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Travelling abroad李仕才一、阅读理解。Johannes Vermeer is such a quiet and introspective(内省的)artist that it took hundreds of years for anyone to notice he was a genius.A major Vermeer exhibition opens this month at the Louvre in Paris,whose permanent collection includes his great painting of a woman absorbed in close,visually demanding work,The Lacemaker(about 16691670)Like other paintings by Vermeer,this image represents modern culture.So attracted are todays art lovers by Vermeer that it was thought shocking when a recent survey found that 82% of Americans cant name who painted Girl with a Pearl Earring.Well,maybe they dont go to the movies much.It is not true to say he was forgottenthat would suggest he was famous in his lifetime.He was not.Vermeer was one more painter among the many who worked for money in the Dutch Republic in the 17th century.He was not a star like Rembrandt.He obviously took himself and his art seriously.His selfreferential painting The Art of Painting proves that.Even though he worked all his life in Delft,he painted only 35 known works and left his family poor when he died in 1675 at the age of 43.It is fitting that Paris is celebrating Vermeer,because it was the French avantgarde(先锋派)in the 19th century who saved him from being completely forgotten.Compare his painting Woman in Blue Reading a Letter or The Little Street with,say,Edouard Manets A Bar at the FoliesBergre(1882)or Camille Pissarros The Boulevard Montmartre at Night(1897)and it is easy to see why the art of Vermeer found its natural audience in Parisian bohemia.All these artists are likely to have known about and admired Vermeer due to the efforts of the critic ThorBrger,a veteran of the 1848 Revolution.Vermeers rediscovery is part of the history of modern French art.Vermeer is not only a great artist.He is a great modern artist.1How many paintings produced by Vermeer are mentioned in the text?AFour. BFive.CSix. DSeven.2What can we know about Vermeer from Paragraph 4?AHe was wellknown when he was alive.BHe gained a good fortune for his family.CHe didnt witness the popularity of his works.DHe considered painting as a way to have fun.3Who made a great contribution to introducing Vermeer to other artists?ARembrandt. BHis family.CAmerican art lovers. DThorBrger.4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?ARediscovery of VermeerBAnecdotes about VermeerCGreat Modern French ArtDThe Tough Way to Success in Art【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了著名画家Johannes Vermeer的生平和他的艺术特点。【难句分析】So attracted are todays art lovers by Vermeer that it was thought shocking when a recent survey found that 82% of Americans cant name who painted Girl with a Pearl Earring.分析:该句为主从复合句。主句使用了so.that.结构,表示“如此以至于”,that引导结果状语从句;该从句中又含有when引导的时间状语从句when a recent survey found that 82% of Americans cant name who painted Girl with a Pearl Earring,在该时间状语从句中,who painted Girl with a Pearl Earring为who引导的宾语从句,作及物动词name的宾语。译文:尽管现今有许多艺术爱好者被Vermeer吸引,但是最近的一项调查发现,82%的美国人不知道戴珍珠耳环的少女是谁的作品,这一发现令人们震惊。1B考查细节理解。通读全文可知,本文共提及Vermeer的五幅画作,包括第二段提及的The Lacemaker、第三段提及的Girl with a Pearl Earring、第四段提及的The Art of Painting、第五段提及的Woman in Blue Reading a Letter和The Little Street,故B项正确。2C考查推理判断。根据第四段最后一句“Even though he worked all his life in Delft,he painted only 35 known works and left his family poor when he died in 1675 at the age of 43”可知,尽管他终身在代尔夫特工作,但是直到他在43岁去世时仅留下了35件被人们所知的作品,他是在贫困中离世的;结合第一段第一句“Johannes Vermeer is such a quiet and introspective(内省的)artist that it took hundreds of years for anyone to notice he was a genius”可知,人们在数百年后才发现他的艺术价值;据此可以判断,他没能看到他的作品受欢迎,故C项正确。根据第四段第四句“He was not a star like Rembrandt”可知,他在世时并不出名,故A项错误;根据第四段最后一句“Even though he worked all his life in Delft,he painted only 35 known works and left his family poor when he died in 1675 at the age of 43”可知,他在贫困中离世,并没有给家人带来财富,故B项错误;根据第四段第五句“He obviously took himself and his art seriously”可知,他对艺术是严肃认真的,故D项错误。3D考查细节理解。根据第六段“All these artists are likely to have known about and admired Vermeer due to the efforts of the critic ThorBrger,a veteran of the 1848 Revolution”可知,由于评论家ThorBrger的努力,Vermeer才被这些艺术家认可,故D项正确。4A考查标题判断。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了画家Johannes Vermeer的生平和他的艺术特点。Johannes Vermeer在世时,画作并不为人所知,在贫困中死去;数百年后人们才发现他是艺术天才。故A项最适合作本文的标题。二、单句语法填空1Choosing an _ (occupy) takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about.答案:occupationoccupy为动词“占用;占领;占据”;occupation名词“占领;职业;工作”。由设空前的冠词an可知此处应填名词。2Were it not for science, we could not live a _ (comfort) life.答案:comfortable此处需用形容词修饰名词life。live a comfortable life “过一种舒适的生活”。3It is _ (acknowledge) that China has become one of the strongest countries in the world.答案:acknowledgedIt is acknowledged that . “人们认为/据认为”。4I recommend him _ (think) very carefully before he does anything foolish.答案:to thinkrecommend sb. to do . “建议某人做某事”。5It is required that the new employees _ (provide
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