Court “has not always resolved legal issues of concern to Native Americans in a manner that has pleased the Indian nations” (lines 1-2) is that _.62. The authors attitude toward the United States Supreme Courts resolution of legal issues of concern to Native Americans can best be described as one of _.63. It can be inferred that the author believes that the extension of the states powers and jurisdictions with respect to Native American affairs would be _.64. The authors primary purpose is to _.65. It can be inferred that the author believes the United States Supreme Courts treatment of Native Americans to have been _.问题1选项A.Native Americans have been prevented from presenting their concerns persuasivelyB.the Court has failed to recognize that the Indian nations concerns are different from those of other groups or from those of the federal governmentC.the Court has made political compromises in deciding some casesD.the Court has been reluctant to curtail the powers of the federal government问题2选项A.wholehearted endorsementB.restrained appreciationC.detached objectivityD.cautious opposition问题3选项A.possible only with the consent of the Indian nationsB.favorably viewed by the United States Supreme CourtC.in the best interests of both state and federal governmentsD.detrimental to the interests of Native Americans问题4选项A.contrast opposing viewsB.reevaluate traditional beliefsC.reconcile divergent opinionsD.prov
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