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考研考博-考博英语-中国人民大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题To begin some activity is to ( )doing it.问题1选项A.set downB.set upC.set aboutD.set off【答案】C【解析】动词词组辨析。set down放下,记下;set up建立,装配;set about着手,开始做.;set off出发,引起。句意:开始某项活动就要立马着手去做。选项C符合句意。2. 单选题He( ) himself bitterly for his miserable behavior that evening.问题1选项A.repealedB.resentedC.replayedD.reproached【答案】D【解析】reproach sb. for sth.为某事斥责某人。句意:他为那天晚上的卑鄙行为狠狠地责备了自己。选项D符合句意。3. 单选题Terrorists murder and kidnap people,( )bombs, hijack airplanes, set fires, and commit other serious crimes.问题1选项A.light upB.set offC.plant inD.ignite【答案】B【解析】动词词组辨析。light up照亮,点亮;set off使爆炸;plant in把种入中,把.灌输给.;ignite点燃,使燃烧。根据句意可知,此处指引爆炸弹,只有选项B符合句意。4. 单选题He wouldnt even think of wearing clothes;( ) they make him look so old!问题1选项A.sameB.despiteC.suchD.that【答案】D【解析】用that从句表原因,所以选项D正确。5. 单选题According to the latest report, consumer confidence( ) a breathtaking 15 points last month, to its lowest level in ten years.问题1选项A.soaredB.mutatedC.plummetedD.fluctuated【答案】C【解析】soared飙升;mutated突变,变异;plummeted骤然下跌;fluctuated波动。根据下句“lowest level in ten years”可推测,这里指下跌,所以选项C符合语境。6. 单选题The Jatakana culture encompasses every( )of life from beliefs, superstitions, and practices to art, education and tourism.问题1选项A.respectB.inspectC.aspectD.suspect【答案】C【解析】形近词词义辨析。根据句意可知这里指Jatakana文化覆盖了生活的方方面面,选项C符合句意。7. 单选题The Internet has been around for an almost equal amount of time as most forms of media, but only recently( )a popular way of retrieving information.问题1选项A.has it becomeB.it has becameC.it becomesD.does it become【答案】A【解析】语法知识。根据only可知这里应该用倒装,首先排除选项B和C;填空处应用现在完成时表示过去对现在产生影响,所以选项A正确。8. 写作题Write an essay in no less than 200 words with the title “The Rise of Intellectual Property Protection”.【答案】The Rise of Intellectual Property Protection9. 单选题Management operates through various( ), often classified as planning, organ leading/motivating and controlling.问题1选项A.foundationsB.functionsC.rolesD.relations【答案】B【解析】名词词义辨析。句意: 管理部门通过各种职能运作,通常分为规划、机构领导/激励和控制。只有选项B有职能的意思,所以本题选B。10. 单选题A knowledge of history( ) us to deal with the vast range of problems confronting the contemporary world.问题1选项A.equipsB.providesC.offersD.satisfies【答案】A【解析】equip sb.使某人做好准备,使具备.的能力;provide sb. with提供某人某物;offer sb.+sth.提供某人某物。satisfy sb. with sth.使某人对某物感到满意。句意:历史知识使我们能够处理当代世界面临的各种各样的问题。选项A符合句意。11. 单选题The advertisement for Super Suds detergent( )that the sale has increased by 25 % in the first quarter of the year.问题1选项A.have been so successfulB.had been so successfulC.has been so successfulD.will be so successful【答案】C【解析】本句主语为advertisement,所以谓语动词为单数。句子是一般现在时,填空处时态应与后面保持一致,所以选项C正确。12. 单选题Two of the children have to sleep in one bed, but the other three have ( ) ones.问题1选项A.similarB.singularC.differentD.separate【答案】D【解析】形容词词义辨析。句意:两个孩子必须睡在一张床上,而另外三个孩子睡在不同的床上。根据语境可知,这里指分开的独立的床,选项D符合语境。13. 单选题The paint on the clowns face( ) that it scared the children he was trying to entertain.问题1选项A.was so exaggerationB.were an exaggerationC.was such an exaggerationD.was exaggerating【答案】C【解析】根据后面的that可知,这里考查so (such)that.的句型。so后面接形容词或副词,such后接名词。exaggeration为名词,所以选项C正确。14. 单选题问题1选项A.sent upB.sent offC.sent outD.sent in【答案】D【解析】动词词组辨析。send up使上升;send off寄出,派遣;send out发送;send in递送,呈报。根据句意可知,这里指“递交辞呈”,所以选项D符合句意。15. 单选题According to the latest report, consumer confidence( ) a breathtaking 15 points last month, to its lowest level in 9 years.问题1选项A.soaredB.mutatedC.plummetedD.fluctuated【答案】C【解析】动词词义辨析和上下文语义。soared飙升;mutated突变,变异;plummeted骤然下跌;fluctuated波动。根据下句“lowest level in 9 years”可推测,这里指下跌,所以选项C符合语境。16. 翻译题The opening of Disneyland will bring many associated investment opportunities. At least four economic sectors will benefit directly. First, property markets. Housing and commercial real estate prices around the Disneyland area are already rising. Second, the tourism sector. After the opening, analysts expect 3 to 5 million more tourists will visit Shanghai every year, bring more business to hotels, travel agencies and retails. Third, brand marketing will give a boost to toy manufactures, publishers and the gaming industry. Fourth, construction companies and material suppliers will enjoy a huge increase, comparable to the 2010 Shanghai world Expo. Disneylands first phase of construction is expected to cost 24 billion yuan.【答案】迪士尼在上海开园会带来许多相关的投资机会。至少有四个经济领域将直接受益。首先是房地产市场。迪士尼乐园周围的地产商业价格已经上涨。其次是旅游业。开园后,分析师预测每年有300万到500万甚至更多的游客将访问上海,这给酒店、旅行社和零售商带来更多的生意。再次,品牌营销将促进玩具制造业、出版业和游戏行业
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