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1. W: The report says all departments are making a profit except the Asian department. M: Well, Mr. Smith seems to be the wrong person to head that department. One more step wrong and he will be removed from that office. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?2. W: During the last thunderstorm, I noticed several leaks in my bedroom ceiling and they really caused a mess. M: Maybe you have some broken tiles. I have the phone number of a good roofing company that could do a good repair job for you at a reasonable price. Q: What can we conclude from this conversation?3. W: How did you do on the math exam, John? M: I barely made it. It was just a passing score but better than I had expected.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?4. M: I wonder what makes Mother so upset these days? W: Father is canceling his vacation trip. He promised to take her abroad last year, but the company is again asking father to postpone his vacation. Q: Why is their mother unhappy?5. W: Fridays speaker is supposed to be wonderful. Are you going to attend the seminar that day? M: Yes, but I havent been able to get a ticket yet. Since the lecture is open to the public, I imagine the tickets may have already been sold out. Q: Why is the man afraid he wont be able to attend the seminar?6. M: Could you lend me your biology notes? W: Do you think youll be able to make out my handwriting? Q: What does the woman imply about the notes?7. W: Did you pick up my books from Rons house? M: Sorry. It slipped my mind. Q: What does the man mean?8. W: Would you like to go to the movies with us tonight? M: To the movies? Tonight is the biggest concert of the year. Q: What does the man mean?9. M: Just one person in the whole class got an A on the test! YOU! W: ALL RIGHT! Q: What does the woman mean?10. W: We are having a party at our house on the weekend of the 30th. Would you like to join us? M: That sounds like a lot of fun. But Ill need to check my calendar first. Q: What does the man imply?11. M: Ive been running a mile every afternoon for the past month. But I still havent been able to lose more than a pound or two. I wonder if its worth it. W: Oh, dont give up now. It always seems hard when you are just starting out. Q: What does the woman mean?12. M: Im going to the vegetable stand today. Can I pick up anything for you? W: No, thanks. I just came back from the market myself.Q: What does the woman mean?13. M: I dont understand why I received such a low grade on my term paper.W: You should make an appointment with the professor to discuss it.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?14. M: The sound of all that traffic is driving me out of my mind.W: It is had. But the highway will reopen tomorrow, then we wont have all those cars passing by any more.Q: What does the woman imply?15. W: I invited your mother to lunch yesterday. But she said she didnt have any free time.M: Yeah. She just got a new job.Q: What does the man mean?Passage I:Established on January 1, 1995, World Trade Organization is the successor to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). It exists to promote a free-market international trade system. The WTO promotes trade by:1. reducing tariffs;2. prohibiting import or export bans or quotas;3. eliminating discrimination against foreign products and services;4. eliminating other impediments to trade, commonly called non-tariff trade barriers. With Chinas successful entry into WTO in Nov 2001, it currently has 135 member countries, accounting for over 90% of world trade. Over 30 others are negotiating membership. The WTOs top-level decision-making body is the ministerial conference which meets at least once every two years. Over three-quarters of WTO members are developing countries. Special provisions for these members are included in the WTOs agreements. GATT is now the WTOs principal rule-book.Decisions are made by the entire membership by consensus or majority vote. The WTOs agreements have been ratified in all members parliaments. If a trade barrier is found to be unfair, the WTO can authorize the imposition of trade sanctions to force a change in that countrys law. The WTO exempts trade barriers which are designed to conserve natural resources or protect health. Critics say the WTO credits agreements are skewed in favor of rich countries. The west may preach trade liberalization, but it has used negotiations to prize third world market while keeping its own barriers intact.1.When was the World Trade Organization established?2. What is the aim of establishing the WTO?3. According to the passage, how many member countries does the WTO currently have?4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?5. What does the WTO do if a trade barrier is found to be unfair in a certain country?1.GATT, 2.over 90%, 3.the ministerial con
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