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初三英语完形填和阅读理解完形填空(5)1.When learning new vocabulary, don t just memorize a list of words. Instead, try to 1 fivesentences using each word. Then use the new word as often as you call 2 day you learn it. This3 you will remember new words much longer.Practicing sounds, you know, is 4the “th sound for example. Choose words that begin5 th” and repeat them over and over again 6 you arc comf()rtablc with them.Lut s try! This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin, thick-Read, read, read-in English, of course! Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary 7 improve your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be 8 to choose topic or books youarc interested in.VChun someone is speaking in Enpish,9 the main point If you hear a word you don tunderstand, ignore (忽略)it and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will 1()cven thing else the person is saying.Always remember-Practice makes perfect.()1. A sayB. makeC. rememberD. speak()2. A. the firstB. the second C. eachD. some()3. A. dayB. rimeC. wavD. word()4. A. difficultB. terrible C. fuiliivJD. casv J()5. A. withB. fromC. alP. in()6. A. whenB. afterC. untilD. since()7. A. butB. soC. orD.and()8. A. quickB. sureC. importantD. iicccssanr()9. A. look forB. seeC. listen f()rO. hear()10. A. missB. guessC. getf). catch1-5 BACA A6-10CPBCA2.When Billy came to class one morning, he noticed that something was different. Mrs. Green was not in her 51 place. She was standing in the middle of the classroom, and 52 was hidingbehind her.“Class,“ she said. This is Fritz from 53. Please say hello to him. * Thu class were in silence. Mrs. Green said again, Say hello to our new friend. But still, 54 said a word. H All right, then. Msaid Mrs. Green. please 55 Fritz to his new desk beside yours.”Hi, Fritz/* said Billy. nPlcasc come with me. But Fritz would 56. He was holding on to 57. He said something, 58 nobody could understand. Some of the boys started to lau的.Billy felt 59 for him. Then, Billy said something no one else could un derstand 60 Fritz.Fritz smiled and shook Billy s hands(握手)MW)w!H everyone was surprised. Billy was proud. He said H1 said,“ Hello* in German. I heard it once on TVJ()1. A. onlyB. usualC. gpodD. comfortable()2. A. a new teacherB. a new girlC. a new bovJD. Billv J( )3. A. EnandB. AmericaC. FranceD. GcrmaiivJ()4. A. no oneB. Billv JC. a studentD. Fritz()5. A. askB. carryC. putD. take()6. A. comeB. not moveC. not sayD. speak)7. A. another students book C. Mrs. Greens skinB. Billvs hand z()8. A. butB. soC- becauseD. still()9. A. happyB. excitedC. afraidD. sorry()10. A.wthB. exceptC. ofD. about1-5 BCD AD6-10 BB APBD. the teachers desk3.Man has a big brain. He can think, learn and speak. Scientists always say that men arc different from animals 1. thev can think and learn. Thuv know now that animals can also learn. So scientists arc beginning to understand that men arc different from animals because they can speak. Animals can not speak. They make noises when they arc afraid or unhappy- Apes (无尾痢 can undurstand some things 2.quickly than men, and one or two have learned 3.words. But they arc still different from us. They can not join words and make sentences.They call not think 4.us because they have 5.langua方.They can nuver think about the past or the future. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has 6.build a modern world because hehaslanguage. 7.child can speak his own language verywell when he was f()ur or five.8._no animalslearn to speak. 9. do childrenlearn? Scientists do not know.10.happens inside our body when we spe:ak? They only know that man can speak because hehasa brain.()1. A. afterB. ifC.beforeD. because()2. A. quicklyB. quicklicrC. more quicklyf). quicker()3. A. fewB. a RwC. littleD. a little()4. A. asB. aboutC. likeD. over()5. A. notB. aC. noD. some()6. A. to able toB. be able toC able toD. been able to()7. A. EachB. EvuryC. OneD. All()8. A. orB. soC.andD. but()9. A. HowB. WhatC. WhyD. Which()10. A.WhuruB. WhunC. WhatD. How1-5pcbcc6-10 DBDAC4.Mr. Leu had never been up in all airplane before and he had read a lot about accidents. SO one day when a friend came to his house and 1.to take him R)r a ride in his own small plane , Mr. Lee was very 2.He thought to himself, HIf I dont agree ,my friend may not be happy.3 if Iagree Jm really afraid that there might he some danger. 4.,however , his friend made him believe that it was very* 5.,and Mr. Lee got on the plane .His friend 6.the engine and the plane bcg;in to move along on the ground of the 7. Mr. Lee was frightened and closed his eyes. After a minute or two he o
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