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英语阅读:学习英语的10个理由 1. Learning English is fun. 学英语很有趣 I should rephrase this: learning English can be fun. For many students, it isnt much fun. However, I think thats just a problem of how you learn English. Take time to have fun learning English by listening to music, watching a movie, challenging yourself to games in English. 我要修正一下:学英语是能够充满乐趣的。对于很多学生来说,学英语没多大意思。但是,我认为这是你们学习方式的问题。花点时间听音乐、看*、玩英语版游戏能够协助你充满乐趣地学习英语。 There are so many opportunities to learn English while having fun. Theres no excuse not to enjoy yourself, even if you have to learn grammar.在玩中学英语的机会实在是太多了。我们没有理由不从中获得享受,即使你还是得学习语法。 2. English will help you succeed in your career. 英语为事业的成功助力 This is obvious to anyone who lives in our modern world. Employers want employees who speak English. This might not be fair, but it is the reality. Learning English to take a test such as the IELTS or TOEIC will give you a qualification that others might not have, and that might help you get the job you need.这对于现代社会的每一个人来说都是显而易见的事。雇主希望雇员会说英语。这可能有点不公平,但却是事实。学习英语,并且通过雅思或托福考试能够使你比别人优先获得资格,也可能会使你得到心仪的工作。 3. English opens up international communications. 英语促动国际交流 You are on the internet learning English right now. I am in the United States writing articles about learning English. We are probably living in two different places, and we have been brought up in different cultures. We all know the world needs more love and understanding. What better way to improve the world than to communicate in English (or other languages) with those from other cultures?!此刻的你正在网上学习英语。而我在美国写着关于学习英语的文章。我们很可能住在两个不同的地方,生长在不同的文化背景之下。但我们都知道,这个世界需要更多的爱和理解。还有什么比起用英语(或其他语言)和外国友人交流更能使这个世界更加美好的呢? 4. Learning English will help open your mind. 学习英语能够开拓你的思维 I believe that we are all brought up to see the world in one way.Thats a good thing, but at a certain point we need to expand our horizons. Learning English will help you understand the world through a different language. Understanding the world through a different language will also help you view the world through a different perspective. 我相信,我们每个人都会以自己的方式来看待这个世界。这是一件好事,但在某种水准上,我们需要开拓自己的眼界。学习英语能够协助你借助另一种语言来了解这个世界,这也会使你以一种截然不同的视觉来看待这个世界。 In other words, learning English helps to open your mind.也就是说,学习英语能够帮你开拓思维。 5. Learning English will you help your family. 学习英语对你的家人也有协助 Being able to communicate in English can help you reach out and discover new information. This new information could help save the life of someone in your family. Well, it certainly can help you help the other people in your family who dont speak English. Just imagine yourself on a trip and you are responsible for communicating with others in English. Your family will be very proud!英语交流能够协助你获取及发现信息。新的信息也许能够挽救亲人的生命。嗯,它当然也能够能使你协助到那些不会说英语的家人。想象你自己正在旅行,而你负责跟人用英语交流。你的家人会感到非常骄傲的! 6. Learning English will keep Alzheimers away. 学习英语能够预防老年痴呆症 Scientific research says that using your mind to learn something helps keep your memory intact. Alzheimers - and other diseases dealing with brain functions - isnt nearly as powerful if youve kept your brain flexible by learning English.科学研究表明,使用思维实行学习能够保持记忆完好。如果你通过学习英语来保持大脑的活跃,就能够降低患上老年痴呆或其他大脑功能损伤导致的疾病的风险了。 7. English will help you understand those crazy Americans and Brits. 英语能够帮你理解那些疯狂的美国人和英国人 Yes, American and British cultures are rather strange at times. Speaking English will certainly give you insight into why these cultures are so crazy! Just think, you will understand English cultures, but they probably wont understand yours because they dont speak the language. Thats a real advantage in so many ways.是的,美国文化和英国文化有时也存有巨大差异。学会说英语能让你发现这些文化的奇特之处。你只需想想,你了解英语文化,但其他人因为不会说英语而对此一无所知。从很多方面来说,这都是你的真正的优势。 8. Learning English will help you improve your sense of time. 学习英语能够提升你的时间感 English is obsessed with verb tenses. In fact, there are twelve tenses in English. Ive noticed that this is not the case in many other languages. You can be sure that by learning English you will gain a keen sense of when something happens due to the English languages use of time expressions.英语中有很多动词的时态。事实上,这些时态有十二种之多。我发现,在其他很多语言中,这种现象并不存有。你能够确信,通过学习英语,你能够对某事的发生有精准的感觉,因为英语中不乏时间短语的使用。 9. Learning English will allow you to communicate in any situation. 学习英语能够使你在任何情况下与人沟通 Chances are that someone will speak English no matter where you are. Just imagine you are on a deserted island with people from all over the world. Which language will you speak? Probably English!不管你在哪里,都有可能会遇到会说英语的人。想象你在一片荒芜的岛上,岛上面的人来自世界各地。你会说哪种语言呢?十有*就是英语! 10. English is the world language. 英语是世界语 OK, OK, this is an obvious point Ive already made. More people speak Chinese, more nations have Spanish as their mother tongue, but, realistically. English is the language of choice throughout the world today.好吧,好吧,我提出的这个观点是显而易见的。比起英语,说汉语的人数更多,将西班牙语作为母语的国家也更多,但事实上,英语是当今世界使用最广泛的语言。
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