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2022年考博英语-西南交通大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Most nurses are women, but in the higher ranks of the medical profession men are in the( ).问题1选项A.minorityB.majorityC.shortageD.substitute【答案】B【解析】句意:大多数护士是女性,但在医疗行业中,男性占多数。考查名词辨析。minority 少数民族;少数派:majority 多数;成年; shortage 缺乏;缺少;不足;substitute 代用品;代替者。后半句用了转折连词but,因此B项符合句意。2. 单选题Although the end of the term was close( ), Jim had not completed all of the projects he had hoped to finish.问题1选项A.on handB.by handC.at handD.in hand【答案】C【解析】句意:尽管学期快结束了,吉姆还没有完成他希望完成的所有项目。考查短语辨析。on hand 在手边;在场;by hand 用手;at hand 在手边;即将到来;in hand 在手头;在进行中;在控制中。这里表示“学期快结束了”,故选C。3. 翻译题Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write your answers on the Answer Sheet.1. It is expected that members will accept the sanitary measures of others as equivalent if the exporting country demonstrates to the importing country that its measures achieve the importing countrys appropriate level of health protection.2. Being anonymous on the web also makes it possible for people to discuss sensitive subjects, such as medical conditions and physical abuse, without these actions affecting their everyday lives in a negative or potentially harmful way.3. Like ties of kinship, ties of friendship are meant to be absolutely binding. But Americans view friendship more tentatively, subject to changes in intensity as people move or change their jobs.4. Now that we have begun exploring in earnest, we are getting glimpses of how huge the questions are, and how far from being answered.5. Management of the company prides itself on its history of experimenting with new technologies and its success in regularly introducing innovative products. Managers or employees who have a good idea are encouraged to “run with it.【答案】1.如果出口国向进口国证明其措施达到了进口国健康保护的适当标准,那么预计成员国将把其他成员国的卫生措施当成对应物来接受。2.在网上匿名也使人们有可能讨论敏感话题,如医疗条件和身体虐待,而这些行为不会以消极或潜在有害的方式影响他们的日常生活。3.就像亲情的纽带一样,友谊的纽带是绝对有约束力的。但美国人认为随着人们的搬迁或调换工作而有深浅变化的友谊更具有暂时性。4.既然我们已经开始认真地探索,那么我们会看到这些问题是多么巨大且距离解答它们有多远。5.公司管理部门以自己试用新技术的历史和成功地定期推出新产品为傲。有好想法的管理者或雇员被鼓励去“按照自己的好想法去做”。4. 单选题( ) as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.问题1选项A.Being publishedB.PublishedC.PublishingD.To be published【答案】B【解析】语法题。考查倒装句。 前后句子是转折关系,“as it was at such a time”为as引导的倒装句作让步状语从句,因此as前应该是动词publish的过去分词形式,故选B。句意:尽管在如此一个时间被出版,但是他的作品却引起了很多关注。5. 单选题It would be wrong ( )that factor.问题1选项A.to not considerB.not to considerC.to consider notD.to be considering【答案】B【解析】考查不定式的否定形式。由于不定式的否定形式为not+ to+动原,所以选项A、C、D均错误,B选项正确。句意:不考虑那个因素将是错误的。6. 单选题( )hes already heard the news.问题1选项A.Chances areB.Chance isC.Opportunities areD.Opportunity is【答案】A【解析】句意:他很可能已经听到这个消息了。7. 单选题Why bother cooking? You dont have time, of course (or you think you dont). That is the big reason. But you also dont do it as well as the professionals, so its tempting to let them handle it for you. Or at least let them give you a head start in the form of meal-assembly shops, cake mixes and canned, frozen and pre-chopped ingredients. Michael Pollan thinks you should bother. His latest book, Cooked, is a powerful argument for a return to home cooking.Scores of food writers and editors, myself included, have long lamented the increasing influence of corporations on the publics diet. We have seen the slow retreat from the kitchen as a primary contribution to Americas obesity epidemic and other health and environmental ills. But perhaps only Pollan can so effectively pick up the threads of so many food movements, philosophies and research papers and knit them into a compelling narrative with a crystal-clear message. He writes “The best way to recover the reality of food, to return it to its proper place in our lives, is by attempting to master the physical processes by which it has traditionally been made.”Dont bet against him. Because of the power of his prose and his reasoning, Cooked may prove to be just as influential as Pollans other book. The Omnivores Dilemma, possibly the single most-cited text by those who profess concern with how our eating choices affect planet.As in The Omnivores Dilemma, Pollan have known that his credibility depends on a willingness to practice what he preaches, so in Cooked he takes just as much of a hands-on approach as he suggests his readers do. He divides the book into four sections in this case, the classical elements of fire, water, air and earth. Each represents a type of cooking - barbecue, braising, bread baking and fermentation - and, as the books subtitle promises, explores cooking as no less than a transformation of nature into food and drink.The results are fascinating, but the magic of Cooked lies not in its ability to unlock the secrets of slow-roasting a whole hog or brewing beer. There are much more helpful, intensive ins
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